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2017-  Jonathan Michael - guitars, vocals
2018-  Jess O'Toole - guitars
› 2018  -//- bass
2019-  Matthew Cooper [ MS user ] - bass, vocals
2019-  George Mitchell - drums
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2017-2018  M Day - bass
2017-2018  O Taylor - guitars
2017-2018  J Salvadore - drums
2018-2019  S George - drums
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Latest reviews

Producer: So, what style of metal do you guys play? Black, death, sludge, thrash, heavy, post-?
Vulgaris: Yes.
Review by nikarg ››
It wasn't since Morbid Angel's Illud Divinum Insanus's joint review that the staff collaborated on a single review. This time it isn't because the album is polarizing. Far from it.
Review by RaduP ››