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Logar's Diary


1998-  Steven Schubert - guitars
1998-  Hagen Hirschmann - vocals
1998-  Michael Kwandt - keyboards
1998-2006  Felix Gretzer - bass
› 2006-  -//- guitars
2006-  Marco Obermeier - bass
2011-  Boris R. - drums
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1998-2006  Christoph Uhl - guitars
2001-2005  Stefan Renner - drums
2005-2011  Alexander Wall - drums
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Latest reviews

What happened here? I had such great expectations for this album, and I'm terribly disappointed. Logar's Diary is a concept band, dealing with the life and adventures of Logar, a wizard in the fantasy world of Earthdawn. (Many of you maybe know Earthdawn because of the Role-playing game of the same name)
Review by Undercraft ››


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