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A Year In Metal - 2015: Highlights Through The Eyes Of The MS Staff, Elites & Official Contributors

Written by: D.T. Metal
Published: January 13, 2016

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ?

well, maybe not that far away, but still a long time ago, this little website, which we have grown to love (or hate for some) was put to life by our own Jedi Master Ivan.

Fast forward to 16 years later, we are still around and once again are on the verge of announcing the candidates for our annual Metal Storm Awards. But before we let you have all the fun in voting for your favorite artists, we took the time to jot down what tickled our fancy in 2015.

Without further ado, here are the highlights of some of our Jedi Knights, Padawans and Younglings ? hmmm, and even a Sith Lord gave his input.

May The METAL Be With You ? and remember ... Anger Leads To The Dark Side.



Favorite Album: Bell Witch - Four Phantoms
Best Home-Country Album: The Canyon Observer - FVCK
Most Played Song: Black Sabbath - "Iron Man"
Most Promising Band: None worth to mention
Best Concert: Mono in our main city
Metal Moment Of 2015: The birth of my son. Nothing surpasses this, even the Napalm Death's live show.
And 2016?: To check out much more albums comparing to 2015, which was quite busy and packed with lots of other stuff in outside world. Attending Black Sabbath's concert on their last tour (supposedly it's their last one), hoping to catch some doom bands live, also maybe Church Of Misery or Down would be nice.


Favorite Album: I can never pick just a single one, but I can narrow it down to three this time: Transient, Shambhala Vril Saucers, and Scar Sighted.
Best Home-Country Album: Split between Leviathan's Scar Sighted and Volahn's Aq'Ab'Al.
Most Played Song: Remmirath - The Gunfighter's Quest For Enlightenment. Or, if I can get away with dropping some nonmetal, Death Grips - Up My Sleeves.
Most Promising Band: Definitely Remmirath.
Best Concert: A bunch of great sets at Roadburn 2015, such as those from Eyehategod, Primitive Man, Urfaust, Botanist, and Gnaw Their Tongues, but also the violent rowdiness that went down seeing Death Grips in Ft. Lauderdale. Any fan of the group simply can not miss an opportunity to see them live.
Biggest Disappointment: The new Sunn O))) album. I can't even.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Seeing Maurice de Jong at Roadburn for the second time and having a lovely, relaxed interview with him, and then interviewing Metatron from The Meads Of Asphodel a few months later. Both very friendly, generous individuals who I respect immensely.
And 2016?: Continuing on with the history degree and making the Roadburn pilgrimage with the MS crew for the third time!


Favorite Album: Ahab - Boats of Glenn Danzig
Best Home-Country Album: Iron Fist's Bone Shaker EP. Sure, loved the new albums from High On Fire, Minsk and Clutch, but this is so short and joyfully chaotic it's the one I'd pick.
Most Played Song: Clutch - "X-Ray Visions"
Most Promising Band: Sunpocrisy - unreal what they've morphed into since I reviewed their EP/demo many years ago. Also giving a nod to Shepherd, can't wait to hear the "Red Vagina Of Ragnarok", the logical song sequel to "The Black Cock Of Armageddon".
Biggest Disappointment: Faith No More - Sol Invictus, leaving Kylesa and Krallice with silver and bronze of disappointment.
Metal Moment Of 2015: meeting an American brewer at an asado at a friend's house in Paraguay. Inexplicably the conversation shifted from beer to Watain... and went into a 30+ minute old school death metal direction. Both Yankees and Paraguayans... Metalheads who make beer. good times.
And 2016?: Ulver. Metal gigs in PY? Patagonia.


Favorite Album: Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase; Subsignal - The Beacons Of Somewhere Sometime; Chelsea Wolfe - Abyss; Ghost Ship Octavius' debut; and Marriages - Salome.
Best Home-Country Album: Moonspell - Extinct
Most Played Song: Steven Wilson - "Happy Returns" and Chelsea Wolfe - "Crazy Love".
Most Promising Band: Ghost Ship Octavius, Native Construct and Infinity²
Best Concert: Steven Wilson tied with Riverside, both in Lisbon but in different venues. First time seeing Steven solo and it was mind-blowing. As for Riverside, they are so much better than when I saw them for the first time 5 years ago.
Biggest Disappointment: Kylesa's new album. I love you but WTF was that?!
Metal Moment Of 2015: Breaking the tip of my ring finger! (and surviving)
And 2016?: Looking forward to Barcelona's prog feast Be Prog! My Friend... Festival. Nos vemos!


Favorite Album: Dødheimsgard - A Umbra Omega
Best Home-Country Album: If there was a single good album by a German band in 2015, please tell me - seriously!
Most Played Song: I don't actively listen to individual songs.
Most Promising Band: Downfall Of Nur
Best Concert: Opeth's 25th anniversary show playing Ghost Reveries in full; my two first Anaal Nathrakh shows; my first Dødheimsgard show, and my first Arcturus show
Biggest Disappointment: Amorphis' anniversary show at Wacken. If you can call that a concert. It was literally only drums.The price of my long-awaited Emperor boxset from Blood Music being 700?.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Going to three festivals in two countries back-to-back in three weeks. I am definitely getting too old for this shit.
And 2016?: What's this I'm hearing about a new Borknagar, a new Ihsahn, a new Todtgelichter, a new Aenaon, a new Rotting Christ, a new Katatonia, Abbath's debut, maybe even a new Tool? If half of that turns out good, 2016 will be awesome!


Favorite Album: Tribulation - The Children Of The Night
Best Home-Country Album: Blind Guardian - Beyond The Red Mirror
Most Played Song: whatever they have in heavy rotation on the local radio station - ugh, lame, I know
Most Promising Band: Gruesome; and for a more local band: Bloodstrike
Best Concert: even though I have seen Behemoth about a million times, their gig in February was one of the best in a while; Maryland Deathfest with standout performances by Bloodbath, Razor, Twilight Of The Gods, Arcturus, and Primordial; and last but not least - the Blind Guardian/Grave Digger gig was awesome in all counts.
Biggest Disappointment: RL sucked in 2015 and that In Solitude broke up was another nail in the coffin. Oh, and the new W.A.S.P.
Metal Moment Of 2015: hands down Maryland Deathfest. From partying way too hard with Nick Barker, to being brave and jumping into the huge circle pit during Razor - of course getting all bruised up while doing so, but is was sooo worth it.
And 2016?: since I didn't make it to Europe (other than to surprise my Mom on her birthday), I am once again planning on dropping in for some Euro festivals. And FFS Necrophagist, hello? anybody out there?


Favorite Album: ex-aequo between the excellent A Forest Of Stars - Beware The Sword You Cannot See and the complete mindfuck that Death Grips - The Powers That B is.
Best Home-Country Album: can't decide between 6:33 - Deadly Scenes and Chaos Ech?s - Transient.
Most Played Song: A Blaze Of Hammers / the duo Turned Off - Why A Bitch Gotta Lie / then some Mesopelagic, Bathypelagic, plus Killpop - Override - Lech
Best Concert: apart of The Ocean opening for Sólstafir, my best shows were non-metal ones (Lazuli in Perpignan and Ez3kiel in Toulouse)
Biggest Disappointment: rare were the releases to really stir something inside of me this year, so, MEH. As for specific albums, Moonspell's latest was quite the letdown (thankfully it's still way better than Darkness & Hope).
Metal Moment Of 2015: none. Oh wait, spent an afternoon exploring an old lead / copper mine. I think that counts
And 2016?: maybe Hellfest, Be Prog! My Friend, and Xtreme fest. And hopefully a lot of shows in Toulouse (I already have some goodies planned ).


Favorite Album: Kauan - Sorni Nai & Mgła - Exercises In Futility
Best Home-Country Album: Kataklysm - Of Ghosts And Gods [Canada] & Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Exile [France]
Most Played Song: Amorphis - "Death Of A King"
Most Promising Band: Aetherian melodic death from Greece
Best Concert: Marillion - Marillion Weekend 2015 [3 nights in a row]. Also Blind Guardian in Montreal who were amazing.
Biggest Disappointment: Ghost Brigade calling it quits
Metal Moment Of 2015: Routinely baking cakes listening to Kauan tied with boxing listening to Mors Principium Est & In Mourning
And 2016?: It shall bring more awesome albums to light, a few Metal concerts to attend as well. It will be a vintage year for sure.


Favorite Album: The Kraken by In Each Hand A Cutlass, Hand. Cannot. Erase. by Steven Wilson, Salome by Marriages, Moksha by My Sleeping Karma
Most Promising Band: I kind of like Shiva The Destructor.
Best Concert: Iamthemorning and Gazpacho twice in The Netherlands, Night of the Prog festival; actually, it was a fine year with quite a fair number of good to very good concerts, including Vulture Industries, Sólstafir, Threshold, and even Europe among others.
Biggest Disappointment: The mix of Endless Forms Most Beautiful by Nightwish - elevating rhythm section above everything else and especially the vocals is a shit move.
Metal Moment Of 2015: (More like a prog moment.) At Night of the Prog I got Steve Hackett to sign a photo I took of him 3 years ago at the same festival.
And 2016?: Would love to see Green Carnation. And go to some prog fest. Also excited for the new Bent Knee and Iamthemorning albums.


Favorite Album: Cattle Decapitation - The Anthropocene Extinction, Cloud Rat - Qliphoth.
Best Home-Country Album: Axis Of Despair - Time And Again
Most Played Song: Various songs by Miriam Bryant.
Most Promising Band: Axis Of Despair and Scumpulse.
Best Concert: Anaal Nathrakh, Belphegor & Carnifex at Getaway Rock Festival and Caïna & Leng Tch'e at Temples Festival.
Biggest Disappointment: Kevin Foley leaving Benighted and Weekend Nachos disbanding.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Raging and "singing" along to Anaal Nathrakh at Getaway Rock Festival.
And 2016?: Anaal Nathrakh's upcoming "blackened ball of shit".


Favorite Album: Enshine - Singularity and Mayze - The Land Of Lucid Feathers
Best Home-Country Album: Chelsea Wolfe - Abyss, Marriages - Salome, Keep Your Opinions To Yourself - Geomancy I
Most Played Song: On Thorns I Lay - "Eternal Silence" and Weeping Silence - "Ivy Thorns Upon The Barrow"
Most Promising Band: Crimson Sun and The Fall Of Eve
Best Concert: Chelsea Wolfe at the The Sinclair in Cambridge, MA. "Grey Days" and "After The Fall" sound other-worldly in person.
Biggest Disappointment: Not being able to see enough of my favorite active artists perform live.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Getting the simple thank yous from bands thousands of miles away for supporting them.
And 2016?: Well, I've said this in the past, but I'm at least much closer to being able to visit somewhere in Europe again this coming year. And, in terms of MS, revamping my approach to writing in order to review more frequently. Let's hope for the best


Favorite Album: Chaos Ech?s - Transient
Best Home-Country Album: Terzij De Horde - Self
Most Played Song: KISS - "Strutter" and KISS - "Detroit Rock City" both joined for first place.
Most Promising Band: Chaos Ech?s
Best Concert: Not a single best one, saw an immense load of awesome gigs.
Biggest Disappointment: Nuclear Assault live at Dynamo Metal Fest and Eindhoven Metal Meeting? Although, I have to say that ever since they released their debut album I have Always see them given atrociously bad performances. So, was I really disappointed? Not really, I was just hoping they'd finally get their shit together during their last year of live gigs.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Having to wear a bracelet saying I was old enough to drink alcohol during Dynamo Metal Fest.
And 2016?: Will be just like any other year with loads of great releases and great shows


Favorite Album: Difficult to mention just one, so i'll narrow it down to Dead To A Dying World - Litany, Ahab - The Boats Of The Glen Carrig, Slugdge - Dim and Slimeridden Kingdoms, Native Construct - Quiet World and Obsequiae - Aria Of Vernal Tombs
Best Home-Country Album: Svengali - Theory of Mind
Most Played Song: Exxasens - "Hugeness", Agent Fresco - "Bemoan"
Most Promising Band: Native Construct
Best Concert: Experienced quite a few amazing gigs this year, with highlights being Ne Obliviscaris & Outre at Brutal Assault & Exxasens, Soen & Obsidian Kingdom's performances at Progpower Europe.
Biggest Disappointment: Losing another member of Metal Royalty. RIP Lemmy.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Finding myself having a long chat with Martin Lopez while hanging out next to the falafel stand at Progpower Europe
And 2016?: I have no idea what 2016 will hold....but can't wait to find out


Favorite Album: Sunless Rise - Unrevealed
Best Home-Country Album: The Bloodline - We Are One
Most Played Song: 3-way tie (according to iTunes) ~ Ghost's "He Is", "Mummy Dust" and "Spirit"
Most Promising Band: Sunless Rise
Best Concert: Didn't get to go to any
Biggest Disappointment: Children Of Bodom - I Worship Chaos
Metal Moment Of 2015: Can't really say I've had any -_-
And 2016?: Hopefully a career change, Deadpool movie...oh, wait, this is for ze metalz Abbath, Nordjevel, Oceans Of Slumber and far...


Favorite Album: Sigh - Graveward
Best Home-Country Album: Bell Witch - Four Phantoms or Native Construct - Quiet World
Most Played Song: Saurom - "La Mujer Dormida"; Gloryhammer - "Rise Of The Chaos Wizards"; Oleg Izotov - "Stay Forever"; Arcturus - "Angst"; Mokoma - "Sinne Missä Aamu Sarastaa"
Most Promising Band: Forces United; Native Construct
Best Concert: Eluveitie; Blind Guardian; At The Gates
Biggest Disappointment: Iron Maiden - The Book Of Souls
Metal Moment Of 2015: promotion to staff; mention in Dekadent's liner notes; many metal moments shared in the Sound Cellar in Dublin; traveling, through a series of mishaps (and one wedding), by van, tow truck, train, different train, Uber, and on foot to catch 25 minutes of a five-hour show
And 2016?: The SLoT's next album and about a million amazing tour packages coming to my location


Favorite Album: Clutch - Psychic Warfare
Best Home-State Demo: U?kumgallu - s/t
Most Played Song: Fumaça Preta - Eu Era Um Cao
Most Promising Band: U?kumgallu
Best Concert: Godflesh
Biggest Disappointment: Not graduating
Metal Moment Of 2015: Not graduating
And 2016?: Graduating



Favorite Album: Naïve - Altra, Chapel Of Disease - The Mysterious Ways Of Repetitive Art, Thy Catafalque - Sgùrr
Best Home-Country Album: ughhh... Is there even a real scene in Hong Kong?
Most Played Song: I don't have the habit of listening to individual tracks
Most Promising Band: Vola
Biggest Disappointment: Solution .45
Metal Moment Of 2015: Managed to get back into the things I love, such as listening to new metal music, and running. Very metal when taking the rigours of RL into account
And 2016?: Should be able to attend my first gig in... oh, like 4 years? Nightwish is coming to Hong Kong


Favorite Album: Panzerballett - Breaking Brain
Best Home-Country Album: Sleep Terror - Unihemispheria, Zombi - Shape Shift
Most Played Song: Steven Wilson - "Ancestral"
Most Promising Band: Third Ion, Native Construct
Best Concert: Riverside
Biggest Disappointment: A large portion of my family, friends, and heroes dying. Also Mastodon live (again...)
Metal Moment Of 2015: Meeting Mariusz Duda
And 2016?: Haken, Myrath, Gojira, Textures, Dissona, Ulver, Steven Wilson, Borknagar, Mortiis, Dream Theater, Obscura, Votum, Ihsahn, Vektor, Moonsorrow, Circus Maximus, Tool?


Favorite Album: If I have to pick just one I'd say Volahn - Aq'Ab'Al without a doubt. The replay value is simply unbelievable. Other albums that were the soundtrack of my 2015 were: Tribulation - The Children Of The Night, Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable, Marilyn Manson - The Pale Emperor (Nice comeback, dude!), Grey Heaven Fall - Black Wisdom, Clutch - Psychic Warfare (Clutch making a good album, what else is new?), Chaos Ech?s - Transient (WHAT A DEBUT), Anopheli - The Ache Of Want (another amazing debut), Oblivionized - Life Is A Struggle, Give Up (YET ANOTHER great debut!).
Best Home-Country Album: This year I failed hard when it comes to finding good shit from Chile. The few albums I hear which I enjoyed would be Sadism - Alliance (death metal), Perversor - Anticosmocrator (blackened death/thrash) and LvxCælis - The Watchers (black metal).
Most Played Song: Volahn - Quetzalcoatl (Most energetic song of the year) and Marilyn Manson - Fated, Faithful, Fatal. Not enough that his last album is one hell of a comeback, but I can't believe how good he is doing acoustic stuff.
Most Promising Band: First band that comes to mind is Grey Heaven Fall, their sophomore album floored me and I can't even imagine what they will release next if they improve even further. Also, I'm now realising that 2015 was one hell of a year for debuts (which can be seen by the last three albums featured on my favorite album list!) So a big shout to Chaos Ech?s, Anopheli and Oblivionized!
Best Concert: Most of them occured at Roadburn and Temples 2015. Some of the highlights would be Primitive Man, Virus, Botanist, King Dude, Kayo Dot, Urfaust, Anathema (AMAZING setlist where they covered stuff from all their discography), Gnaw Their Tongues, Converge, Pig Destroyer (first time ever! It was SAVAGE), Sunn O))) (second time fuck yeah!), Earth (second time FUCK YEAH!), KEN Mode, Monarch!... Even though Eyehategod were incredible at Roadburn 2015, my favorite concert was probably seeing Eyehategod in Sweden where I got to rock out with my best friend who was in a very harsh state in his life at the time. He still thanks me for inviting him to the concert. Metal HELPS!
Biggest Disappointment: Lemmy died. Seriously... NOT COOL. The last time we wrote this article I asked for a Bölzer debut. I didn't get it, you fuckers!
Metal Moment Of 2015: Having a short but pleasant chat with Mike from Eyehategod and he signed his poem book for me! Finishing my thesis with lots of sweat, blood, alcohol, and metal was pretty cool too. The things I will remember the most is that this was the first year I went to two festivals (Roadburn and Temples) and had the opportunity to talk to so many talented artists, meet again some great friends but also meet some wonderful guys and girls for the very first time and I still keep in touch with some of them. Love you all!
And 2016?: Graduation! Not metal-related but HOLY SHIT! Second place would be Roadburn 2016. Can't wait to meet all my bros once again.

Official Contributors


Favorite Album: Close to going with either Angra or Cain's Offering, but I am going with Guardians Of Time - Rage And Fire. I had the pleasure of reviewing it for the site and they put almost all of the power metal veterans to shame in 2015. Definitely my favourite power metal album of the year.
Best Home-Country Album: We don't get many major metal album releases in Scotland and I think Gloryhammer are shite.
Most Played Song: Royal Hunt - "May You Never (Walk Alone)"
Most Promising Band: I'd say Forces United, but the return of Pyramaze with a great album after 7 years and new lineup is very promising too!
Best Concert: Stratovarius (O2 Islington Academy)
Biggest Disappointment: Kamelot, Helloween AND Blind Guardian releasing disappointing albums.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Getting to write reviews on a metal website
And 2016?: Got new equipment at the end of 2015 so I will hopefully be able to record properly. I am also back to practicing daily after being far too lazy in 2015.


Favorite Album: Run The Jewels - Run The Jewels 2 and Harm's Way - Isolation. Both were not 2015 releases, but they're the only ones deserving of that title this year.
Best Home-Country Album: Death Engine - Mud.
Most Played Song: Run The Jewels - "Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck)", Caïna - "I Am The Flail Of The Lord", Marilyn Manson - "Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge".
Most Promising Band: Sectioned.
Best Concert: Harm's Way at Temples Festival, Bristol.
Biggest Disappointment: Missing another Harm's Way gig in Toronto because I had to rush my friend to the hospital with a half cut-off finger.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Read previous line. And meeting two great former MSers, Mattybu and Troy Killjoy, as well as equally awesome current MSers J. N. and Mr. Doctor.
And 2016?: Run The Jewels 3. Otherwise, looking forward to getting the fuck out the shithole I live in, for good.


Favorite Album: the one and only Ghost - Meliora and Deafheaven - New Bermuda
Best Home-Country Album: here in my country heavy metal probably doesn't exist, so I will pass this question.
Most Played Song: Nightwish - "Ghost Love Score" live version with Floor - she killed me with this song
Most Promising Band: Ghost Ship Octavius - great album, like I listen to Nevermore with Halford on vocals
Best Concert: not so much concert here on Balkans, but I will say Whitesnake in Zagreb few month ago
Biggest Disappointment: Nightwish - I wrote that "Ghost Love Score" was my most played song, but Endless Forms Most Beautiful was for me crap. After all that good energy on stage I expected that their new album will be probably their best ever recorded.
Metal Moment Of 2015: having time to listen all those new great music created in 2015
And 2016?: God please don't take more of my idols. Let them entertain me and everybody else a little more!


Favorite Album: Abyssal - Antikatastaseis; Misþyrming - Söngvar Elds Og Óreiðu
Best Home-Country Album: Batushka - Litourgiya; Outre - Ghost Chants. It was another great year for Polish metal.
Most Played Song: Leviathan - "Scar Sighted" (metal); Echoes Of Yul - "The Healing" (non-metal)
Most Promising Band: Au-Dessus. The hooded folks come from Lithuania and kick some serious ass. Feel free to check out their self-titled EP over here.
Best Concert: Finally saw Altar Of Plagues while playing their farewell show at Warsaw, Poland. Wow, they are even better live than on the record!
Biggest Disappointment: Patryk Zwoliński out of Blindead. His amazing voice will be missing.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Met Dagon of the black metal band Inquisition.
And 2016?: Might actually get a raise at work...


Favorite Album: Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Exile
Best Home-Country Album: Kowloon Walled City - Grievances (California)
Most Played Song: Via iTunes playlist: This Social Coil - "Inner Core"
Most Promising Band: InAeona
Biggest Disappointment: Had a bad year following metal. Partly because all my favorite bands didn't release stuff till the end of the year. Partly because I slacked. No excuses.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Irreversible calling it quits - one of my favorite bands of ALL TIME
And 2016?: Amia Venera Landscape will release their first album in 6 years, how in the name of all things post metal will it live up to the hype?


Favorite Album: Horrendous - Anareta, they take the cake once again.
Best Home-Country Album: Der Weg Einer Freiheit - Stellar
Most Played Song: I guess either Paradise Lost's "No Hope In Sight" or Kataklysm's "Breaching The Asylum"
Most Promising Band: Movimento D'Avanguardia Ermetico
Best Concert: That'll be Moonspell playing in their home country, probably followed by Marcus Miller.
Biggest Disappointment: Cradle Of Filth becoming lame again.
Metal Moment Of 2015: Converting my project into a live band (in process).
And 2016?: Hope to catch up again on reviewing good music, getting new equipment and finally releasing finished stuff.

Written on 13.01.2016 by Former boss lady. Now just a professional concertgoer... dangerously armed with a camera!

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Comments: 66   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 567 users
15.01.2016 - 23:19
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=136611] on 15.01.2016 at 19:46

Or maybe it's just nice to put a face to some of these weirdos i talk to everyday. I'm not really in it for perving at a little thumbnail pic of the chicks

ask old users anout my face .... Necrolust and that gang
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
16.01.2016 - 12:13
Written by Ilham on 15.01.2016 at 12:07

Thanks for making me go through that wall of text Rod.

Rod is the worst ahah
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
16.01.2016 - 12:34
Giant robot
Written by BloodTears on 16.01.2016 at 12:13

Rod is the worst ahah

I love how his personality shines through like that. Makes it so easy to roast him haha.
16.01.2016 - 14:49
With a lowercase c
Written by Bad English on 15.01.2016 at 15:23
who cares how they are looking, unless they are girls
we have DT, Ana, Milena, Ilham , was Baraley and Anqeliuque in past, who cares how dudes looks like
Care to keep your sexist views to yourself? You are neither required nor encouraged to judge the article. Much less based on categories of gender or sex.

Just don't.
16.01.2016 - 15:44
X-Ray Rod
Written by BloodTears on 16.01.2016 at 12:13
Rod is the worst ahah
Written by Ilham on 16.01.2016 at 12:34
I love how his personality shines through like that. Makes it so easy to roast him haha.

I hate you both.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass
Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.
16.01.2016 - 16:47
Arise In Might!
Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out
16.01.2016 - 17:03
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 16:47

Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out

why you picked up home country album only from Scotland, when there is Eng, Wal, Uls as well
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
16.01.2016 - 17:06
Arise In Might!
Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 17:03

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 16:47

Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out

why you picked up home country album only from Scotland, when there is Eng, Wal, Uls as well

I don't think I will bite this time
16.01.2016 - 17:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 17:06

Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 17:03

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 16:47

Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out

why you picked up home country album only from Scotland, when there is Eng, Wal, Uls as well

I don't think I will bite this time

MDB dfefenetly wins from your home country
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
16.01.2016 - 18:26
Arise In Might!
Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 17:17

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 17:06

Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 17:03

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 16:47

Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out

why you picked up home country album only from Scotland, when there is Eng, Wal, Uls as well

I don't think I will bite this time

MDB dfefenetly wins from your home country

16.01.2016 - 18:28
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:26


My Dying Bride
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
16.01.2016 - 18:30
Arise In Might!
Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 18:28

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:26


My Dying Bride

Yeah, troll on
16.01.2016 - 18:31
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:30

Yeah, troll on

seriussly best album from british band in 2015
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
16.01.2016 - 18:33
Arise In Might!
Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 18:31

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:30

Yeah, troll on

seriussly best album from british band in 2015

That's nice.
16.01.2016 - 18:40
Darkside Momo
Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:33

Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 18:31

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:30

Yeah, troll on

seriussly best album from british band in 2015

That's nice.

I don't think he's grasped the fact that you're from not-yet-independant Scotland, not GB or UK
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
16.01.2016 - 18:45
Arise In Might!
Written by Darkside Momo on 16.01.2016 at 18:40

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:33

Written by Bad English on 16.01.2016 at 18:31

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 18:30

Yeah, troll on

seriussly best album from british band in 2015

That's nice.

I don't think he's grasped the fact that you're from not-yet-independant Scotland, not GB or UK

Oh he's very aware , he's just being a troll as always
17.01.2016 - 13:29
Spirit Molecule
spirit molecule
Woot, managed to get a mention. I'm actually really glad BitterCOld liked the album so much, because I always enjoyed the bands he'd recommend through his reviews, and I feel like we're in great company
If you never wake up from a dream does it become reality?

Last fm
Don't click here
18.01.2016 - 02:36
Written by corrupt on 16.01.2016 at 14:49

Written by Bad English on 15.01.2016 at 15:23
who cares how they are looking, unless they are girls
we have DT, Ana, Milena, Ilham , was Baraley and Anqeliuque in past, who cares how dudes looks like
Care to keep your sexist views to yourself? You are neither required nor encouraged to judge the article. Much less based on categories of gender or sex.

Just don't.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
18.01.2016 - 15:03
X-Ray Rod
Written by Promonex on 18.01.2016 at 02:36

Written by corrupt on 16.01.2016 at 14:49

Written by Bad English on 15.01.2016 at 15:23
who cares how they are looking, unless they are girls
we have DT, Ana, Milena, Ilham , was Baraley and Anqeliuque in past, who cares how dudes looks like
Care to keep your sexist views to yourself? You are neither required nor encouraged to judge the article. Much less based on categories of gender or sex.

Just don't.


K7 should be thankful most people ignore his comments, otherwise his inane comments would have been material for warnings a long time ago.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass
Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.
18.01.2016 - 15:09
Account deleted
Holy moly guys you got some good albums of the year here. Keep on MS staff
18.01.2016 - 15:13
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Darkside Momo on 16.01.2016 at 18:40

I don't think he's grasped the fact that you're from not-yet-independant Scotland, not GB or UK

Scotland is part of both Great Britain and the UK, so, actually the My Dying Bride album can be considered the best album from his home country.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.01.2016 - 15:14
Account deleted
Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 16:47

Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out

I am astonished how you didnt have Virgin Steele as biggest dissapointment of the year. Its a difference between being a hardcore fan and a cover-up
18.01.2016 - 15:54
Darkside Momo
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.01.2016 at 15:13

Scotland is part of both Great Britain and the UK, so, actually the My Dying Bride album can be considered the best album from his home country.

Come on... I know that, but that's not Belegur's opinion on the matter.
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
18.01.2016 - 16:18
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Darkside Momo on 18.01.2016 at 15:54

Come on... I know that, but that's not Belegur's opinion on the matter.

No matter what Belegur's opinion on the matter is, it is just stone cold hard fact
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.01.2016 - 17:15
Arise In Might!
Written by [user id=157444] on 18.01.2016 at 15:14

I am astonished how you didnt have Virgin Steele as biggest dissapointment of the year. Its a difference between being a hardcore fan and a cover-up

It was a bit disappointing since I always expect something special from them, but it wasn't my biggest disappointment of the year. It was a bad year for the big PM bands. It's made me completely disregard any excitement for future releases from some pretty big bands and it's the first year I've been disappointed in Blind Guardian. I had to put that above Virgin Steele unfortunately.
18.01.2016 - 20:13
Account deleted
Written by Karlabos on 15.01.2016 at 15:44

Well, a guy looking like an orango tango is pretty badass imo.

An orange tango? Quite tasty those!

19.01.2016 - 03:23
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=157444] on 18.01.2016 at 15:14

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 16:47

Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out

I am astonished how you didnt have Virgin Steele as biggest dissapointment of the year. Its a difference between being a hardcore fan and a cover-up

good point , I pit it in disappointment list, wasp to , maiden and dis pater .... shit albums

and yes since Scotland is not independent , its UK I want see Scotland under union jack unless stupid britts vote out and be out of EU ... oi visas, oi travel fuck ups ..

Belegur is fascinate YES to freedom supporter,
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
19.01.2016 - 15:45
Arise In Might!
Written by Bad English on 19.01.2016 at 03:23

Written by [user id=157444] on 18.01.2016 at 15:14

Written by Belegûr on 16.01.2016 at 16:47

Great read. I love all the different tastes on offer and I now have a few albums I need to check out

I am astonished how you didnt have Virgin Steele as biggest dissapointment of the year. Its a difference between being a hardcore fan and a cover-up

good point , I pit it in disappointment list, wasp to , maiden and dis pater .... shit albums

and yes since Scotland is not independent , its UK I want see Scotland under union jack unless stupid britts vote out and be out of EU ... oi visas, oi travel fuck ups ..

Belegur is fascinate YES to freedom supporter,

I've never denied that Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom. All I state is that I see myself as Scottish, am a supporter of Independence and do not identify as British. That's it. I'd go as far as to say even most of the people who voted to remain a part of the UK in Scotland would identify themselves as Scottish before British, just as they do in the other countries in the United Kingdom. No one seems to mind when an English or Welsh person states they are English or Welsh, so just accept that I am Scottish . Head to North Wales and you will struggle to find people who claim they are British. So when I am asked a question regarding my home country, like the one in this topic, I talk about Scotland and not the UK, why do you care?

You are also Swedish, why do you care so much about this issue? The topic of the United Kingdom has nothing to do with you . I'll annoy you further by stating I don't want to be in the EU either . I also don't understand your last point. Don't be presumptuous and assume you know the reasons I voted yes to independence, I've never discussed those reasons with you and don't see myself doing it.

I know you didn't like the Virgin Steele album at all, though we have discussed this before. You didn't like Visions Of Eden OR The Black Light Bacchanalia, what made you think you would like this one? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like the last Virgin Steele album you liked was about 20 years ago.
24.01.2016 - 17:27
Account deleted
Fucking salutes go to DT METAL for picking the BEST album of the year. Finally
25.01.2016 - 03:12
D.T. Metal
Written by [user id=150128] on 24.01.2016 at 17:27

Fucking salutes go to DT METAL for picking the BEST album of the year. Finally


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