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Kobra And The Lotus - Out Of The Pit (Song by Song)

With: Brittany Paige
Conducted by: Doc G. (e-mail)
Published: 22.04.2010

Band profile:

Kobra And The Lotus
Album info: Out Of The Pit

01. Snake Pit
02. Its Yours
03. Cynical Wasteland
04. The Hooker
05. Ballad Of Jane Doe
06. Ace Of Spades [Motörhead cover]
07. Ride Like Sugar
09. Teaspoon Of Metal
10. Legend

Out of the Pit is a concept album about pushing through life's obstacles without being dragged down by the negativity in the world. Every song relates to the dysfunction of people and the choice they make in terms of staying or leaving a dark place of mind. Whether it is dealing with the daily battles of ongoing events with or without other people, or dealing with internal struggles.

1. It's Yours
The first song, kicks off the album with a complete statement about what the music is going to be about. It was inspired by a young man I knew who was extremely brilliant with lots of potential but he was drowning in insecurity. His fear of failing was so extreme that it made him completely dysfunctional, sometimes to the point of even starving himself so as too feel like he was in control of his environment. This fear created a bitter taste of the world in his mouth, and not shortly after I met him it began to take a toll on me. After almost a year I finally snapped out of his grim daze and realized what the hell was going on. In the song you can hear "stop pulling me down". No one has a right to pull anyone down from their chance to fulfil a good life for themselves. I believe almost everyone is exposed to these feelings of inadequacy, especially in the perfect picture today's media has painted. The story is supposed to be able to relate to everyone and not only that, seem familiar. It's Yours opens the album up making a statement... It's your life and no one else's... so grab a hold of the reins already!

FOCFOM is a song that is intended to explain the environment of the pit. This song uses Calgary as an example describing the high profile stress of the city and how you can feel the heaviness rising as it grows bigger. This stress is similar to that of any fast-paced town or city in any part of the world. It seems people are driving in 6 lanes when there are only 4 because everyone is in a hurry and every person feels each others hurriedness. It is the same effect when a person you know, walks into the room extremely disgruntled and their bad mood rubs off on you.

3. Cynical Wasteland
Cynical Wasteland is the global song stating simply that there is dysfunction no matter how far you go. The last verse is a rant about not being naive to possibilities of foul play no matter where you are on earth. Look for the goodness in people but don't get caught in the miscellaneous games. You can't trust a liar with a gun.

4. Teaspoon Of Metal
Teaspoon of Metal is a humorous way at poking fun at the cynicism by bringing back a sleazy metal tribute to the 80's. There are a whole bunch of things wrong with these lyrics including some cliché old school sexist lines to put the song right on the edge. This song is supposed to be funny, uplifting and a little bit ridiculous because if we can't laugh a little at ourselves then we are just setting ourselves up to live in a world of hurt.

5. Ballad Of Jane Doe
Ballad of Jane Doe is about a real life scenario that puts "how good a lot of people have it" into perspective. This song is about some little girls around the age of 8 in Baghdad. As the world knows, this has not been the safest wonderland to be living in. When the girls had shown up to perform their yearly recital of the nutcracker, everyone had fled including the piano accompanist who was to play their music. These were just babies to the world and they were left alone to experience the darkness without even having a chance.

6. The Hooker
The Hooker is a questionably amoral title, all on its own. In spite of the derogatory reference it was actually the best decided name for the song in regards to how it is talking about being "hooked" into repeating the same dysfunctional behaviour again and again. Even when people have almost broke the cycle they can fall right back into it when they are in the last push, starting the dysfunction all over again. The use of metaphor was used to explain this vicious cycle; it's a story of a fictional prostitute. It should be noted that it does not represent the real life paroles of a person in the adult sex trade.

7. Snake Pit
Snake Pit is the pinnacle of the albums topic. This song describes purely the figurative nature of the pit. The pit often is a wall-less enclosure breeding a cesspool of blind people among more blind people. This means that many times most people cannot see their own dysfunction and often it doesn't help other's dysfunctional ways either. This makes it seem like an endless dark pit because not only can the blind snakes not find their way out, they have no awareness that they are needing to look for a way out; to make a change.This was the first song we wrote start to finish in a studio environment and was the first major evolution in our songwriting.

8. Ride Like Sugar
Ride Like Sugar is message to... above all things, BE YOURSELF. If you cannot be happy with yourself then it is hard to help other people and realize a purpose. It talks about political brainwashing and the need to stay true to the things that you believe you should do and not necessarily the things that people are told they are suppose to do. It is about finding a healthy balance between keeping others in mind yet not totally conforming. You need to try as hard as possible to keep your head on your shoulders and constantly be reviewing and deciding the best direction for yourself. It's about inner purpose.

9. Ace Of Spades
Ace of Spades is just a plainly epic song and was a fun challenge. Since we are new on the scene, we decided to do something that would be recognized by all the people that have not heard us before. That way we are all sharing in something we all enjoy.

10. Legend
Legend closes the album with a non-denominational prayer for everyone in the world. It is simply some kind words for every person to be able to receive the help and support they need to achieve their goals and to also be pulled out of the pit. On a personal note this was also my way of putting it out to the universe that Kobra and the Lotus has no intention of going away but rather have every intention to write and share music for the rest of our lives.

Posted on 22.04.2010 by Former EIC. Now just a reviewer guy.

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