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Staff picks

Magrudergrind - II
13.02.2016 | grind

I don't know who this Magruder guy is, but he is one *angry* muthatrucka and he sure can grind. Play and smash stuff.
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Thumbs up:
Auntie Sahar, X-Ray Rod, Abattoir
Motörhead - Orgasmatron
29.12.2015 | lemmy metal

Year was 1990. Buddy and I rented a car near the Navy Base. It had a tape deck, so we stopped by a music store and he bought this tape. Over the course of our weekend Rent-A-Wreck adventures, he altered the lyrics of the title track to "I am the one, <insert bitter's real name here> son, the outstretched gaping image is of agony, my servants rape the land."

This beer's for you, Lemmy. (with a toast to Worsham, should he ever randomly stumble on this site.)

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ScreamingSteelUS, psykometal, X-Ray Rod, Deadsoulman, BloodTears, Auntie Sahar, Darkside Momo, Fat & Sassy!, D.T. Metal, Introspekrieg, Marcel Hubregtse, Daniell, wormdrink414, Jason W., Abattoir
Pombagira - Flesh Throne Press
10.11.2015 | stoner doom

Extended, reverb-laden stoner doom jams that just blissfully go on and on. Really enjoyable album late at night.

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Chaos Moon - Amissum
27.09.2015 | black

Chaos Moon return with a swell four track. Two atmospheric black tracks before they close out on a harsh note. Yippee.
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Auntie Sahar
Ewïg Frost - The Railroad To Hell
31.08.2015 | Blackened Speed Punk

These guys must be the illegitimate bastard brothers-in-arms of Iron Fist... The 4 track EP is under 10 minutes of, well, High Octane Anarchy, showcasing two tracks off a past album, two off a forthcoming one. "Deepwater Horizon" is a special version, performed in the band's native Viennese German. Heavy Metal Vomit Party time!
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Thumbs up:
Marcel Hubregtse, Abattoir, wormdrink414
Heavydeath - Eternal Sleepwalker
30.06.2015 | death doom

First offering from the former Runemagick members lives up to the name Heavydeath. Great doom tunes, deathy vocals - but a good share of droning elements are the perfect accompaniment. And it is a tad amusing that Eternal Sleepwalker was released on Caligari records.
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Thumbs up:
Marcel Hubregtse, Deadsoulman
High On Fire - Luminiferous
18.06.2015 | Stoner/Sludge

High On Fire release another album. Bitter runs around Rancho de COld throwing empty beer bottles and air punching. Take a drink. Just be sure to empty it before throwing if you've got this album blaring in the background. That's a pro tip.

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Picked by:
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R'Vannith, Daniell, Auntie Sahar, wormdrink414, Marcel Hubregtse, Deadsoulman, Doc G., psykometal, Introspekrieg, ScreamingSteelUS, X-Ray Rod
Izah - Sistere
22.05.2015 | Sludge

I reviewed their 2008 EP and thought they had potential. Consider that potential realized. Four tracks, all over 10 minutes, one over 30 - including one from the EP - show they've improved significantly over the years. Well done.
Picked by:
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R'Vannith, Nefarious, BloodTears, Ag Fox, ScreamingSteelUS, X-Ray Rod
Santo Rostro - II: The Bleed
13.04.2015 | Spanish Stoner/Sludge

Santo Rostro's sophomore effort is more riff-driven, mostly mid-paced stonerrific jams with power and just a dash of groove. Worthy of checking out? My advice, "Hunt It Down."

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Deadsoulman, Abattoir
Ethereal Shroud - They Became The Falling Ash
12.03.2015 | Black Metal

"They Became The Falling Ash", the product of a one man project, is a great album. Not only worthy of checking out, possibly a brilliant soundtrack for nocturnal explorations for the creepier parts of town or country near you.

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
X-Ray Rod, Ag Fox, Deadsoulman, ScreamingSteelUS
Shepherd - Stereolithic Riffalocalypse
10.02.2015 | Stoner/Sludge

It's always weird listening to the tunes of an MS user. You are afraid they'll suck and then you'll have to let a cool dude know his tunes suck. No worries here, just crunchy riffs and tasty tunes. Really solid album. How solid? The best thing to come from India since chicken Tikka Masala.

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Auntie Sahar, X-Ray Rod, wormdrink414
Tort - II
04.01.2015 | funeral thrash

No sophomore slump here... Tort are back with more ugly, gritty music that mixes some doomy vibes with crunchy thrash riffing and a swell mix of growls and shrieks. Oh, and even more soundclips from B-grade Spanish horror flicks to introduce the tunes. Good times.

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
wormdrink414, Doc G.
Memest - Bastards And Liars
26.11.2014 | Ugly 70's Metal

In the vein of late-70's metal, when metal sounded, and looked, like Lemmy. Ugly. And fun.

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Down - Down IV - Part Two
17.11.2014 | sludge

Doomy, Sludgy Stonerrifferic hails to Sabbath. Sure, Phil's voice sounds a tad ravaged by time, but group has it's mojo on with second part of IV.

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Auntie Sahar, Abattoir
Into Orbit - Caverns
10.08.2014 | Post

The New Zealand Duo craft some instrumental post-rock/metal goodness. Constructs and build-ups are well executed and enjoyable if standard format, but the crescendos really help make this a bi-polar bit of post-fun.

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