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Your one man project/band

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Posted by Soliloquy, 20.09.2006 - 23:58
i know a bunch of you have your lil one man bands or stuff on myspace or whatever. post em here, instead of creating 100's of different pages.

and i'm doing a crappy job at it too. but meh, i'm having fun
29.03.2022 - 10:09
Written by F3ynman on 29.03.2022 at 01:04

Written by nonZero on 25.03.2022 at 16:44

These are the last songs I worked on back in 2014. Started to come together pretty nicely but I always struggle with writing the middle of songs!

Wow! Those sound really incredible! You're playing all of the instruments here?
I don't play any instrument, so I find it mindblowing to think of someone playing several instruments and then being able to mix it all together to create something that sounds good. What do you record first, the drums? And then play the guitars over the drum track?

Thanks! Just the guitars are bass are played by me here, I programmed the drums using EZDrummer 2. I might be able to play the drum tracks now though, with a lot of practice.
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So I Heard You Like Wintersun... (Time II find new bands)
20.05.2022 - 14:05
Hello all !
This is my last solo project, all instrumental :

I hope you'll like it !
Instagram :
Bandcamp :
18.07.2022 - 23:01
Hi everyone

I'd like to present 3 songs made by me with PC software Magix Music Maker. For all songs I used samples, mixed them and combined for the final result, so it is more of amateur music. But I hope you will enjoy all songs and like the concept that I had for them.

For my first song I was inspired by Evanescence and Within Temptation:

Second song is in Metallica style, but different vocal style

Third song was inspired by Rammstein (second album), but don't expect similar voice

All bands which I mentioned above were only inspiration, so please don't expect exactly the same style.

All critiques are welcome, bad and good.
06.09.2022 - 00:27
Nocturnal Bro
^great stuff!

Addressing anyone who's experienced in this stuff, is it possible to create entire metal songs without real instruments in a free mixing app? I've glanced at FL Studio and Magix Music Maker. I don't have any experience in playing music, but I love listening to it. I thought I could start experimenting with creating my own music. Where should I start?
18.09.2022 - 12:24
Hey! I would like to shill my one man project, post_Voron. It is electronic music....but wait! Before you say "I'm not going to listen to some 4-bar EDM loop for 5 minutes with no melody or chord progression or anything" I have been making music for over 20 years, i'm a metalhead and i have at least intermediate knowledge of music theory. This is not background noise that only exists as an excuse to move around to.

There is at least one song per album that flirts with actual metal and has ch0nka-ch0nka guitars.

29.10.2022 - 17:34

New Dreadrealm song. I would've shared this on my facebook page, but my Dreadrealm page has been deleted without explanation or notification. Thanks, Zuck. I've never posted anything that has so much as come close to breaking any TOS, so facebook just screwed me because they can, I guess. Anyway, a new full-length album coming at the end of November. It will be called "Live From The Fall"

It's been five and a half years since The Essence Of Winter, I hope this first track was worth the wait.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
01.01.2023 - 04:40
Here's some demo songs for my newly started project. I'm making it all on the computer except for the guitars which are courtesy by Ophiuchi. Not finished yet, got mixing and possibly adding vox, but I'd love any feedback.
02.01.2023 - 16:32
Written by Netzach on 01.01.2023 at 04:40

Here's some demo songs for my newly started project. I'm making it all on the computer except for the guitars which are courtesy by Ophiuchi. Not finished yet, got mixing and possibly adding vox, but I'd love any feedback.

It's always difficult to judge an unfinished work. I appreciate the strange rhythms though and I like the change in tempo and key at around 1:25 in "A Cog." Some beautiful melodies too around that point and again at around 3-minutes (I assume that's the chorus?) The best advice I can give is to just keep working, improving and to REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN! You're an official reviewer on MS yourself, so I probably don't need to tell you this, but whenever you share new material, be prepared for more negative feedback too. Criticism, even when delivered harshly is necessary, as is learning from it. When I started Dreadrealm (back then named Arcanewind), I sometimes got what felt like harsh criticism to songs that I thought were the best thing I'd ever done. Looking back, the critics were right and had I become too confident in my creations, I might not have improved my songwriting and production as much as I have now. Best of luck on your musical journey! I'll be here to give feedback whenever I can.

/change of topic

Speaking of unfinished works... I don't know why I said "Live From The Fall" would be finished by November. That was stupid of me. I am working on the album and worked through Christmas and New Year's Eve. I completed the final mix and master for the ending song literally 3 minutes before midnight on January 1st. Obviously I failed to put the album out in 2022, I am sorry for that. To everyone still looking forward to the album, here's where it is now: I've completed four songs that now require no tweaks or additions (in my ears anyway) and are release-ready. Three more songs need some mixing and then mastering.

I hate to make any more promises, but considering how close the album is to being finished, I suggest if it's not available on Bandcamp by the end of January, you can assume I have died. All I can say in my feeble defense is that a postponed album has the potential to be eventually good, while a rushed album will definitely be bad forever.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
03.01.2023 - 14:56
Written by Metren on 02.01.2023 at 16:32

It's always difficult to judge an unfinished work. I appreciate the strange rhythms though and I like the change in tempo and key at around 1:25 in "A Cog." Some beautiful melodies too around that point and again at around 3-minutes (I assume that's the chorus?) The best advice I can give is to just keep working, improving and to REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN! You're an official reviewer on MS yourself, so I probably don't need to tell you this, but whenever you share new material, be prepared for more negative feedback too. Criticism, even when delivered harshly is necessary, as is learning from it. When I started Dreadrealm (back then named Arcanewind), I sometimes got what felt like harsh criticism to songs that I thought were the best thing I'd ever done. Looking back, the critics were right and had I become too confident in my creations, I might not have improved my songwriting and production as much as I have now. Best of luck on your musical journey! I'll be here to give feedback whenever I can.

Thank you for taking the time to listen and respond! I'm glad you found it interesting - my idea was to make music where the tempo shifts are as integral a part of the music as the melody, and I think I'm sort of halfway there anyway. I want it to sound inhuman, like a computer on the verge of going bluescreen. I've written a short story about a machine gaining sentience through facing adversity from the humans around it, I want to record as vocals for "A Cog" but I haven't figured out yet what sort of vocals would fit best (or what I am capable of doing with my limited vocal talents and gear - I can play anything on a keyboard but singing was never my strong suit). I might opt for a sort of distorted spoken word (Aphex Twin style) and attempt post-metal screams or black shrieks in the climax of the song, we'll see. I still have a ways to go with the mixing but the general essence of the songs are there, I think, and I've a third slower track in mind as well.

I appreciate any criticism, constructive, harsh, or otherwise. This is the first time I'm making music of my own in many many years and I'm figuring it out as I go, so any feedback (I mean it, any) is much appreciated. If there's any "harsh criticism" you have in mind, I'm all ears. I want to improve so I can perfect this style, because if nothing else, I think it sounds quite unique - at least I haven't heard anything like it. Thanks again for checking it out, I appreciate it, and any feedback is more than welcome. I'm very happy to have Ophiuchi on board for playing my riffs on guitar, the rest of it is entirely created on the computer, in FL Studio, using mostly stock plugins.
03.01.2023 - 22:07
Written by Netzach on 03.01.2023 at 14:56

Thank you for taking the time to listen and respond! I'm glad you found it interesting - my idea was to make music where the tempo shifts are as integral a part of the music as the melody, and I think I'm sort of halfway there anyway. I want it to sound inhuman, like a computer on the verge of going bluescreen.

That's a very cool idea.

Written by Netzach on 03.01.2023 at 14:56

If there's any "harsh criticism" you have in mind, I'm all ears.

I found nothing that needs harsh/harsher criticism in those demos, actually. That was just general advice that I’d give any starting musician. Perhaps it’s unnecessary though, if you’ve got thicker skin than I had back when I started.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
03.01.2023 - 22:27
Written by Metren on 03.01.2023 at 22:07

I found nothing that needs harsh/harsher criticism in those demos, actually. That was just general advice that I’d give any starting musician. Perhaps it’s unnecessary though, if you’ve got thicker skin than I had back when I started.

Aye, okay. Cool to hear! I will keep working on these and perhaps return with new versions when I feel ready to share it. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and give feedback!

I'm not a starting musician, though. I've been in a bunch of bands, recorded a couple albums, and created music of my own as well before. All I expect is that people tell it how they hear it, sugarcoating things never led to anything good. That's what I expect from myself when reviewing, so that's what I should expect from anyone else as well, right
03.01.2023 - 23:04
Written by Netzach on 03.01.2023 at 22:27

I'm not a starting musician, though. I've been in a bunch of bands, recorded a couple albums, and created music of my own as well before. All I expect is that people tell it how they hear it, sugarcoating things never led to anything good. That's what I expect from myself when reviewing, so that's what I should expect from anyone else as well, right

Well, now I feel dumb. For some reason my brain went "Everything made on a computer + FL Studio native plugins = starting musician" Sorry! Then I truly didn't need to say anything about how to deal with feedback. You've probably got it handled.

BTW I can relate to singing not being a strong point. I can growl decently enough, but I've got a "choir boy voice" as my wife tells me, when I sing cleanly. I have to rely on a ton of layers, lots of reverb and comporession to make my clean vocals bearable, even to myself. I think an Aphex Twin-style vocal would probably fit well with your style. That said, I look forward to your growls and shrieks too.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
25.01.2023 - 12:05
Nocturnal Bro
I feel like starting on vocals some time, but I have no idea how to write lyrics. Any tips?
31.01.2023 - 14:23
Written by F3ynman on 25.01.2023 at 12:05

I feel like starting on vocals some time, but I have no idea how to write lyrics. Any tips?

Lyrics and poetry are a matter of instinct to an extent. I, for example, could never translate emotions into words like Leonard Cohen did. But I think there are ways to turn a simple everyday phrase into something vaguely poetic. I once joked to a friend that all one needs to become a poet, is to add tautologies and references to dark things into everyday sentences. Example: "my heart beats." Now add useless information and something relating to night, winter, darkness etc and it becomes "my only heart beats cold." That's a joke example, of course, but I think there's something in there.

I could give you some more direct feedback, if you shared lyrics you've written. I guess the most direct advice I could give right now, is to choose a style first. When you listen to music or read poems, do you prefer neutral storytelling or emotionally heavy commentary? Comedic or tragic approach?
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
31.01.2023 - 15:12
Nocturnal Bro
Written by Metren on 31.01.2023 at 14:23

I could give you some more direct feedback, if you shared lyrics you've written. I guess the most direct advice I could give right now, is to choose a style first.

I like relative simplicity in lyrics that pack though an emotional punch. Think Neurosis or Acid Bath. Here's a taste of some lyrics that I came up with for a song called "Lament of the Immortal":

"Crows Fly overhead
Crying "Bring out your dead!"

The clouds are blood red
Everyone is dead

I look up at the sky
I wish I could die

The air reeks of burning flesh
Burning human flesh
Screams pierce my ears
Acid rain burns my skin

How long has it been? Minutes? Days? Months? Fucking years? Fucking decades? When does it end?

The air reeks of burning flesh
Burning human flesh
Screams pierce my ears
No one can help you now

Everyone has gone except me
I'm still alive here, I'm still alive
So tell me - why can't I fucking die?"

Any feedback is appreciated!
22.04.2023 - 21:27
Generally one-man, but this time around got the drummer from Acausal Intrusion & Evaporated Sores (and million others) to join up:

Latest single:

Industrial death-sludge madness with a nihilistic edge to it. Themes run all over the place from personal to philosophical to political.

If you're depressed but really angry about it, this might appeal to you.
05.05.2023 - 22:22
Written by F3ynman on 31.01.2023 at 15:12

I like relative simplicity in lyrics that pack though an emotional punch. Think Neurosis or Acid Bath. Here's a taste of some lyrics that I came up with for a song called "Lament of the Immortal":

"Crows Fly overhead
Crying "Bring out your dead!"

The clouds are blood red
Everyone is dead

I look up at the sky
I wish I could die
The air reeks of burning flesh
Burning human flesh
Screams pierce my ears
Acid rain burns my skin

How long has it been? Minutes? Days? Months? Fucking years? Fucking decades? When does it end?

The air reeks of burning flesh
Burning human flesh
Screams pierce my ears
No one can help you now

Everyone has gone except me
I'm still alive here, I'm still alive
So tell me - why can't I fucking die?"

Any feedback is appreciated!

It's a pretty cool lyric that tells the story of someone who wants it all to end but it never ever does. The "how long has it been..." part could be a cool bridge, perhaps spoken or shouted. I think that if you want this to work in music you need to allow the text to repeat itself, find out what's verse and what's chorus, and think about what sort of images you want this text to paint in the minds of others. Some rhymes are a bit simplistic, especially rhyming "flesh" with "flesh", but it could work well depending on how the music sounds. It paints an intriguing storyline with how the beginning eventually clarifies into the fact that the protagonist is unable to die as he wants to (reminds me of Planescape: Torment), but a little more structure and thought behind the choices of words could help in order to make it hit harder.
21.10.2023 - 09:20
Hello, esteemed metalheads! Present you my solo project Rishi where I write everything myself on a computer, my voice was recorded in a studio, and I had a guest guitarist to record guitars and base. It is a friut of many years of struggling to stop being afraid to express my true self while finding my identity and style and learning to sing and how to compose different instruments - all on my own. So please like and comment - any interaction would be heartily welcomed!

I've only released this one sonf so far, and my friends also helped me make a video:

Here's my bio:
A one-woman band inspired by classical and metal music, and the Indian philosophy of Vedas.
'rishi' refers to a sage immersed in meditation to understand the world in its entirety and relate the revelations to the others.
Rishi unveils the hidden wisdom of Sanskrit texts experienced throughout many years of spiritual practice wrapping them in mysticism and painting epic landscapes with her music.

And here are the links to all streaming platforms:

Also bandcamp:
Om tat sat
06.11.2023 - 00:33
I wrote this recently. It's not heavy and dark enough for Dreadrealm, so I'll keep it as a song for my alt. rock project Morbid Romance. The title "Igavese Talve Jumalanna" is Estonian for "Goddess Of Eternal Winter".

My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
10.11.2023 - 10:06
It's not quite a solo project as I've had help from a couple of guys in my band in making it, but this is the first song released from my side project - hoping to get a full album done, but might take another year or two

It takes a bit of time to get going, but hopefully pays off as it continues. There's 40+ layers in the mix battling to be heard, so I suggest decent headphones or speakers
10.11.2023 - 10:35
Nocturnal Bro
Written by musclassia on 10.11.2023 at 10:06

How do you pronounce the band name?
10.11.2023 - 11:07
Written by F3ynman on 10.11.2023 at 10:35

Written by musclassia on 10.11.2023 at 10:06

How do you pronounce the band name?

I found it in a movie based in the Amazon, I think they pronounced it along the lines of chew-la-chack-i
10.11.2023 - 11:11
Nocturnal Bro
Written by musclassia on 10.11.2023 at 11:07

Written by F3ynman on 10.11.2023 at 10:35

Written by musclassia on 10.11.2023 at 10:06

How do you pronounce the band name?

I found it in a movie based in the Amazon, I think they pronounced it along the lines of chew-la-chack-i

Neat! Thanks! I'll definitely give it a listen later today
12.11.2023 - 13:11
Nocturnal Bro
Written by musclassia on 10.11.2023 at 10:06

It's not quite a solo project as I've had help from a couple of guys in my band in making it, but this is the first song released from my side project - hoping to get a full album done, but might take another year or two

It takes a bit of time to get going, but hopefully pays off as it continues. There's 40+ layers in the mix battling to be heard, so I suggest decent headphones or speakers

Hooooly shit, dude! This was awesome!

I love Dantes Inferno (both story and Iced Earth song) and Lord Belial ("enter the gate", "his heir, dark prince") so I really liked your descent into Hell concept. The lyrics are really good - relatively simple yet impactful.

The production is insanely immense and I got chills whenever there were choirs in the background. It makes for a creepy, stifling atmosphere that I really enjoy.

Your raspy vocals are really impressive too, man. The bass playing in the intro is real nice. The off-kilter guitar melodies are also neat, enhancing that unnerving atmosphere, although I might've preferred some more straightforward heavy riffs. The drumming from your session drummer I found also really good, giving both tribal vibes and traditional black metal blast beats when needed. And to end with this tranquil acoustic bit is also genius.

In the end, congrats on making such a fantastic track! The 14 minutes really fly by. I can't wait to hear more music in the same vein!
12.11.2023 - 14:09
Written by F3ynman on 12.11.2023 at 13:11

Hooooly shit, dude! This was awesome!

I love Dantes Inferno (both story and Iced Earth song) and Lord Belial ("enter the gate", "his heir, dark prince") so I really liked your descent into Hell concept. The lyrics are really good - relatively simple yet impactful.

The production is insanely immense and I got chills whenever there were choirs in the background. It makes for a creepy, stifling atmosphere that I really enjoy.

Your raspy vocals are really impressive too, man. The bass playing in the intro is real nice. The off-kilter guitar melodies are also neat, enhancing that unnerving atmosphere, although I might've preferred some more straightforward heavy riffs. The drumming from your session drummer I found also really good, giving both tribal vibes and traditional black metal blast beats when needed. And to end with this tranquil acoustic bit is also genius.

In the end, congrats on making such a fantastic track! The 14 minutes really fly by. I can't wait to hear more music in the same vein!

Thank you mate, that's really kind of you to say! Yeah when I first wrote the music for it like 5 years ago I had the Dantes Inferno concept in my head, but thought it would be boring to just repeat the Dante's Inferno story straight, so was trying to find another reason someone would venture into hell, and this is what I ended up coming up with! As far as heavy riffs go - the other songs on the album I'm planning to put together containing this song are more oriented towards riffy post/sludge stuff for the most part (although there's another planned track that's again a bit more atmospheric/repetitive), so as and when they get produced, hopefully they'll scratch that itch. And yeah, George is an awesome drummer, which the upcoming Vulgaris album next year will very much demonstrate
12.11.2023 - 14:20
Nocturnal Bro
Written by musclassia on 12.11.2023 at 14:09

Thank you mate, that's really kind of you to say! Yeah when I first wrote the music for it like 5 years ago I had the Dantes Inferno concept in my head, but thought it would be boring to just repeat the Dante's Inferno story straight, so was trying to find another reason someone would venture into hell, and this is what I ended up coming up with! As far as heavy riffs go - the other songs on the album I'm planning to put together containing this song are more oriented towards riffy post/sludge stuff for the most part (although there's another planned track that's again a bit more atmospheric/repetitive), so as and when they get produced, hopefully they'll scratch that itch. And yeah, George is an awesome drummer, which the upcoming Vulgaris album next year will very much demonstrate

Dang, five years in the making. Sounds promising! Looking forward to more Vulgaris and Chullachaqui!
13.11.2023 - 09:58
Written by DeadmanSwitch on 20.05.2022 at 14:05

Hello all !
This is my last solo project, all instrumental :

I hope you'll like it !

Nice work swith, i really liked it
29.11.2023 - 18:09
My new guitar arrived yesterday, so I wrote and recorded this solo for a song of mine today. It's nothing complex or complicated, just trying to play a melancholy, yet hopeful tune.

My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
03.12.2023 - 10:26
One of the angrier songs I've written for my Morbid Romance project:

My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
08.12.2023 - 13:40
Hello! I have recently released my very first album under the name Drifter.

It's a true one man project and I've learned so much about music production in the process. I still have loads to learn though and I plan on improving my craft going forward.
To me, the music is a blend of melodeath, post metal and shoegaze, taking inspiration from bands such as Insomnium, Harakiri for the Sky, Alcest, Sylvaine and Heretoir. There's both hard hitting songs on the album as well as calm interludes and piano intros, though I would characterize every song as emotional.

The album is on all streaming platforms and I have plans on making a music video in the near future.
My personal favorite songs are "A Ghost's Embrace" and "Reborn in the Fire".


YouTube (A Ghost's Embrace):

YouTube (Reborn in the Fire):
