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Great lyricists

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Who is the better lyricist

Roy Khan (Kamelot)
Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica)
Erik Ravn (Wuthering Heights)

Total votes: 36
26.08.2008 - 19:09
Iron Priest
I've been paying close attention to these three lyricist and have found them all very thoughtful and inspiring. I would consider them among the best. Who do you prefer

Okay, Roy Khan has some powerful songs and are catchy and easy to sing along to.
Tony Kakko seems to have infinite amount of ideas, and IMO unmatched in the ballad section.
Erik Ravn, I suppose is much less known but thanks to Shadow Cabinet I think he will establish himself soon enough.
01.09.2008 - 03:30
Down Under Staff
Please give better explanations about each poll option.
"Scream for me Melbourne!!!!"
- Bruce Dickinson

"I don't see any god up here"
- Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
01.09.2008 - 05:06
Iron Priest
Written by Raiden on 01.09.2008 at 03:30

Please give better explanations about each poll option.

Will do
01.09.2008 - 07:12
Dark Blood
The Avenger
Voted for Kamelot. I don't think Roy should get all the credits, but the other members specially Youngblood should also get it. I voted them because I love the way some songs are written, the symbolism, and the way they tell the tales, even if they're always based on something.
I think the album Epica is an excellent exemples of that, as well as Black Halo, and the song Elizabeth.

Sonata Arctica are also very good, but there's some class missing. Kamelot has that unique class only they know how to transmit, not only through lyrics, but also through composition.
Wuthering Heights I don't know them that much, so I don't have a formed opinion.
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
01.09.2008 - 12:08
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Non personaly I think tahy all seucks, only doom can be good lyrics I wont give examples only one example

Claudio Carrasco from Poema Arcanus

Female Poisen

As I'm trying to approach
Through this landscape of the unknown
Whispers of the wise, in the air
Love, sex, nature's traps for the mortal men

Female poison I will drink,
And I'll die in your arms by ecstasy
Female poison close my eyes
Rip my veins with your condemned cries

Try to understand with my logic
What no logic can understand
My naked soul, day by day weakens
For your honey tasting blood

I can't pretend
It was not a surprise
It will never end
My frustration to own
What I will never have...
Have no excuse
Just cannot lie
This sweetness will never be mine
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.09.2008 - 02:34
Iron Priest
Written by Bad English on 01.09.2008 at 12:08

Non personaly I think tahy all seucks, only doom can be good lyrics I wont give examples only one example

Claudio Carrasco from Poema Arcanus

Female Poisen

As I'm trying to approach
Through this landscape of the unknown
Whispers of the wise, in the air
Love, sex, nature's traps for the mortal men

Female poison I will drink,
And I'll die in your arms by ecstasy
Female poison close my eyes
Rip my veins with your condemned cries

Try to understand with my logic
What no logic can understand
My naked soul, day by day weakens
For your honey tasting blood

I can't pretend
It was not a surprise
It will never end
My frustration to own
What I will never have...
Have no excuse
Just cannot lie
This sweetness will never be mine

Please, an explanation why doom metal can only have good lyrics????
02.09.2008 - 05:21
Dark Blood
The Avenger
Written by Iron Priest on 02.09.2008 at 02:34

Please, an explanation why doom metal can only have good lyrics????

Don't bother why this guy LOL
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
02.09.2008 - 06:17
I R Serious Cat
Indeed, for Bad English it seems only exist Doom Metal and everythjing from 80s.

I'll go for Khan from Kamelot 'cause unlike Sonata teh band has gotten better and better.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
02.09.2008 - 13:28
Iron Priest
Written by Dark Blood on 01.09.2008 at 07:12

Kamelot has that unique class only they know how to transmit, not only through lyrics, but also through composition.

Yes that is a very good way to describe Kamelot. Classy.
02.09.2008 - 18:11
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
doom its solitude, lolyness, hopes and dreams, sorrows and emeotions, red wine and paingull love, suicide, being alone, poetry and art, ewery think what can be great poetry not dragons, clowns and happy faces in flower metal
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.09.2008 - 03:53
Iron Priest
Written by Bad English on 02.09.2008 at 18:11

doom its solitude, lolyness, hopes and dreams, sorrows and emeotions, red wine and paingull love, suicide, being alone, poetry and art, ewery think what can be great poetry not dragons, clowns and happy faces in flower metal

Kamelot have written songs in just about every one of those categories. And of the 3 writers I listed, as far as I know they don't have songs about dragons or clowns.
03.09.2008 - 06:06
Written by Bad English on 02.09.2008 at 18:11

doom its solitude, lolyness, hopes and dreams, sorrows and emeotions, red wine and paingull love, suicide, being alone, poetry and art, ewery think what can be great poetry not dragons, clowns and happy faces in flower metal

I'm sorry you feel that way. Just because something isn't full of sadness doesn't mean that it is without art or intelligence. "Flower" metal and all its dragons and happy faces plays an important part in my life.

I have every reason to feel depressed in my life right now; my family is broke, I can't go to school right now b/c I need to work 2 jobs that I hate to help support the family, I grew apart from my friends in high school and don't speak to them anymore, I can't get a girlfriend to save my life, and I suffer from chronic depression on top of it.

But every day I listen to my music.

Some days its all that gets me through work. When I'm feeling powerless, I throw on some Hammerfall or Sabaton and I feel like I can conquer the world. When I feel uncreative and insipid, I turn on Blind Guardian or Falconer and my imagination runs wild. When I'm frustrated with the world I listen to Kamelot and Epica and suddenly everything seems beautiful.

You see, the art is not just the music itself. What the music does to you holds just as much art, for what is art but a communication of emotions, a dialogue between artist and audience?

Thus, the difference between us is not that one of us listens to "better" music than the other. We are just looking for different emotions from our music.
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
03.09.2008 - 07:49
Dark Blood
The Avenger
Written by Hrothdane on 03.09.2008 at 06:06

I have every reason to feel depressed in my life right now; my family is broke, I can't go to school right now b/c I need to work 2 jobs that I hate to help support the family, I grew apart from my friends in high school and don't speak to them anymore, I can't get a girlfriend to save my life, and I suffer from chronic depression on top of it.

But every day I listen to my music.

Some days its all that gets me through work. When I'm feeling powerless, I throw on some Hammerfall or Sabaton and I feel like I can conquer the world. When I feel uncreative and insipid, I turn on Blind Guardian or Falconer and my imagination runs wild. When I'm frustrated with the world I listen to Kamelot and Epica and suddenly everything seems beautiful.

You see, the art is not just the music itself. What the music does to you holds just as much art, for what is art but a communication of emotions, a dialogue between artist and audience?

Thus, the difference between us is not that one of us listens to "better" music than the other. We are just looking for different emotions from our music.

I value your will to keep your head up. I understand what you mean, although I don't have as many preocupations as you have, but I know exactly what you're saying. That's why I love metal and I'm damn proud of that. I'm proud of Kamelot's work, and that I have such a great band in my favorite list.
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
03.09.2008 - 08:14
Dark Blood
The Avenger
Written by Bad English on 02.09.2008 at 18:11

doom its solitude, lolyness, hopes and dreams, sorrows and emeotions, red wine and paingull love, suicide, being alone, poetry and art, ewery think what can be great poetry not dragons, clowns and happy faces in flower metal

It's true what Iron Priest is saying. Kamelot has everything you mentioned there and more.. Btw, if you're so into poems, you must know Faust, a poem from the german writer Goethe. It's one of the biggest references in german literature btw. You know that Kamelot albums Epica and Black Halo are based on that?
So don't tell me you don't like "flower" metal because there's dragons and happy faces. That's a lame excuse and certenly not true.. Might as well say you don't like power metal because you're stuburn and ignorant.. it only shows how much you know about it: Nothing. lol
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
03.09.2008 - 13:50
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Maybe Kamelot ha sgood lyrics, I shood read them again, dont remeber but music its totaly what makes me sleeping more how tirdness
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.08.2009 - 04:52
Don't really know any of them. I have favorite lyricists however. Neil Fallon from Clutch is my all-time favorite, Nergal from Behemoth is a very close second.
02.08.2009 - 04:54
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by +{Jonas}+ on 02.09.2008 at 06:17

Indeed, for Bad English it seems only exist Doom Metal and everythjing from 80s.

I'll go for Khan from Kamelot 'cause unlike Sonata teh band has gotten better and better.

I am a huge doom fan but saying that only doom can have good lyrics is totally ridiculous. I knwo loads and loads and loads of doom bands that have totally terrible lyrics.

Okay I am not one who goes for lyrics but I can safely say that every single subgenre of metal has the same amount of bands with god lyrics as they do with crap lyrics.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.08.2009 - 04:57
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Bad English on 01.09.2008 at 12:08

Non personaly I think tahy all seucks, only doom can be good lyrics

Total and utter bullshit statement. Loads and loads and loads of doom abnd have totally shit lyrics.
Over the years I have found out that all subgenres usually have totally crap lyrics and only a couple of bands have good lyrics, and that is why I personally I have come to the conclusion to ignore lyrics at all since it's the music that makes it good or not unless we're dealing with lyrics that actually go against everything I stand for (NSBM comes to mind here)
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.08.2009 - 04:59
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Bad English on 02.09.2008 at 18:11

doom its solitude, lolyness, hopes and dreams, sorrows and emeotions, red wine and paingull love, suicide, being alone, poetry and art, ewery think what can be great poetry not dragons, clowns and happy faces in flower metal

doom is NOT about red wine. IMO wineis actually for losers who can't stnd the diversity in taste of beer. Beer is much more interesting taste wise than wine will ever be. Wine only has a couple of tastes whereas beer has a gazillion.
And lyrics about solitude, loneliness, hopes and dreams, sorrows and emotions etc etc are just as cheesy and fake as lyrics about dragongs, etc etc.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.08.2009 - 12:12
And where the hell is King Diamond? Dani Filth? No offence guys, but those options suck.
Look, The old Bitch is back!
02.08.2009 - 17:37
Heaven Knight
Tony Kakko because of Sonata Arctica's ballads
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

08.08.2009 - 02:48
Tony Kakko... All the way. All those lyrics are... Awesome!!!
10.08.2009 - 21:42
Au Pays Natal
Take a look at any of Neil Peart's lyrics on ANY Rush song ( He's written 99% of the lyrics for the band). He has written three books too!
11.08.2009 - 20:58
Sonata's "The Cage" almost brought a tear to my eye when I first heard it and I'm not ashamed to say it.
22.09.2011 - 20:00
Account deleted
I don't know about the two others, but Tony Kakko IS THE WORST LYRICIST I'VE EVER SEEN! Songs like Letter To Dana and Mary-Lou have very shitty lyrics.