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Science vs Religion

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12.08.2023 - 08:05
Cynic Metalhead
Paisa Vich Nasha
We have smatter of topics on religion here, but we haven't had this widely discussed topic up to now.

What do you think about Science vs Religion? Do we have to bring these two anyhow?

What do you think?

12.08.2023 - 08:49
Account deleted
Religion is the brain of from human bc ad to 20th century. Science is for 21st century onward for the go to long future toward. Well luckily you know my thoughts, Metalstorm, metal is music of darkside. but darkside is not real, its just half moon shadow on night, fairy tales or religions or anti evil problem is brain imagination, in the end of 20th century, and 21st century begining, there is no God. Live free dude. You lose nothing. Everyone same. Only Science remains.
04.09.2023 - 09:50
Having studied theoretical physics for the better part of my last 10 years, I have to say that the more I learn about science, the more I understand religion. Science is... fucking fucked, man, and equally, if not even more, incomprehensible, inconceivable, and mindfucking than any religion out there. Science and religion are two approaches to the same question, and they both arrive at entirely ridiculous answers. It's just that the scientific answer is actually useful.

Consider quantum mechanics, for instance. Werner Heisenberg said "if someone claims to understand quantum physics they clearly haven't understood the first thing about it". He's entirely correct. The really fucky thing about this is that we can actually use the irrational, illogical and unreasonable aspects of quantum theory for practical purposes while simultaneous not understanding the first thing about them. Quantum cryptography, computing, everything builds upon reality not being reality until we actually observe it.

This brings into question the role of consciousness into the picture, but we don't have to go that far. It suffices to determine an observation as an interaction, it can be as simple as two particles colliding; they will exchange information and encode in their quantum states properties about each other, which we can then use to perform previously impossible calculations as long as we do not observe these particles and decohere their superpositions. Sort of like the"improbability drive" in the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

Compare this to religion which has a clear answer to everything, in theory, but in reality only begets further questions. Just like science. Every answer leads to a fuckton of further questions and you never ever reach an end to it. There is no answer. There are only questions. Questions, questions, questions. Learn to appreciate the mystery and incredibility of it all, or stop asking questions altogether, or you'll end up in the psych ward. Allahu Akbar, Sefer Yetzirah Netzach, the cat is both dead and alive.

As for whether there is a god or not, Einstein was a panentheist. If consciousness can exist outside of neural pathways, nothing says that the entire universe itself cannot be one single great consciousness. We might just be partitions of consciousness evolved to observe the universe from inside itself so that it might learn about itself from various perspectives as it cannot be observed from the outside.

Shouldn't this topic be in "Serious Discussions", by the way?
04.09.2023 - 10:20
Account deleted
@Netzacha: you really scientist, im no physics knowledgeable, i have only one degree in business. Thats enough 4 years fucking up my brain and body. But as I have been 10 years of researching religion, and astrology. The answer advice: is you live your life as human creature in this world, you need to be careful not to die in mental jail, or prison. Dont feel bad when you have less, or you weak, or negative. Be watch out someday you will be powerful and die fighting the world in mental jail or prison. hard time always there.
04.09.2023 - 10:21
Account deleted
PS: cuz there is no GOd save you when actually you are GOD.
04.09.2023 - 10:31
Written by [user id=172292] on 04.09.2023 at 10:21

PS: cuz there is no GOd save you when actually you are GOD.

That is true, I suppose. We are all gods of our own lives. I do not believe in any higher power as such. There might be higher powers, but I don't give a fuck about what they'd want me to do. Non serviam. And I've already been in a psych ward for a short time and had my fair share of mental issues, so no need to lecture me about that
04.09.2023 - 12:42
Nocturnal Bro
Science and religion are both man-made, so they're bound to be imperfect.

I don't believe they have to be incompatible, though. Science describes our world to the best of our knowledge, but there are some things that can't be tested and therefore can't be proven as true (sorry, string theorists).

Think of the Big Bang. Sure, we can recreate some conditions in particle accelerators for picoseconds, but will we ever truly know how that initial spark happened? Looking into space, we can only see with EM waves back to 380,000 years after the Big Bang (for those curious, look up cosmic background radiation). Maybe gravity waves will be measurable from that time before 300k years, but I think Science has no hope to definitively explain the Big Bang. That's where belief can only deliver answers.

There's also the question about the existence of souls. I'd like to believe that there is more to us than just a self-aware brain. And perhaps that soul escapes to another parallel universe called Heaven (or Hell) that living beings will never be able to access. Maybe God is a four-dimensional being that can reach into our 3D world and make divine actions appear to us as miracles (see the book Flatland from 1884, which uses an analogy of a 2D world being visited by a 3D object).

All those things, at least to my knowledge, can't be answered by science (yet). Religion will have to give us those answers for now.
04.09.2023 - 17:16
Account deleted
Written by F3ynman on 04.09.2023 at 12:42

There's also the question about the existence of souls. I'd like to believe that there is more to us than just a self-aware brain. And perhaps that soul escapes to another parallel universe called Heaven (or Hell) that living beings will never be able to access. Maybe God is a four-dimensional being that can reach into our 3D world and make divine actions appear to us as miracles (see the book Flatland from 1884, which uses an analogy of a 2D world being visited by a 3D object).

All those things, at least to my knowledge, can't be answered by science (yet). Religion will have to give us those answers for now.

You are 22 physicist student. You better than me now in 22 years old because you see me now I'm nearly 36. When I'm 22 I do believe in something power higher one, but now after years I realize there is no God. Now looks at what have found: (and luckily you know my thoughts), as I care about young generation for not getting pain like me. :
1. Christian god is god n jesus, but years ago some in Asia worship Buddha and not known about Jesus god, contrary Christian don't know god like Buddha. Look at native in Papua new guine they know non god. That means all god is imagination by some group of ppl then being spread.

2. Dogs know shit about god, they understand human command, means dog doesn't get god or god doesn't rule or affect dogs. Same as lion, they are living creature,eat, sleep,shit, fight, kill. God no exists for them.

3. Religion exist becuz long ago, we don't understand ourself, body, environment, everything so we worship and then spread it.... look at animal, dogs lion cat, all have heart and liver lung etc, we all are EVOLUTION. looks at the dinosaurs living before us...where is god...

4. Everything in religion is imagine. You would think gods of Indian is true, no all are imagine.

5 . All jesus, Buddha, allah have dick and need to shit. They just smart in brain. They scratch dick when itchy too. We are all alike. Just they were smart. So they lead us. No god. They were truly initiation. godfather or the scicilan, all Pope monk,nun priests, bunch of them have sex, they are no god nor Jesus or buddha.

7. Bible is real, it's just experiences lesson of life teaching, like verse who live by sword die by sword. Just teaching, but not god. Those whose write the Bible is human.

8. Actually all are human brain. I've seen a lot of mental patient got obsessed with Jesus, some with buddha. It's all what they believe. Not true, or reality.

9. Religion is for us to believe in higher supernatural or transcendent, no that.

10. Thats all.
04.09.2023 - 17:22
Account deleted
P.s : even dark side n all horror thing is imagined origin from darkness n fairy tales. Dark simply is half side of the earth without sun shine. Not means dark bad,
16.09.2023 - 00:05
Written by F3ynman on 04.09.2023 at 12:42

Think of the Big Bang. Sure, we can recreate some conditions in particle accelerators for picoseconds, but will we ever truly know how that initial spark happened? Looking into space, we can only see with EM waves back to 380,000 years after the Big Bang (for those curious, look up cosmic background radiation). Maybe gravity waves will be measurable from that time before 300k years, but I think Science has no hope to definitively explain the Big Bang. That's where belief can only deliver answers.

Well, both religion and the Big Bang Theory ends up at the prime mover question. Sure, the Big Bang is based on observation and extrapolation (and we could in theory see it with a telescope reaching far enough out into space) but it doesn't answer at all where it all came from. "The universe began as a singularity" Umm... Okay? It answers nothing, it explains nothing, it is just an assumption based on our observations of galaxies travelling further and further away from us the further they already are from us. Religion tries to explain this with "God made the universe" but then cannot explain where God came from (if He's eternal, why did He create the universe when he did and what the hell did He do for an eternity before that?). Likewise, science cannot explain this Initial Singularity and where it came from and why anything exists at all rather than not. Attempts have been made to explain it with quantum vacuum fluctuations and Penrose's conformal cyclical cosmology (which just extends the prime mover question an eternity backwards in time)... So yeah, I agree with this in essence, and I think we shouldn't look for answers but be content with questions that lead to more questions. If you look for answers, you're in the wrong place. It might be that we're even asking the wrong questions....
16.09.2023 - 04:51
Meat and Potatos
^ More generally, every theory out there cannot define the primary concepts.
Set theory, the foundations of mathematics is based on sets. What are sets? "Groups of elements"? And what are elements? And what are those so-called 'groups'?
Or in geometry... The axioms state that there are points and you start making lines and figures with those points. But what are the points? It's impossible to define any initial concept. You just accept that they exist and build a theory after that accepted concept.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei