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1990-  Carlo Strappa - guitars
2003-  Manuel Coccia - bass
2006-  Alessandro "Alex" Vagnoni - drums
2009-  Marco Raccichini - guitars
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1990-2000  Gianluca Bassi - bass
1995  Giacomo Franca - vocals
1995  Tiziano Fabiani - drums
1996-1999  Jerry di Tullio - vocals
1996-2002  Janos Murri - guitars
› 2003-2008  -//-
1998-2001  Omar Moretti - drums
1999-2002  Ivan Di Marco - vocals
2000-2002  Gianluca Mandolesi - bass
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2005  Paolo Ojetti - bass

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Who says that all death metal bands sound the same and that most death metal bands don't have variation? Well these people obviously don't know much about death metal, but beside that, they probably also haven't heard this band: Resurrecturis....
Review by Azhidahak ››

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