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Aes Dana


1994-  Vidar - vocals
1994-2005  Taliesin - guitars
› 2008-  -//-
1997-  Milambre - bass
2005-  Myrddin - flutes, bombarde
2010-  Ireel - guitars
2011-  Wilfrid - drums
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1994-1999  Storm - drums
1994-2004  Amorgen - flute, tin whistle, bombarde
1996-1997  Christophe - bass
1997-2000  Seth - guitars
1999-2009  Juanjo Esquivel - drums
2000-2009  Tilion - guitars
2005-2008  Aegir - guitars
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Latest reviews

After a lot of reports due to the recurrent problem of their precedent label, Aes Dana finally releases their 2nd album, "Formors", through the French label Adipocere. Good news, because believe me that I was waiting for this release since February...
Review by Jeff ››


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