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Persephone's Dream


1993-  Rowen S. Poole - guitars
1998-  John "JT" Tallent - percussion, bells, whistles, noises, chimes, birds
2006-  Heidi Engel - vocals
2006-  Scot Harvey - drums
2006-  Jim Waugaman - keyboards, piano, organ, vocals
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1993-2005  Chris Siegle - bass, flutes, vocals
1997  Judilynn Niedercorn - vocals
1998-2002  Ed Wiancko - drums, percussion
1998-2003  Karin Nicely - vocals
2002-2005  Steven Hogue - drums, bodhràn, vocals
2006-2007  John Lally - bass, chapman stick
2006-NA  Colleen Gray - vocals
2006-NA  Kelly Fletcher - vocals, percussion
2007-NA  Ben Bond - bass
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2001-2003  Kim Finney - keyboards
2007  Ed Wiancko - drums
2007  D.C. Cooper - vocals

Latest reviews

This album has been in my hands and in my player for a little over two months now and I still cannot figure out how I feel about it. That is on top of waiting for this album for a year and a half after buying all previous Persephone's Dream records...
Review by Ivor ››

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