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Stratovarius: Female Singer????

STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki has issued the following update regarding the group's search for a new singer and drummer:

Dear Friends,

"Since the rumours are wildly speculating about the new STRATOVARIUS singer and drummer I have decided to tell you how things are going at the moment. First of all I have not been in contact with Michael Kiske about being the replacement for Timo Kotipelto. I know Michael well enough not to suggest anything like that to him and I have enormous amount of respect to him and his musical career. He knows what he wants and I am sure it is very different from what I want.

"I have received lot of interest from lots of different singers and drummers, some of them have been quite surprising and some of them are even singing/playing in quite big groups at this writing. Thank you for your interest.

"Also 3 female vocalists have sent me their tapes and I must say that 1 of them sounds unbelievably talented and she has the looks that kill as well. I hope I can give you some news about the replacements as soon as possible.

"I am still writing new songs and it is going very smoothly. New songs seem to have completely different direction compared to those 10 songs that I wrote first. Even I am very surprised about the songs and how different they sound compared to the previous STRATOVARIUS songs. It seems that I am more positive now, since we found the solution that we all can live with. It's not about FUCKING money by the way.

"I have quit the anti depressives and therapy at the moment and I am feeling really good. I was drinking with Jari last weekend and we had a really good time together. We did pass out from drinking too much, but hey, YOU LIVE ONLY ONCE!!!

"The old line-up will play a Spanish Festival on 28.2.2004. I hope we can act civilized there, although the situation is a pain in the ASS. Nevertheless we will try our best to give a good STRATOVARIUS show to the Spanish fans. SEE YOU ALL THERE!!"


Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 17.12.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Stratovarius: And the shit goes on...

Finland's STRATOVARIUS have officially parted ways with vocalist Timo Kotipelto and drummer Jörg Michael.

"Due to irrevocable and massive difficulties between the band leader Timo Tolkki and me, it has been agreed that this is the best thing to do to preserve at least some of the integrity the band used to have," Kotipelto said, according to the band's web site. "I will now fully concentrate on my solo album and I am convinced that this is the best way for me."

Jörg Michael says that his priorities lie elsewhere at the moment, but that the suddenly escalating trouble in the band is one of the main reasons he doesn't want to play in STRATOVARIUS anymore.

"I think this is the beginning of new era for STRATOVARIUS and that the future looks bright and promising," guitarist/leader Timo Tolkki commented. "I have composed some of my best songs during the last month. If anything good comes out of this, then I guess it will be the emotions I have managed to channel into new songs about this situation, which has been very heavy for all of us. I have been having quite bad mental problems lately, but I feel better now due to anti-depressive medication my therapist has prescribed me."

According to the group's booking agent, Continental Concerts, the current line-up is "100% certain" to fulfill all its obligations regarding festival dates next year even though there is a lot of simmering hate waiting to boil over.

Tolkki is currently talking to a German singer and a Finnish drummer about replacing Kotipelto and Michael, but he stresses that absolutely nothing is confirmed at this point. He adds that he is actively looking for replacements.

Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 08.12.2003 by Deadsoulman | Comments (0)

Stratovarius : Same 'ol Drama

STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki has reportedly told the Finnish daily newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that keyboardist Jens Johansson will definitely continue to be a member of the band once the group have sorted through their current personnel "crisis". The situation with the band's drummer, Jörg Michael, however, is still up in the air. According to Tolkki, Michael's wife is due to give birth to twins in January and it is not presently clear if the drummer has enough interest and motivation to continue playing with the group.
While he has yet to publicly reveal the cause of their disagreement (due to "legal reasons"), Tolkki has indicated that the biggest problem in the band exists with vocalist Timo Kotipelto, with whom the guitarist is said to have a "very strained" relationship.

When asked by a fan on his guestbook if there are any plans for STRATOVARIUS to play shows in America, Kotipelto responded, "Good question. I don't even know if I am in the band anymore."

Tolkki, who was recently "forced" to hire two bodyguards after receiving e-mail and phone threats from unknown individuals, flew to Berlin late last week to hold discussions with the band's record company, Sanctuary Records, about STRATOVARIUS' future.

In late October, STRATOVARIUS signed a three-album contract with Sanctuary Records in what was said to be the biggest-ever deal completed for a Finnish rock band (reportedly worth over $3.5 million dollars).

Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 08.12.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Stratovarius in writing process

STRATOVARIUS leader Timo Tolkki has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"I thought I cheer you guys up by giving you a small report from the place where I have been writing songs for about a month already. I have already 10 songs written and I can give you some titles as well: 'And You Hate the World', 'I See Black', 'PopKiller' and 'Back to Madness' are amongst the songs that I have completed by now. The working title of the album is called 'PopKiller'.

"Because the situation of the band is unclear, except that Jens will stay in the band, I have no idea when this album will be recorded. We have also several festival appearances booked for the next summer and one Spanish festival at the end of February. I don't know how we are going to handle those because we are committed legally to do them. I am not thinking about that at the moment, I am just writing songs, which always has been a good therapy for me.

"This place is absolutely fantastic and I am completely surrounded by nature and there is a sea view as well. I will travel to Berlin this weekend and talk with the whole Sanctuary team. I hope next week brings the final solution to our problems. Thanks for you patience and understanding."


Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 07.12.2003 by Deadsoulman | Comments (0)

Stratovarius: The Drama Goes On!

STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki has posted the following message on the group's web site:

"Unfortunately my trip was delayed for one day because I had to travel to Orimattila and Lahti.

"I am writing this in my beautiful suite in New York after trying to talk some sense to Johansson. Next I will be going to talk to Michael.

"Many thanks for all those who supported me in these heavy times. Through tough times you find out who your real friends are.

"For those who have been attacking me I only want to say one thing: FUCK OFF!

"And I repeat it one more time that it becomes clear: FUCK OFF!!! Thanks for showing me the way idiots!!"


Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 27.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Stratovarius - Three Bandmembers Have To Leave

STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"I am in the process of talking seriously with each bandmember about the future of STRATOVARIUS.

"There are lots of rumours circling around and this statement is issued to clear some of those.

"The band is in a severe crisis at the moment.

"Looking back now, it is very clear to me why the situation has catapulted into crisis.

"I have my own way to lead STRATOVARIUS and since being in this band since '84 (almost 20 years) I have had a very clear vision about the musical direction of STRATO. To put it short and simple, this is my band.

"I decide what STRATOVARIUS sounds like. Stylists might decide how STRATOVARIUS looks like. I don't give a fuck about that though, I love music and we are not some fucking BACKSTREET BOYS. We eat metal and shit chains.

"Before some of you start shouting 'dictator', I would like to tell you that we have always shared the income from the band equally. Everyone gets the same from all income. I can tell you many bands when it's not like this.

"Up until very last weeks I though things were fine, there have been arguments, but nothing fancy. At this point I feel that my vision of where to take STRATOVARIUS next is threatened. Along with many other things, which I cannot tell you due to legal reasons. Let me just say this: when the things get so heated that some people in the band enter into fistfight, then something is wrong, wouldn't you agree?

"I am talking with Kotipelto and Kainulainen here in Finland at the moment and next week I fly to New York to talk to Johansson. Then I fly to Germany to talk to Michael. And then I have to think.

"So you guys have to wait for some more time for some more news.

"At this point it seems 95% sure that 3 bandmembers have to leave. I really hope I can work things out with them, but if not, then they will have to go.

"And to those who say I should leave STRATOVARIUS I say, hmmm well, perhaps it's better that I don't say anything, so I just say, 'Fuck Off!' I am not leaving anywhere, we just signed this new deal and I am going to continue writing new songs and there will be more albums, no matter what the line up will be.


Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 23.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Stratovarius to change line-up?

Guitarist Timo Tolkki of Finland's Stratovarius has posted a statement on the band's website that he will be commenting on the band's future sometime next week. The band currently has no tour plans for the recently released Elements Part 2 and sources close to the guitarist state that the lines of communication between himself and singer Timo Kotipelto are so strained that they only communicate through their lawyers. Timo has also suggested that he's unhappy with some of the band members. Could a major change in personnel be forthcoming? This all comes just weeks after signing a three album deal worth over 3 million dollars with Sanctuary Records......stay tuned for details.

Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 22.11.2003 by Unknown user | Comments (0)


Finnish power metallers STRATOVARIUS will be leaving their current label Nuclear Blast Records after the release of their next album, "Elements Pt. 2", which is due later this month.

In an interview with Russian Darkside E-Zine ( conducted on October 20, keyboardist Jens Johansson said the band is considering various options, but the return to their previous label Noise Records is the most likely of them. According to Johansson, STRATOVARIUS never had any serious problems with Noise, and the only reason they changed to Nuclear Blast was money. It was not clear from Johansson's words which label will be releasing the band's live DVD, which is scheduled for spring next year.

Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 23.10.2003 by Unknown user | Comments (0)