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Please keep those discussions serious. You MUST reply to the threads in this forum with valid and well-thought arguments.

Remember to stay polite to your fellow Metalstormers, even if you're having a debate due to completely opposite opinions.
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in topic titles   in messages

The Nuclear World - Problems and Politics 167
Depression (And Other Related Mental Illnesses) 508
Artificial Intelligence 15
Communism 508
Pornography and prostitution 631
Love 456
Russia's invasion of Ukraine 103
Global Warming 173
Black Lives Matter 57
Christianity 158
Islam 1606
The attack on free speech, and censorship in metal. 42
What is the meaning of life? 246
Does free will exist? 202
Feminism 763
Democracy 129
Satanism 585
Judaism 125
Fidel Castro Steps Down 83
Evolution (and some Creationism, too) 683
Over Population 268
Homosexuality 683
Ancient astronauts? 97
Theory: Religion Causes War 465
School education - another form of manipulation? 184
Discuss us, the human race 221
Buddhism 197
The Universe 197
The Religion and Spirituality Thread 250
Peer Pressure 24