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Over Population

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17.06.2006 - 19:39
is it a problem? or is it a good thing?

if its a problem, how do we fix it?

i personally think that at the rate the world population is going, we would cause our own judgement day before God planned to. i mean, look at countries like China, and India. sure, their economy is going high, but at the same time, the world pollution is going high. sure china put a limit on thier child birth, and they limited a couple to only have 1 child. if they exceed that limit, they would be paying tons of taxes. India on the other hand doesnt have that limit. its population is almost 1 billion(that is 1 sixth of the world population), and its still sky rocketing.

Kenya's population growth rate is at a 4.6(or was it a 4.8?) percent. what that means is that in the next 16 years, their population would double. and then it would take them 12 years to double that. and then 7 years to double that. Kenya's growth rate is by far, the fastest in the world. and has been the fastest in over the 100 years or so?

what does over population mean to the world? well, for one, the more people there are, the more land they take up. for example, 75% of the kenyan population is living on farmlands. if that wasnt bad enough, countries have to get rid of tons and tons of forests to make room for more people to live. since the government cant keep up with such a big population, people start to take matters in their own hand. they start cutting down woods for fire, or thier stove. and if they are hungry, they start hunting, which is bringing the animal population to a down low as well. and if you look at this in an economic point of veiw, if people start living on farmlands, than the country's government would have to increase their imports just to keep up with the population's demands. and what would happen if the government cant handel that demand? you can only imagine.

just imagine what the world would be like when its population doubles to 12 billion?. people would be fighting for the necsesities needed to live. stuff like water, food, shelter, clothing. and if everyone is cramped together, there would be a huge rise in the diseases(if you know your history, look what happend to athens when they build a wall around their city.). people would be living in their own filth.

and if that wasnt bad enough, if people contine to cut down the trees, then the greenhouse gases would contine to fuck our ozone layer, which would mean that the place would get hotter, and hotter still. is that bad? yes! for starters, the ice caps from the north pole, and south pole will melt. who cares? well, north pole, sure its no actual land, but it is just a huge chunk of floating ice that is around 3 miles deep. (wait..was it 3 or 2 miles deep?) and the ice on south pole is about 3 miles deep. you melt those, and you would get a major flood. the only living lands to survive that would be mountian peeks like mount everest, or those rocky pillars in south america. how can the world population live on those tiny islands? well, they cant. first reason being that it would be so close to the sun, that it would be series of heat strokes. on top of that, man cant survive with ocean water. but then again, our ocean water has been polluted. and we have killed about i think 75% of the fish that lived near coastal areas. so really, we cant live.

and if you think that that wont happen, or its impossible to happen....well they say(discovery channel. you gotta love it!) that the jungel as thick as the amazons has been loosing trees every day. people have been clearing about 1 to 1 and a half lenghts of football fields in trees alone. and with the african and indian population sky rocketing, their forests would be chopped down soon.

a cure? a solution? what, put a manditory ban on couples world wide? that wont work becuase a lot of third world countries need more than one child in the family to either work on the famrs, in facotires, or look after diseased family members. and on top of that, those families alose loose tons of kids becuase of diseases. on top of that, even if we were to put that limit on them, it wont work. reason ebing that people just dont listen.

sow hat is the cure to stop this from happening? shut down all the factories? people are money hungry. that wont happen. im sure someone like billgates can buy a country if he pleases. so that wont work

a war? creat a holocaust to sacrifice all the people in the world? humm...that would be WAY to ethical. and that would also cuase a huge riot, and racism would be on the rise becuase people would say 'who to kill?' anarchy would break down on the streets. no, anarchy is not a good thing becuase it would be that everyman is his own government. it just wont work...

so is over population a serious delema that people should worry about? is there soemthing that can be done to stop it? what should happen? your views and opinions

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
17.06.2006 - 20:07
Proud Autumn
Account deleted
Ah yes, the far-reaching problems of the world.

Well, like everything else the first step is facing it. We've been ignoring these problems for decades.

There is no solution that I can think of that would be economical, practical, moral, or enforceable. What we do have, though, are natural disasters, wars, and diseases, not to be apocalyptic or anything. We have tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, genocides, starvation, AIDS, malaria...All sorts of horrible deaths.

I think that nature will eventually solve the problem of "us". After all, we've been here a mere instant in the history of the globe, and the world has gone through much worse times than this. Just wait until we get our next asteroid impact, our next super-volcanic explosion (Yellowstone keeps acting up...), or our next ice age, even. The Earth can take care of itself; after all, it created us, and it can destroy us. There is a balance.
17.06.2006 - 20:10
Proud Autumn
Account deleted
Also, here's an excellent site full of population statistics:
17.06.2006 - 20:12
Account deleted
Written by [user id=2031] on 17.06.2006 at 20:07

Ah yes, the far-reaching problems of the world.

Well, like everything else the first step is facing it. We've been ignoring these problems for decades.

There is no solution that I can think of that would be economical, practical, moral, or enforceable. What we do have, though, are natural disasters, wars, and diseases, not to be apocalyptic or anything. We have tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, genocides, starvation, AIDS, malaria...All sorts of horrible deaths.

I think that nature will eventually solve the problem of "us". After all, we've been here a mere instant in the history of the globe, and the world has gone through much worse times than this. Just wait until we get our next asteroid impact, our next super-volcanic explosion (Yellowstone keeps acting up...), or our next ice age, even. The Earth can take care of itself; after all, it created us, and it can destroy us. There is a balance.

100% agreement can be found between myself and my lady on any given topic. I elaborate, only, with a quote:

"Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still...

...I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
(Learn to swim)

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be"
17.06.2006 - 20:33
those were prolly the fastest 3 replies in all of metalstorm history! :O. i was away for around 5 minutes just to see some malmsteen video, and i get this

Volcano that causes our deaths? that can be possible. but with the current technology, it wont kill us. sure, that volcano that raped Pompie almost 2000 years ago, that type of volcano has been over due for around 200 years now, btu even then, it wont solve the problem all at once. if a volcano does errupt, and its powerful enough, then at most, it can block out the sun for a few days...maybe(i think that was karakato? 7 days without sun or moon world wide?). but even then, with 7 days, it wont happen.

Ice Age: the only possibel way for this to happen is by all the mountians on earth errupting almost all at once, creating a thick cloud around earth. besides, wasnt that how the last ice age happend? volcanos errupting all at once, and then caused years of prepetual rain(which would please most of the metalheads around ) and then the ice storms hit?

and with these recent attacks by mother earth, its still not powerful enough. reason being taht they arent really hitting the more powerful countries. the tornado fucked up new orleans, but thats just one out of its 51 states. i'm not saying that america should die, even though they are responsible for i think 50% of the world populaation. or was it north america being blamed for the 50% of the world population? but still

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
17.06.2006 - 21:03
Account deleted
Shouldn't our focus (concerning such things as dealing with the problem) be paid more to supporting our population, rather than destroying it, or waiting for it to be destroyed?
17.06.2006 - 21:24
Proud Autumn
Account deleted
Written by Soliloquy on 17.06.2006 at 20:33

those were prolly the fastest 3 replies in all of metalstorm history! :O. i was away for around 5 minutes just to see some malmsteen video, and i get this

Volcano that causes our deaths? that can be possible. but with the current technology, it wont kill us. sure, that volcano that raped Pompie almost 2000 years ago, that type of volcano has been over due for around 200 years now, btu even then, it wont solve the problem all at once. if a volcano does errupt, and its powerful enough, then at most, it can block out the sun for a few days...maybe(i think that was karakato? 7 days without sun or moon world wide?). but even then, with 7 days, it wont happen.

Ice Age: the only possibel way for this to happen is by all the mountians on earth errupting almost all at once, creating a thick cloud around earth. besides, wasnt that how the last ice age happend? volcanos errupting all at once, and then caused years of prepetual rain(which would please most of the metalheads around ) and then the ice storms hit?

and with these recent attacks by mother earth, its still not powerful enough. reason being taht they arent really hitting the more powerful countries. the tornado fucked up new orleans, but thats just one out of its 51 states. i'm not saying that america should die, even though they are responsible for i think 50% of the world populaation. or was it north america being blamed for the 50% of the world population? but still

Okay, first: The USA is actually the third in the world as far as population goes, at 295,734,134 people. This is quite a ways behind China and India, however, which, respectively, have 1,306,313,812 and 1,080,264,388 people. Each of them have roughly a billion people, while the USA has 300 million. So, frankly, it is Asia we should be worried about, not North America.

And, about volcanos, you haven't heard about super-volcanos? I'll talk a little about Yellowstone, since I am most familiar with it, as I have lived within a three-hour drive of the park most of my life.

Yellowstone National Park, the first national park in the USA, is full of all sorts of geothermal wonders: geysers, mudpots, etc. But most people don't know it's actually the caldera of one of the largest volcanos in the world. "Volcanic activity began in the Yellowstone National Park region a little before about 2 million years ago. Molten rock (magma) rising from deep within the Earth produced three cataclysmic eruptions more powerful than any in the world's recorded history. The first caldera-forming eruption occurred about 2.1 million years ago. The eruptive blast removed so much magma from its subsurface storage reservoir that the ground above it collapsed into the magma chamber and left a gigantic depression in the ground- a hole larger than the state of Rhode Island. The huge crater, known as a caldera, measured as much as 80 kilometers long, 65 kilometers wide, and hundreds of meters deep, extending from outside of Yellowstone National Park into the central area of the Park."

That's quoted from this site: There is a ton more information that is really quite fascinating.

What's shocking, though, is this: "Scientists have revealed that Yellowstone Park has been on a regular eruption cycle of 600,000 years. The last eruption was 640,000 years ago?so the next is overdue. The next eruption could be 2,500 times the size of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption."

"The most recent caldera-forming eruption about 650,000 years ago produced a caldera 53 x 28 miles (85 x 45 kilometers) across in what is now Yellowstone National Park (Figure 2). During that eruption, ground-hugging flows of hot volcanic ash, pumice, and gases swept across an area of more than 3,000 square miles. When these enormous pyroclastic flows finally stopped, they solidified to form a layer of rock called the Lava Creek Tuff. Its volume was about 240 cubic miles (1,000 cubic kilometers), enough material to cover Wyoming with a layer 13 feet thick or the entire conterminous United States with a layer 5 inches thick. The Lava Creek Tuff has been exposed by erosion at Tuff Cliff, a popular Yellowstone attraction along the lower Gibbon River."

Imagine being covered with 13 feet of ash?
17.06.2006 - 21:26
Account deleted
I completely agree that the Earth is becoming vastly overpopulated with humans. We are expending the world's natural resources at an alarmingly accelerated rate, and if this rate continues, then there will not be any resources to provide for even one man. Charles Darwin once theorized that an animal species would reproduce to the point where the population is greater than what can be provided. How ironic that the species he was talking about turned out to be man. With this in mind, is there any way that this overpopulation can be solved?

Let's first look at what mother nature has up her sleeve. As we know, mother nature is a cruel mistress, and she does not take prisoners. The most diabolical weapon that she could use would be diseases. AIDS is by far the most devastating disease to ever hit mankind since the Bubonic Plague that wiped out more than half of europe in the 14th century. If we look at the statistics of both of these plagues, we will see that the number of deaths rises into the hundreds of millions. This seems like a staggering toll, until you realize that the reproductive rate of humans will easily make up for this loss in only a year.

Another way would have to be a second ice age. As we know, an ice age following the Chixalub asteriod impact 65 million years ago was what killed off the dinosaurs. Sure, an ice age would kill of some humans who were unprepared for such an event, but take into account that humans were able to survive the last ice age 10,000 years ago. An ice age would do little more than cause a small few to freeze to death and by the time that ice age would be over, the human population would rise twice as fast.

The only way left to stop overpopulation is if we, as humans, take action. As we all know, killing off massive numbers of unwanted humans is out of the question. Humanitarian organizations will simply not allow for that. A madman once had an idea of solving overpopulation with something that he liked to call "The Great Purification". How it worked was that police forces around the world executed criminals, thieves, murderers, con artists, crackers, pirates, basically every type of sinner that one could think of. The grand total for this mass extermination would be 900 million. This is by far the fastest way to solve the population crisis, but it is also the most unrealistic, foul, and evil way. I doubt we will ever see a Great Purification happening anytime soon.

The only salvation left would have to be on other planets. We are already making great strides in the field of space exploration. We are discovering new planets outside of our solar system using our most powerful telescopes. With these advances, colonization of other worlds won't be too far down the road. If we manage to colonize other worlds, then the population of the earth will even out. But then again, we can just be idiots and stay on this rotten mud ball until judgement day comes. It's your choice.
17.06.2006 - 21:55
Account deleted
Written by [user id=5630] on 17.06.2006 at 21:26

The only salvation left would have to be on other planets. We are already making great strides in the field of space exploration. We are discovering new planets outside of our solar system using our most powerful telescopes. With these advances, colonization of other worlds won't be too far down the road. If we manage to colonize other worlds, then the population of the earth will even out. But then again, we can just be idiots and stay on this rotten mud ball until judgement day comes. It's your choice.

So, if we are expending the world's natural resources at an alarmingly accelerated rate what do you reckon will happen when we get our hands on other planets? You think we will have learnt our lesson?
17.06.2006 - 23:17
Account deleted
Written by [user id=1457] on 17.06.2006 at 21:55

Written by [user id=5630] on 17.06.2006 at 21:26

The only salvation left would have to be on other planets. We are already making great strides in the field of space exploration. We are discovering new planets outside of our solar system using our most powerful telescopes. With these advances, colonization of other worlds won't be too far down the road. If we manage to colonize other worlds, then the population of the earth will even out. But then again, we can just be idiots and stay on this rotten mud ball until judgement day comes. It's your choice.

So, if we are expending the world's natural resources at an alarmingly accelerated rate what do you reckon will happen when we get our hands on other planets? You think we will have learnt our lesson?

If humanity really is as stubborn as I believe, then there might be a high chance that we will blindly extract resources and use them up far too quickly. In the future, we might develop technology that uses less resources than the technology of today. However, we will never reach a point where technology does not use up any natural resources. The second law of thermodynamics forbids sci-fi ideas such as that. After all, energy needs to be expended in order to create energy.
17.06.2006 - 23:55
Mr. Noise
Written by [user id=5630] on 17.06.2006 at 21:26

The only salvation left would have to be on other planets.

Yes, that would probably be our only escape. That would be a total disaster. Call me a misanthrope, but mankind does NOT deserve to move to another and destroy that other planet.

What the f*ck is wrong with us, that we see ourselves as almighty, how come we to think that we can rule all? I just can't get over the fact that we think we our bigger than Mother Nature, bigger than the system. I will have some problems explaining my statement, since sometimes my vocabulary is not as big as I want ti to be, but I'll try anyway. Also do I not have facts that can prove my right, but anyway.

Tell me, what are we? Are we not but an evolved group of animals? Primates, that became too intelligent, and too arrogant. We are no longer part of the animals on Earth, I feel we have become like aliens. We have become too strong, too intelligent and have become too big for this planet. It simply can't handle us. Soon we will use up all our resources, our living-space will shrink and shrink as we live longer and longer. As soon as a part of our body is deceased and no longer of use, why don't you just buy a new one? A new leg, a new arm, new brains, new heart. We will become assimilated things, robots. What's the point of that? Why not have peace with your death?

We are afraid of that, death is what we are. So we keep on restoring our body parts, and hope to live on, to escape Death. But we wont be able too, never.

So we might leave this planet in time, before it goes badly wrong here, and find our ways somewhere else. But not until we teach ourselves to live in harmony with our surroundings, to take AND to give, we will have to run and run, because we are going to fuck up every planet we come across.

Anyway, I hope I got my point across, I'd like you to comment it. I probably have a lot of holes in my speech, but I'll try to close them in a conversation.

Good topic, by the way.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
18.06.2006 - 17:44
/\ dude, dont beat yourself up. i didnt really see any grammatical mistakes, other than some eatten up words. like you didnt have the word' on' here and there..but still, i understood it. and hey, for a 14 yearold, you are really mature. i havent seen/heard of any 14 year old that can pull that off, and think that too. so hey, good job

sure, we are crazy humanitarians taht wont allow ourselves to be killed. but if we go to some other planet, and find life there, we would asume that they are not humans, and automatically destroy them just to take ther resources. i mean, if we do move to another planet, isnt that the same thing we did with the native americans? we killed them just to get some farm lands, and gold. but was it really worth it?

on top of that, as Nervel said above, we have gotten a lil too egotistical and assume that we are the superiour. though this if far fetched, but i wont be surprised if all the animals and trees and stuff are actually smarter than us, but pretend to be stupid becuase they are afraid of us. did we ever live in harmoney with the earth elements? maybe some 7000 years ago when we were also natives to this strange world. and at that time, the world was in control of us. but not anymore. with medication, we have drastically lenghtend our lives by atleast 25 years. and with technology, we can save more lives, like the use of a pacemaker, or how we can save people from fire faster. i mean, not too long ago, we feared fire. today, we play with fire

as i mentioned before, that wood is in short amount. and we are continuing to miss use it. but then, what would happen when we are running low on water? countries like Canada, Russia, and some of the northern european countries would be facing the wrold becuase they have such a huge amount of fresh water. and its also funny to hear people complain about how the price of a water bottle is so high, and they assume that water is just a 'free' thing that can be found anywhere. it really isnt

and if you think that global warming isnt comming anytime soon, then take a look at this: China recently reported that they lost about 7.6 % of their glaciers this year alone. what do they mean by 'lost'. it means that they were melted and then went to the ocean. 7.6 percent of glaciers per year is fuckign HUGE!

i'm not sure what we have to do to prevent this, but we have to do something. and i mean WE. not just the metalheads, but we as in genreal becuase WE are the next generation. the baby boomers brought in tons of factories, and sure they saved a few penguins becuase of their hippi-ness. and then their kids fucked everything over, leaving us to clean up the mess they did. will we fix it? or continue going down the drain?

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
19.06.2006 - 14:48
Mr. Noise
Written by Soliloquy on 18.06.2006 at 17:44

/\ dude, dont beat yourself up. i didnt really see any grammatical mistakes, other than some eatten up words. like you didnt have the word' on' here and there..but still, i understood it. and hey, for a 14 yearold, you are really mature. i havent seen/heard of any 14 year old that can pull that off, and think that too. so hey, good job

Thanks for that. I know grammar-wise it is probably good, but sometimes it takes me a few minutes to find the words that I need, so I can really bring across what I mean.


sure, we are crazy humanitarians taht wont allow ourselves to be killed. but if we go to some other planet, and find life there, we would asume that they are not humans, and automatically destroy them just to take ther resources. i mean, if we do move to another planet, isnt that the same thing we did with the native americans? we killed them just to get some farm lands, and gold. but was it really worth it?

I know this question is retorical, but just to say it: No.


on top of that, as Nervel said above, we have gotten a lil too egotistical and assume that we are the superiour. though this if far fetched, but i wont be surprised if all the animals and trees and stuff are actually smarter than us, but pretend to be stupid becuase they are afraid of us. did we ever live in harmoney with the earth elements? maybe some 7000 years ago when we were also natives to this strange world. and at that time, the world was in control of us. but not anymore. with medication, we have drastically lenghtend our lives by atleast 25 years. and with technology, we can save more lives, like the use of a pacemaker, or how we can save people from fire faster. i mean, not too long ago, we feared fire. today, we play with fire

as i mentioned before, that wood is in short amount. and we are continuing to miss use it. but then, what would happen when we are running low on water? countries like Canada, Russia, and some of the northern european countries would be facing the wrold becuase they have such a huge amount of fresh water. and its also funny to hear people complain about how the price of a water bottle is so high, and they assume that water is just a 'free' thing that can be found anywhere. it really isnt

and if you think that global warming isnt comming anytime soon, then take a look at this: China recently reported that they lost about 7.6 % of their glaciers this year alone. what do they mean by 'lost'. it means that they were melted and then went to the ocean. 7.6 percent of glaciers per year is fuckign HUGE!

That is fucking much! I didn't even know that.


i'm not sure what we have to do to prevent this, but we have to do something. and i mean WE. not just the metalheads, but we as in genreal becuase WE are the next generation. the baby boomers brought in tons of factories, and sure they saved a few penguins becuase of their hippi-ness. and then their kids fucked everything over, leaving us to clean up the mess they did. will we fix it? or continue going down the drain?

To answer your question, we wont be able to fix it. Sure, we have organizations like Green Peace and stuff, who will probably do good things and all, but that is not enough. Not enough, when NASA is still shooting and ditching rockets in the universe. One rocket is not even close too 0.0000000000000000000000001% of our Solar system, but the fact that we are doing that is just so fucked up. We are having great campaigns and shitloads of money are spend to keep our streets clean (which is not working) whilst we are just spoiling the next step, the universe. That's why I don't wont to see us in space.

All this fills me with apathy. I can't help to think: "I can't do anything about it myself, so just let Humanity destroy itself in the next 100 years, as I'll be dead before that happens." I know it is probably very egocentric, but proove me wrong. CAN I change this world, a habit of the last 2000 years of spoiling an destroying? Can I? I don't think so.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
21.06.2006 - 04:29
Down Under Staff
Written by [user id=5630] on 17.06.2006 at 23:17

Written by [user id=1457] on 17.06.2006 at 21:55

Written by [user id=5630] on 17.06.2006 at 21:26

The only salvation left would have to be on other planets. We are already making great strides in the field of space exploration. We are discovering new planets outside of our solar system using our most powerful telescopes. With these advances, colonization of other worlds won't be too far down the road. If we manage to colonize other worlds, then the population of the earth will even out. But then again, we can just be idiots and stay on this rotten mud ball until judgement day comes. It's your choice.

So, if we are expending the world's natural resources at an alarmingly accelerated rate what do you reckon will happen when we get our hands on other planets? You think we will have learnt our lesson?

If humanity really is as stubborn as I believe, then there might be a high chance that we will blindly extract resources and use them up far too quickly. In the future, we might develop technology that uses less resources than the technology of today. However, we will never reach a point where technology does not use up any natural resources. The second law of thermodynamics forbids sci-fi ideas such as that. After all, energy needs to be expended in order to create energy.

I don't think we would. We would just keep doing as we're doing, but maybe even faster. The good thing about spreading out would be that there's more space and so it would take less time to kill everything.

I don't think that there is a way to stop overpopulation. There is a baby being born almost every second somewhere in the world. The rise of births vs deaths just keeps steadily going up. China has a rule that each family may only have one child, but China is so overpopulated that it doesn't really make much difference.

Maybe the only way to slow overpopulation is a huge megadeath. Like what Insineratehymn was saying. Maybe it's time for another world war, lol.

If you read the comical Red Dwarf book, mankind has spread itself out all over the solar system, and in the end, Earth turns so shitty, that the planet gets abandoned and renamed 'Garbage World' and the whole solar system's garbage gets dumped on Earth, like a giant tip.

I think though that most of us will be dead before over population becomes a major issue.
"Scream for me Melbourne!!!!"
- Bruce Dickinson

"I don't see any god up here"
- Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
21.06.2006 - 05:03
Daru Jericho
Over populations is probably too advanced to be stopped but we could be able to control it. My suggestions are rather basic: make contraception more readily avaliable in coutries like India. This is definitely a very slow process though.

Over population is a problem and I think I'm in agreeance with Nervel here. If we do invade another planet we'll probably destroy that too. Remaining on Earth would suck because we would be fighting for resources and deforestation would rise to make more living space and make more furniture etc. It's all very complicated. It's not really in our hands at all.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

21.06.2006 - 09:47
Account deleted
i believe theres no solution to this problem
not only we are overcrowding the earth, we are destroying all the resources at an unbelievable speed. eventually we are going run out of them and it will be rather soon. global warming obviously is unavoidable. basicaslly we are all doomed and i give it maybe a couple more decades for mother earth and its greatest parasites - us.
22.06.2006 - 18:59
I think it is something that will be critical in the future,we see it already happenening slowly.We see that diseases are spreading because of stuff like over population,I dont really see an end to it.Many countries like India will keep having children because of financial difficulties,3rd world countries population will continue to expand.Look at some places in Europe,some countries are more populated than huge countries like Canada.Maybe if the population spread out more,but then again people are looking for quality of life or dont have enough money to move.More people from those kinds of countries are coming to places like Canada or America.The more people in a country the more pollution,the more we destroy this world.
22.06.2006 - 19:03
Mr. Noise
Written by Hylia on 22.06.2006 at 18:59

I think it is something that will be critical in the future,we see it already happenening slowly.We see that diseases are spreading because of stuff like over population,I dont really see an end to it.Many countries like India will keep having children because of financial difficulties,3rd world countries population will continue to expand.Look at some places in Europe,some countries are more populated than huge countries like Canada.Maybe if the population spread out more,but then again people are looking for quality of life or dont have enough money to move.More people from those kinds of countries are coming to places like Canada or America.The more people in a country the more pollution,the more we destroy this world.

Yeah, let's spread. Why don't we cut down another amazone-forest and live there? That's not going to work either, I think.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
22.06.2006 - 19:18
Written by Lucas on 22.06.2006 at 19:03

Written by Hylia on 22.06.2006 at 18:59

I think it is something that will be critical in the future,we see it already happenening slowly.We see that diseases are spreading because of stuff like over population,I dont really see an end to it.Many countries like India will keep having children because of financial difficulties,3rd world countries population will continue to expand.Look at some places in Europe,some countries are more populated than huge countries like Canada.Maybe if the population spread out more,but then again people are looking for quality of life or dont have enough money to move.More people from those kinds of countries are coming to places like Canada or America.The more people in a country the more pollution,the more we destroy this world.

Yeah, let's spread. Why don't we cut down another amazone-forest and live there? That's not going to work either, I think.

I didn't mean it in that sense,I meant there is plenty of empty space in Canada for example,there are many provinces here that have very sparse populations compared to the lower Canada where the main concentrations of people are living,Im not saying destroy wildlife and cut down forests.I dont agree with that,I think it is awful how everything where I live is being destroyed just to make new houses because the population keeps gorwing here.But Im just saying that rather than all live in one area and produce all that waste that maybe we should spread out more so it wouldn't be such a problem,Of course the world still gets the same amount of pollution.
22.06.2006 - 19:28
Mr. Noise
Written by Hylia on 22.06.2006 at 19:18

I didn't mean it in that sense, I meant there is plenty of empty space in Canada for example, there are many provinces here that have very sparse populations compared to the lower Canada where the main concentrations of people are living, Im not saying destroy wildlife and cut down forests. I dont agree with that, I think it is awful how everything where I live is being destroyed just to make new houses because the population keeps gorwing here. But Im just saying that rather than all live in one area and produce all that waste that maybe we should spread out more so it wouldn't be such a problem, Of course the world still gets the same amount of pollution.

I know you didn't. I was just being a sarcastic bastard.

But spreading the people wouldn't work. For this moment it would lighten the pain, but after a few seconds also those areas you are talking about would be crowded too. So well, it would delay the problem for some time.. but after that?
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
23.06.2006 - 03:56
/\ being a sarcastic bastard isnt the best thign to do....shame on you

yeah, if we create more cities, it wont make much a difference. actually, i would make problems far worse. reason being that people would start traveling more and more. more factories would be built just to get the 'wants' to people. and the more people travel, the more pollution they'll make. on top of that, if trees arent in the way, then people would start killing off animals. we have to kill something, one way or anyother.

we're bunch of fucked up ass holes that are continuing to sodomize ourselves

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
23.06.2006 - 04:14
Written by Soliloquy on 17.06.2006 at 19:39
So what is the cure to stop this from happening?

There is none - the only cures result in either death or government mandates to control population (which is... How you say? Impossible). Any attempt to really stop it is counter intuitive.

People have to face that it's going to happen, that it's inevitable, and that, unless we find another planet we can live on within the next hundred years or kill off a shitload of people ourselves, people are going to starve en masse. It's a fact of nature and a fact of life.
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem.
By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.
24.06.2006 - 05:30
Written by Lucas on 22.06.2006 at 19:28

Written by Hylia on 22.06.2006 at 19:18

I didn't mean it in that sense, I meant there is plenty of empty space in Canada for example, there are many provinces here that have very sparse populations compared to the lower Canada where the main concentrations of people are living, Im not saying destroy wildlife and cut down forests. I dont agree with that, I think it is awful how everything where I live is being destroyed just to make new houses because the population keeps gorwing here. But Im just saying that rather than all live in one area and produce all that waste that maybe we should spread out more so it wouldn't be such a problem, Of course the world still gets the same amount of pollution.

I know you didn't. I was just being a sarcastic bastard.

But spreading the people wouldn't work. For this moment it would lighten the pain, but after a few seconds also those areas you are talking about would be crowded too. So well, it would delay the problem for some time.. but after that?

Oh,I see
Regardless of what we do,were doomed anyways,were not a very efficient species.I guess what were looking here is to either fix the problem all together,or try and dely it as long as we can.It will take time before every little space is crowded but then again there are a lot of people in the world so...Maybe there is no real option,maybe it's our destiny.Who knows,we got ourselves into this.
24.06.2006 - 13:17
Mr. Noise
Yes, we did. So we face the consequences. No more fucking for the next coming years.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
24.06.2006 - 16:44
maybe whatever we are headed for is actually us bringing an un-natural judgement day? what i mean by an 'un-natural' judgement day is that if there is a god, and if there is judgement day, perhaps we out do him, and we kill ourselves WAY before he actually intended it to happen?

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
24.06.2006 - 16:52
Mr. Noise
That would be funny. Then God would be like: What the fuck, where did they go?

But seriously, all who believe in God would say: This day WAS the right day. Because well, they haven't got an actual date when it is going to happen, so if it would happen, they could easily say: I felt it coming..
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
27.06.2006 - 19:00
In relation to science, the carrying capacity for the human race is already reached; in other words there are too much humans in relation to what the envireonment can handle, so diseases, mass nutaral disasters, and lack of food is a part of the natural tecqunique of evolution to kill off the human race. unless our gene pool finds more variation in order to survive the envireonment that we are artificially creating.

Overpopulation is happenning because we have found tools to outsmart the natural envireonment and we are paying for that due to the fact that we improportionally growing with the natural envireonment.
29.06.2006 - 21:45
Written by Lucas on 24.06.2006 at 16:52

That would be funny. Then God would be like: What the fuck, where did they go?

But seriously, all who believe in God would say: This day WAS the right day. Because well, they haven't got an actual date when it is going to happen, so if it would happen, they could easily say: I felt it coming..

haha, i just realiesed what i said. haha, that would be pretty funny. imagine a huge war between god and satan that started just coz of us.

'the fuck? i didnt give em perpission to die! the fuck happend to em' says god
'you're the big cheese. not me, so you should know'
'you saying i took em?! for all i know, you were the one behind this!' says god
'fuck you! i didnt do shit!'

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
01.07.2006 - 17:48
well i lived in South Korea for a while and sometimes it is unverable i mean its imposible to walk imposible to go somewhere without seeing ppl every couple of steps and dont mention going to a movie theatre or a plain concert ... MANNNN... i like it here better its more mmm i guess spaced ahaha but yeah i guess soem countries are just highly populated but its just very difficult to stop this trend
-At live's eve our flames will cease-
01.07.2006 - 23:48
Retired Staff
well i think overpopulation is a really terrible thing and i want it to stop, however the only way for it to do that would be a mass killing, or something like not treating deadly diseases anymore or something like that,
however on the other side i dont want this to be done,

of course on one side there are millions of workless and/or homeless people who dont contribute anything to society anyway, on the other side there are millions of people who only sit in a wheelchair or lie in a bed the whole day because of some illness, mentally or physically, neither do these contribute anything to society,
for these two groups the opposite is true, they are parasites of society, they cost loads of money, either for the state or for their family, either way they cost but dont contribute anything,

still i dont think we can just get rid of these people, they often cant help their situation, it is just a result of unlucky events, or sicknesses they have since birth,
just imagine the scenario from their point of view, they are killed without ever having done anything wrong

another possibility would be to give the death penalty extremely easily, however this also has extremely much downsides, for this they will of course radically have to change the death penalty since it is something extremely costy to do...

i also once read something, it was a futuristic scenario, it was about a future were old people were retired at the age of 60, then got enough money from the state to spend 5 happy years and then they peacefully went to some place where they got a deadly medicament, they were aware that it would happen but they knew that with this system their sons and daughters have a future, because they dont work and contribute much to society anyway if they would get older, they just occupy space and cost money, and in this scenario the overpopulation of the planet was even much higher then today, they also got 5 whole years of absolute peace and enough money to live happily

i dont know if something like this would ever be possible, but its definitely something we might have to think about...
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness