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Ancient astronauts?

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09.07.2007 - 16:51
This theory has been bothering me for some time now. Or rather this question - did humans evolve naturally or did they receive a gentle push from someone out of this world? You see I've begun to seriously question the "official" history of mankind.

It's funny but the idea of men having imagined all the gods and myths and having constructed all these wonderful monuments to fictious characters is in no way more realistic than the theory that at some point in early history our paths may have crossed with those of the extraterrestrials. And by extraterrestrials I don't mean necessarily little green men with big eyes - for all i know (and deem rather likely) they may have looked just like us.

I guess one of the reasons skeptics diss this theory is because they consider interstellar space travel impossible. then again that is a very human approach on things - "we can't do that, so probably no one else can either". I mean, at any given time in history men have generally thought that they are living in the golden ages. How many believed Columbus when he came up with the idea of Earth being a sphere. The idea was considered ridiculous at that time, but he was right. Of course his theory was only 50% correct - he also suggested the Earth may be shaped like a pear.

My point - perhaps we ought to take a very serious look at this theory. There are tons of ideas and suggestions arpound about this, some more unbelieavable than others, but isn't it possible that we have hit the head of the nail with a few of these? Besides, if indeed our history was (is, will be?) influenced by a higher civilization then this may hold the key to why is the human race what it is today. Maybe we are not aggressive by nature, maybe we were pushed on that road. And if so, then why would that benefit our caretakers? Or maybe it doesn't, maybe they left a long time ago. Maybe they were just intergalactic aid workers or explorers? Then again, gods have always been associated with disasters and genocides, so maybe these explorers had a more sinister intent.

Why is this topic classified under religions? Well, religious beliefs and writings offer a lot of interesting material, descriptions of gods and their means of travelling, things that are today mostly considered fairy tales and mere products of the human imagination.

All in all it's a disturbing theory, especially taking into account the often cruel nature of gods, whoever they may have been.
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"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
09.07.2007 - 16:54
Yes I know, I'm biased. But aren't the skeptics as well? In the words of an egyptian scientist, when asked about the possible extraterrestrial origin of the pyramids: "The idea of egyptians having had help in building the pyramids is absurd and insulting" Do I hear nationalism talking?
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
09.07.2007 - 17:03
Lone wanderer
Well, your not the first to think about this things, thats for shure. It might have happened, it might not - on the other side. I dont think we have some conctrete prooves for such theories. But some answers might hide in ancient civilisations, which were highly developed, like egyptians, or, I cant remember, but Ive read about those poeple in asia or middle east who apparently had electric power 2-3 thousands of years ago... And I think that great deal of "official history" as you call is actually rewritten and some things seem blurry today.
09.07.2007 - 17:11
Yea, I'm not a crazy "believer" who meets his friends every sunday for a circular-sitdown, trying to communicate with Starchildren. I just think that our civilization today is a.. well, a fucked up thing. But i'd very much like to understand how we have come to all this. People still kill for religion and the
"Who draws quickest, wins" method is a bit trivial in determining who's religious beliefs are true.

Where'd you hear the electricity thing? I'd be interested in that.

Also i'd recommend a book by William Bramley, "Gods of Eden". He too tries to find the reason to all the wars and ultimately "blames" extraterrestrials and their Machiavellian behaviour for that. He has has some ideas that in my opinions are sometimes a bit far fetched, but he also brings up very interesting facts from history.

EDIT: yea I know, I'm not the only one, the idea's pretty popular these days
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
09.07.2007 - 17:27
Lone wanderer
Written by destroyah on 09.07.2007 at 17:11

Yea, I'm not a crazy "believer" who meets his friends every sunday for a circular-sitdown, trying to communicate with Starchildren.

I didnt want to say you are, LOL.

Anyway, that about electricity, I forgot details, I read that in some books about pyramids, and writer said that in some archeological sites among ussual pottery they dig, they (scientists) also found something that is likely to be some primitive sort of batteries, or acumulators. But that wasnt in egypt.... Ill try to find that book again, and ill PM you or something, i forgot details really.

P.S. I was always trying to determine what is that rifle you hold in your profile, but I couldnt. What is it called??
09.07.2007 - 17:52
Advice Troll
This reminds me some theories I've read in a book of Erich von Däniken, but I don't remember which book was it.
Also the TV Series Stargate SG-1 says much about theories like that.
Personally I have in my mind the theory of an alien astronaut-God who created the life on this world. Maybe He was the one that gave life to this planet, the planet that may was unable to support life before. So deeply in my mind I have this idea of what God is and how this planet was created. Certainly I'm heavily influenced by Erich von Däniken in this, so I'd suggest you read one or all his books.
Bitch! Please
09.07.2007 - 20:38
Valentin B
the only realistic thing i can bring up here is that there is a possibility that the primitive bacteria that populated the earth in it's early days is actually coming from mars, as the earth was too hot or something at that point, while mars was cooler, and a meteorite collided with the red planet and scooped up some bacteria, and some made it's way here
09.07.2007 - 22:58
Written by Stalker on 09.07.2007 at 17:27

Written by destroyah on 09.07.2007 at 17:11

Yea, I'm not a crazy "believer" who meets his friends every sunday for a circular-sitdown, trying to communicate with Starchildren.

I didnt want to say you are, LOL.

Anyway, that about electricity, I forgot details, I read that in some books about pyramids, and writer said that in some archeological sites among ussual pottery they dig, they (scientists) also found something that is likely to be some primitive sort of batteries, or acumulators. But that wasnt in egypt.... Ill try to find that book again, and ill PM you or something, i forgot details really.

P.S. I was always trying to determine what is that rifle you hold in your profile, but I couldnt. What is it called??

The rifle is a Galil AR but that's irrelevant

And I heard that stuff about the primitive batteries. Saw how they tested one such battery in Mythbusters: Also found this article:

The battery is quite low-tech though. Maybe it was like an early "science project"? Except instead of miniature volcanoes they brought in such batteries.
I'd really like to know in what kind of a structure these batteries were found.

But suppose if the visitors indeed taught a chosen few people in the basics of physics, then the question is why? I like the idea of these batteries having been used in religious statues to make them seem "divine" but then again, as far as I know myths claim that back in the early days gods were less ellusive than later (i.e. when christianity came by). Writings from that era claim gods lived among humans.

Written by Valentin B on 09.07.2007 at 20:38

the only realistic thing i can bring up here is that there is a possibility that the primitive bacteria that populated the earth in it's early days is actually coming from mars, as the earth was too hot or something at that point, while mars was cooler, and a meteorite collided with the red planet and scooped up some bacteria, and some made it's way here

I guess that sounds reasonable as a theory about how life on earth begun, but we're concentrating on slightly newer period, when people already inhabited Earth.

Another strange thing about ancient astronauts is that many (if not all) ancient civilizations i.e. the Sumerians described their gods who travelled in flying boats, accompanied by fire and smoke. In fact, later descriptions are rather similar. I'll post an interesting exerpt from the bible later, if i can find it.
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
09.07.2007 - 23:30
Lone wanderer
@destroyah - yeah, estonia imports galil and swedish Ak-4 if im right... But ok withj that, we can ctreate separate thread for guns later lol

Yeah, that is interesting, many ancient cultures describe such things, and some prophets I think, but thats the future, not past... And yes, I know about that reference in Bible, not that i can qoute it, or something, but yes, I know...
10.07.2007 - 05:34
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
I suppose my general thoughts on this are that yes, it's entirely possible our species was genetically manipulated to evolve into who we are. However I'm not gonna put a large wager of money on it. I'm completeley neutral on the subject, and I don't even care if that's the case, because frankly what I evolved from doesn't effect who I am now, all I care about is my present, and the future I am striving to build.

Now, I don't really believe that aliens are the reasons people believe in gods, I believe in the real existence of higher powers.
Anyway, I would make this post like three million times longer, but I am too tired to right now
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
10.07.2007 - 13:09
Found it!

Ezekiel 1:4-28

4 - As I looked, behold, a storm wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing forth continually and a bright light around it, and in its midst something like glowing metal in the midst of the fire.

5 - Within it there were figures resembling four living beings And this was their appearance: they had human form.

6 - Each of them had four faces and four wings.

7 - Their legs were straight and their feet were like a calf's hoof, and they gleamed like burnished bronze.

8 - Under their wings on their four sides were human hands. As for the faces and wings of the four of them,

9 - their wings touched one another; their faces did not turn when they moved, each went straight forward.

10 - As for the form of their faces, each had the face of a man; all four had the face of a lion on the right and the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle.

11 - Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out above; each had two touching another being, and - two covering their bodies.

12 - And each went straight forward; wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go, without turning as they went.

13 - In the midst of the living beings there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches darting back and forth among the living beings. The fire was bright, and lightning was flashing from the fire.

14 - And the living beings ran to and from like bolts of lightning.

15 - Now as I looked at the living beings, behold, there was one wheel on the earth beside the living beings, for each of the four of them.

16 - The appearance of the wheels and their workmanship was like sparkling beryl, and all four of them had the same form, their appearance and workmanship being as if one wheel were within another.

17 - Whenever they moved, they moved in any of their four directions without turning as they moved.

18 - As for their rims they were lofty and awesome, and the rims of all four of them were full of eyes round about.

19 - Whenever the living beings moved, the wheels moved with them And whenever the living beings rose from the earth, the wheels rose also.

20 - Wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go in that direction. And the wheels rose close beside them; for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.

21 - Whenever those went, these went; and whenever those stood still, these stood still. And whenever those rose from the earth, the wheels rose close beside them; for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.

Vision of Divine Glory

22 - Now over the heads of the living beings there was something like an expanse, like the awesome gleam of crystal, spread out over their heads.

23 - Under the expanse their wings were stretched out straight, one toward the other; each one also had two wings covering its body on the one side and on the other.

24 - also heard the sound of their wings like the sound of abundant waters as they went, like the voice of the Almighty, a sound of tumult like the sound of an army camp; whenever they stood still, they dropped their wings.

25 - And there came a voice from above the expanse that was over their heads; whenever they stood still, they dropped their wings.

26 - Now above the expanse that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne, like lapis lazuli in appearance; and on that which resembled a throne, high up, was a figure with the appearance of a man.

27 - Then I noticed from the appearance of His loins and upward something like glowing metal that looked like fire all around within it, and from the appearance of His loins and downward I saw something like fire; and there was a radiance around Him.

28 - As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD And when I saw it, I fell on my face and heard a voice speaking.

P.S. The bible describes a lot of similar encounters with "angels" and "god". Right there, in the most popular book of all time
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
13.07.2007 - 18:51
狼獾's awesome, I know...
Well...some skeptics will most probably say here that this can't be true but probably was simply a writer with a vivid imagination who wrote science-fiction bestsellers of his era ЖD....

Well...I actually think that you're right and the arguments you've stated are worthy of thinking about thoroughly as well....
And that's right....humans are constantly living their "golden ages"....whenever someone tries to prove that something new or unspoken exists, it's turned down immediately...Columbus is a fine example...there are lots of people who say that "If I can't touch it, it isn't there!"
At the moment I know, for instance, that universe may have the shape of a pear...some also speak of a loaf of bread, cut into slices and slices smeared with jam...trying to stylize the universe and its dimensions....
14.07.2007 - 04:47
I think that humans evolved naturally, the extreme similarity between the ancient cultures, from my point of view, its just a logical concecuence, of the only tool that has the human... the ability to think. Other thing to consider is that even if the environment looks extremely diferent from one place to other, the key elements, food, water, predators, pain, dead, etc. and the most important key element Curiosity, have always been there, so the result from culture to culture, had his variations, but in the end the all looked much alike.
The piramids thing and all the large and myterious things, like stone hedge or the eastern statues, can be easily explain by hand work, yes, hand work, the problem here is that one is used to machines, so its very hard to thing that with out them, build something big its impossible, but with time and lot of people, the pyramids are perfectly explainable.
Like i said on the topic about extraterrestrial life, i do believe that there is such thing, but deep space travel, has a very low probability of happening, not cuz im thinking in human time, its cuz im thinking in life time and energy. The oldest living beings on earth are plants, an even for them, the time that takes space travel is far long that their lifespan. Second, the energy, to reduce energy consuming variables, lets consider that these aliens were in some sort of hibernation, that will leave us only with the energy that requires the ship, and no matter how advanced their technology was, still there are some physic and chemic laws that they cant break, one of them, its the friction and the thermodinamic laws, so their ship sooner o later will need fuel and will fail.
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Until victory, always!
15.07.2007 - 12:14
Written by destroyah on 09.07.2007 at 16:51

I guess one of the reasons skeptics diss this theory is because they consider interstellar space travel impossible.

/pretty major absence of evidence.

Check out some Raelian literature - the name will put a lot of people off, but their ideas are pretty much exactly what's been expressed in this thread.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
27.07.2007 - 11:02
i wrote a big post here answering all the above, and it didnt work, damn Bluecoat at work.. DAMN .. ill dothat later again tongiht.
This site is great. FOR ME TO POOP ON.

reBubblefuckered !!!BAAAALEEETEEED!!!
29.07.2007 - 08:57
Account deleted
Being a man of logic and not nutty conspiracy, I believe that the theory of aliens interacting with humans back in the ancient past is absolutely absurd. There is no written historical record of space ships or intergalactic travelers ever visiting Earth or coming into contact with humans. As for the Ezekiel passage in an earlier post, I highly doubt the accuracy of it as, being an atheist, I believe that the Bible is just an astrotheological folk story hybrid, and that its facts and historical accuracy are in dispute. Feel free to bark at me for this post, I really don't care at the moment as I'm feeling sleepy.
29.07.2007 - 16:42
Erotic Stains
Well, I kinda agree with Insineratehymn here. And will we ever have any proof that aliens came to earth? Nah, I don't think so. This is a theory we can discuss for a long time without any answer and any progress at all.
30.07.2007 - 12:39
The Aryaputra
After reading (some particular) posts above, I developed the following question: If such 'ancient astronauts'(whose civilization was obviously much advanced) really existed, then how did they evolve to such an advanced level or was there any other power that manipulated them too?
that which shines without names and forms...
31.07.2007 - 14:13
Written by [user id=5630] on 29.07.2007 at 08:57

Being a man of logic and not nutty conspiracy, I believe that the theory of aliens interacting with humans back in the ancient past is absolutely absurd. There is no written historical record of space ships or intergalactic travelers ever visiting Earth or coming into contact with humans.

Naturally our ancestors couldn't have written about spacecraft as they simply wouldn't have known what the fuck these things were anyway. Hence the interpretations.

Written by Paganblood on 30.07.2007 at 12:39

After reading (some particular) posts above, I developed the following question: If such 'ancient astronauts'(whose civilization was obviously much advanced) really existed, then how did they evolve to such an advanced level or was there any other power that manipulated them too?

Well I believe in evolution and therefore it only sounds logical that they just evolved naturally. Or maybe they were helped as well, though that is absolutely a matter of speculation.

I just need to add that yes, the ancient astronauts theory is just that - a theory. But we have no right to regard it as absurd or nonsense. Because to me the contemporary theories about early human history are just as sketchy. What we teach in school these days are basically stories of historians that are based on their interpretations of evidence (e.g. myths, structures).

As far as space travels go - our scientists are currently working on cornerstones for future deep space explorations (including the habiting of other planets).
Stuff like gene-manipulating with the goal of making humans more suitable for long duration space travel, lighter suits, new food sources etc. Of course currently our particular breed of humanoids are a bunch of retards (turn on the TV for three seconds and you see my point) but perhaps in distant future we might be able to reach other (possibly) earth like planets. And who knows, maybe they'd already be inhabited by less-developed beings.
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
04.08.2007 - 18:26
rageing atheist
Account deleted
Being a man of imagination and not boring and mundane logic I have to say that I have often thought
of these subjects and the origin of the concept of "gods" and their "divinity". First, I feel (no way am I stating that I'm neccesarily right) that given that most cultures have had somekind of concept of "gods" it would be somewhat weird if these beliefs would not have any basis in reality, and people just made these "gods" up out of thin air. Now I don't know how the minds of majority of human beings work, but I find it a tad unbelievable that the people of the past made up some far-fetched theories of "gods" to explain natural phenomenons as I think that maybe it would have been more realistic to assume things are just as they are when nothing would directly indicate the presence of some beings that are of somewhat incomprehensible nature to men (though I may be completely wrong - maybe the people of the past simply had active imaginations, though I doubt that religions built up on thin air could inspire such zeal as some of the ancient religions have inspired). So I assume that probably there there have been some beings who instilled religious reverence in our ancestors, so in a way they could be called "gods", though I do not recognise their divinity or anykind of religious reverence towards them, as I assume that early men deified these beings for they could not comprehend their different nature and could not see that these beings were probably just as "divine" to men as men are to, say dogs or cats, so in other words they were more sophisticated then men, but not because of their "divine" origin as I feel that the divinity of some beings over others is just a somewhat ignorant human idea. Anyway I think that the majority of these beings might have had an extraterrestrial origin, (though maybe the "gods" of some religions developed from the memories of ancient heroes due to the ancestor cults) and the people of the Earth maybe even initially recognised that they were just diferent beings to them but after their departure memories of them might have warped into religious beliefs. Also if my initial claim about the improbability of people just making "gods" up was wrong, then maybe some beings just took advantage of the gullibility of the people of the Earth and after learning about their religions took advantage of it and played either "gods" or the servants of "gods" to serve their own interests. Then again maybe there weren't any "ancient astronauts" and the gods were somekind of spirit beings who wielded such powers that they would be deified and worshipped by men. Or there never were any basis in reality on which the myths of "gods" would develop, and religions did kinda develop out of thin air. Who am I to know? Though I like the first theory best and believe that it's the most probable of them, I, as probably most of the human population on this planet, have very little knowledge in these matters so I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow if I were completely wrong.
05.08.2007 - 01:52
Bitch Boy
By reading this I thought of some Egyptian painting about some kind of beings with large head, or this Mayan sculpture about a "man" in what seems to be a space-ship.

09.08.2007 - 17:14
Written by [user id=23267] on 04.08.2007 at 18:26

Being a man of imagination and not boring and mundane logic I have to say that I have often thought
of these subjects and the origin of the concept of "gods" and their "divinity". First, I feel (no way am I stating that I'm neccesarily right) that given that most cultures have had somekind of concept of "gods" it would be somewhat weird if these beliefs would not have any basis in reality, and people just made these "gods" up out of thin air. Now I don't know how the minds of majority of human beings work, but I find it a tad unbelievable that the people of the past made up some far-fetched theories of "gods" to explain natural phenomenons as I think that maybe it would have been more realistic to assume things are just as they are when nothing would directly indicate the presence of some beings that are of somewhat incomprehensible nature to men (though I may be completely wrong - maybe the people of the past simply had active imaginations, though I doubt that religions built up on thin air could inspire such zeal as some of the ancient religions have inspired). So I assume that probably there there have been some beings who instilled religious reverence in our ancestors, so in a way they could be called "gods", though I do not recognise their divinity or anykind of religious reverence towards them, as I assume that early men deified these beings for they could not comprehend their different nature and could not see that these beings were probably just as "divine" to men as men are to, say dogs or cats, so in other words they were more sophisticated then men, but not because of their "divine" origin as I feel that the divinity of some beings over others is just a somewhat ignorant human idea. Anyway I think that the majority of these beings might have had an extraterrestrial origin, (though maybe the "gods" of some religions developed from the memories of ancient heroes due to the ancestor cults) and the people of the Earth maybe even initially recognised that they were just diferent beings to them but after their departure memories of them might have warped into religious beliefs. Also if my initial claim about the improbability of people just making "gods" up was wrong, then maybe some beings just took advantage of the gullibility of the people of the Earth and after learning about their religions took advantage of it and played either "gods" or the servants of "gods" to serve their own interests. Then again maybe there weren't any "ancient astronauts" and the gods were somekind of spirit beings who wielded such powers that they would be deified and worshipped by men. Or there never were any basis in reality on which the myths of "gods" would develop, and religions did kinda develop out of thin air. Who am I to know? Though I like the first theory best and believe that it's the most probable of them, I, as probably most of the human population on this planet, have very little knowledge in these matters so I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow if I were completely wrong.

Yeah, and another thing about religions - well let's face it, they've been causes for wars for a long time. It's actually rather difficult to make people march off into battle and possibly into death for a god when the evidence of it's existance are merely random natural events.
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
09.08.2007 - 23:17
I don't think that you definitely need some sort of a alien suasion to create religion or to put people think that there might be something higher and greater than a man. Of course there had to be something decisive that made people think about god or spirits around them, but it might have been a natural disasters, lunar eclipses or just the thought "what happens to the people who die?". Religion may as well be the result of constant nature cycles (ex. seasons passing, tides and ebbs). Look at the ancient Egyptian religion and how it was strongly influenced by the river Nile. People just started to think that someone up there controls the tides and by that the quantity of your next harvest. Religion doesn't create itself, it has to be created. Just imagine how long it took for a man to evolve into homo sapiens, and how long it took after that when first civilizations rose - why can't it be that religion also started from something small and maybe meaningless, but evolved into something bigger - into the from we know it at the moment.
10.08.2007 - 14:12
rageing atheist
Account deleted
I have also thought that maybe peoples' subconscious created religions in order to help them "escape" their mortality, as somekind of afterlife seems to be evident in most religions, though I'm not too sure of it anymore. Anyway I personally don't think that there neccesarily had to be aliens involved in order for religions to appear, rather than if somekind of "gods" DO exist, they're probably just alien beings of higher sophistication than we are, but deserve no more religious reverence from us than than we deserve from other animals of lesser sophistication. Or at least that's the way I feel at the moment.
02.01.2008 - 19:34
Account deleted
I am spiritual people ,and I personally believe that there is a god or some kind of 'beyond', but I've never been a creationist. It is impossible to know ,whether human developed eventually from simple molecules and proteins floating in a warm ancient oceans , or came like this from stars far beyond and abadoned us. According to one theory, life could have come from so near as Mars, from this primitive form of bacteria, which was annihilated from Mars due to major chance of climate. There is many similar theories, one wilder than another, but there really is a change that Tellus isn't our home.

Satanist writings tell this story of this snake god's ( what ever it was called ) children 'those who from the heavens came' which descended from the skies and took the form of human and the rest is history and satanic mambo-jambo.
03.01.2008 - 00:29
for as much as this kind of thing interests me (i mean thinking about it almost every day) i'm surprised i didn't find this topic a lot

anyway, here are my thoughts:
when looking at the age of our known universe our existence is a fraction of time. the first signs of an evolutionized human was fossilized in africa over 130,000 years ago, yet our solar system is guessed to have formed around 4.6 billion years ago. still, our known universe is guessed to have existed for 13.7 billion years.

to the next point, it's been proven that there was, at one point, water on mars. water, no matter what the atmosphere is like, brings life. if water was more prevelant on mars even just a few million years ago there had to have been some sort of complex lifeform, whether of higher intelligence or not.

taking both points into consideration, there had to have been another highly intelligent lifeform like us, or much more advanced, that existed for a longer timespan than we have so far. if you think about it, we're exploring space to the extent that we can, all while constantly improving our technology. if we continued at that pace, eventually we'd reach the abilities to explore space more effectively and in-depth.

devin townsend put it best: time is not a straight line ("solar winds" - ziltiod the omniscient). figuring out how to manipulate space-time is the key to faster space travel, which would enable us to travel FURTHER into the solar system, and possibly even further than that.

if another intelligent lifeform managed to live millions of years longer than us that advanced at the rate we do now, it almost seems realistic for them to have the capabilities of space-time manipulation, enabling them to travel to our planet.

basically, what i'm saying is it makes sense to me.
03.01.2008 - 20:49
Whether it could make sense or not, there still isn't believable evidence to make it the most likely theory. Scientific application of Occam's razor might be in order here: If there are two alternate explanations, neither of which are flawless, should we not pick the one with less unfounded assumptions? First, you assume the existance of another advanced life form ages ago; possible, but without evidence. Then they must have had the technology to locate and travel to Earth; possible, somewhat unlikely, and without evidence. They also need to have a motive to travelling here and helping us advance; it seems far-fetched to me, and while it's possible there's certainly no evidence. Finally, you need to assume these creatures managed to communicate with humans, teach them many things, and then disappear without trace leaving behind no proper records whatsoever. I call that wild speculation which has a slim chance of being true but has no means of convincing a rational human to believe it over science.

Or you could pick a simple scientific theory which has to make fewer guesses. The things some seem to consider "evidence" of extraterrestrial influence really aren't that unbelievable when you get to know them. Which is more likely: that human mind has tendencies to interpret certain phenomena similarily all around the Earth (something which has been observed scientifically in psychology) or the bundle of wild guesses I presented above? Sure, both are possible and contain no logical contradiction per se, but the latter is not good science or history. It's just not likely by the standards we use.
04.01.2008 - 00:35
Written by IronAngel on 03.01.2008 at 20:49

It's just not likely by the standards we use.

the standards we use are very shallow and immature when considering everything we still don't understand. beside that, science is about understanding, not speculating and dismissing based on how far-fetched a theory may be. almost 14 billion years is a very long time. and a large chunk of our own creation and history is something we still don't understand, yet people are so quick to dismiss something like this.

our race has problems with accepting ourselves; sexuality and racial differences. so accepting something like this is almost unheard of. knowing that, i can't take what you said with any validity. good point, though.
04.01.2008 - 16:56
If you choose to use other standards than those of science, you are very welcome to do so. Just present them thoroughly so others can understand and accept your claim better. Science is, in fact, all about making hypotheses (sp?) which have visible consequences that can be tested. Alright, so we can hypothesize that aliens came here ages ago and taught us things. What kind of consequences would it have? How can we test those consequences and determine whether our hypothesis is valid? A theory that cannot be tested, no matter true how it might be, is not scientific. And I dare say you don't have the means to thoroughly test your hypothesis.

Just because we don't know everything doesn't mean we should give no value to what we do no, or what seems likely. We can never reach certain knowledge about the world, it's impossible. We can and should, however, make some good guesses and accept them as "truths" in our daily life if we want to get by. That's why I prefer probable theories with good arguments over wild guesses that have no effect one way or another.

I'm not denying the possibility of your suggestion, but there's just no evidence to make it likely, nor does accepting it bear any practical benefits.
04.01.2008 - 21:40
Written by IronAngel on 04.01.2008 at 16:56

If you choose to use other standards than those of science, you are very welcome to do so. Just present them thoroughly so others can understand and accept your claim better. Science is, in fact, all about making hypotheses (sp?) which have visible consequences that can be tested. Alright, so we can hypothesize that aliens came here ages ago and taught us things. What kind of consequences would it have? How can we test those consequences and determine whether our hypothesis is valid? A theory that cannot be tested, no matter true how it might be, is not scientific. And I dare say you don't have the means to thoroughly test your hypothesis.

Just because we don't know everything doesn't mean we should give no value to what we do no, or what seems likely. We can never reach certain knowledge about the world, it's impossible. We can and should, however, make some good guesses and accept them as "truths" in our daily life if we want to get by. That's why I prefer probable theories with good arguments over wild guesses that have no effect one way or another.

I'm not denying the possibility of your suggestion, but there's just no evidence to make it likely, nor does accepting it bear any practical benefits.

firstly, i wasn't denouncing science. at all. science is the only proof of our existence, above religion and all else. it's what i firmly believe in above anything. what i meant was that science isn't about dismissing ideas like this as quickly as it seemed you did in your last post.

secondly, i never said anything about aliens making contact with us or teaching us anything. what i was implying more than anything else is that i believe that IF another intelligent race existed (at one point, whether currently or billions of years ago) at one point they had to have figured out that water is essential for life, and their curiosity may have brought them here. considering our planet has had water for over 23 million years, that's a significant amount of time to be noticed. our known universe is simply too massive, has existed for so long, and still extremely unknown to us, that it seems (to me) nearly impossible that we're the only form of higher intelligence to have ever existed. however, i DO agree with you that we'll probably never know the truth behind it.

furthermore, intelligence breeds curiosity, along with the need to know and understand. we're exhausting resources to more thoroughly understand the universe, so i'm sure if another species existed they've treated it the same way we are now.

i actually have one more thought i'd like to add before i fly out of here. in my opinion, i don't think we've ever made contact with an alien lifeform before. at least not on a scale of prolonged contact. we're an extremely violent species that's unpredictable to boot. if all these UFO sightings, if they're actually another species, that have popped up over the years have never ended in actual contact i wouldn't be surprised. i, for one, wouldn't go up to a group of people and start conversing with them if they were all beating each other to bloody pulps.