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04.09.2007 - 00:51
Account deleted
There was a thread about this a long time ago, but it was locked due to the people posting there being incompetent. This is a very touchy subject, I know, but I want people to at least attempt to act in a civilized matter when discussing this. Flamewars are forbidden, and anyone attempting to start a flamewar will be doused in a chemical bath. With all of this out of the way, let's discuss our views on this subject.

Personally, I have no quarrels with someone being gay, or even bisexual for that matter. To each his own. They are not the monsters that religions make them out to be. They walk, talk, and think just like anyone else, and they have a great plethora of ideas to contribute to society. They are also just as intelligent as everyone else, and they have the same concerns and worries as any other person. As a real life example, my mother's hair dresser (who is also my hair dresser, which explains why my hair is so beautiful) is gay, but he is quite the upstanding fellow, and is quite intelligent. In short, I greatly respect the gay community and I wish to see them claim the same rights as everyone else.

Discussion starts... now.
04.09.2007 - 01:32
The Bard
I don't like them at all.

First, I hate that discrimination factor and over protection they have. I already wrote that in People You Dislike Thread, if you beat homosexual on street you will get 6 months of prison, and if you beat heterosexual for same reason (not related to someone being gay) you will go to prison for a months, and gays can beat anyone they want, and in the end, they will be victims. Also, they have overprotection in everything, discounts on everything, what is the matter, why are they so special? Do I have to screw my best friend so I can go on trip for less money? In Serbia, they attitude is disgusting, they act like they owe this country, they can insult anyone they want, but when someone insult them, they are just poor victim of Balkan savages.

Second, that gay pride and gay parades trip, I hate that? What the fuck is point of people marching around half naked touching each other while listening to disco from 70s? What is the point of those "prides", look at us, we are gays and proud to be? IS that mean that I should gather all metalheads I know and walk through streets making noise and screaming Metalhead pride, or heterosexuals marching and screaming, I am hetero? I don't want my younger sister to watch them, and in generally I don't want kids to watch them, they are bad example to society, what to tell my kid when he/she ask me, who are day daddy, why is this guy putting his tongue into his friends?

Third, we are suffering from white plague, even fool knows that they can't have kids, and with so low natality the last thing we need is a lot of homosexuals who can't give anything to society in that matter, they can't have kids, and one one couples of male homosexuals, and one couple of female could give at least 3-4 healthy babies.

Four, I don't want some guy to come to me in the pub and say hi cute, let me buy you a drink, it happened to me before, and I said to him to get lost but he was very keen to see my ass, so I had to force him to leave me alone, luckily security throwed him out, and that ended good, but if I had to kick him, I would go in jail for 6 months, and he would walk around like victim, visit TV, radio station, told his story, how they are discriminated. I don't want my sister to end up in bed with her girlfriend, I don't want them around me or my family and my friends.

As long as they keep distance from me, my friends and family, streets and public places, I don't care what they do in their bedroom, but I don't want to watch them walking and kissing in the middle of the streets in front of kids, and youth in generally.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
04.09.2007 - 02:16
Deus Ex Machina
Written by APOHAKC on 04.09.2007 at 01:32
Also, they have overprotection in everything, discounts on everything, what is the matter, why are they so special? Do I have to screw my best friend so I can go on trip for less money?

LOL....discounts? Just because someone is gay?


To be perfectly honest, i don't give two shits about who is attracted to what gender, and i don't mean it in a "I hate discrimination.Let's fight for gay rights" kind of way
I just don't give a crap about gay rights.Sure, it would be nice if all societies were perfect and no one hated each other for stupid reasons like this.But if anyone is dumb enough to hate someone for being gay, go ahead.It's not my problem, and it's not like i can change your mind.
It might sound harsh but i don't care if gay people will be able to get married everywhere, if they'll be able to adopt or if they'll have the same rights as heterosexuals do.I only give my time to issues important to me, and this isn't even on my radar.I'd probably start caring if i had a daughter or son who's gay.If that happened, i can honestly say i'd be worried about how people would accept them but my child wouldn't have to fear rejection from me.I think that's the only way i'd even give a crap about this issue.
I just like the people that i like, now if they're gay or not.It's all fine with me.I'm one of the people that honestly don't care.
04.09.2007 - 03:08
The Bard
Written by Deus Ex Machina on 04.09.2007 at 03:24

LOL....discounts? Just because someone is gay?


This is true, there was some action for some tolerance week, every gay pair that booked ticket in national airways company got discount on the ticket price, so we had situation where heterosexual pretended they are gays just to get cheaper tickets, what is disgusting. Also, there is action on one television, I won't name it, where they give free stuff to homosexuals because they are discriminated, and they need it.

I don't see why they need free fridge or microwave more than some poor family with four kids without
money or recourses to buy that themselves, instead of supporting mothers that are raising children without father, families with 3+ kids, to encourage people to have children, they encourage people to be homosexuals, and to hook up to their friends of the same sex.

Written by Deus Ex Machina on 04.09.2007 at 03:24
To be perfectly honest, i don't give two shits about who is attracted to what gender, and i don't mean it in a "I hate discrimination.Let's fight for gay rights" kind of way
I just don't give a crap about gay rights.Sure, it would be nice if all societies were perfect and no one hated each other for stupid reasons like this.But if anyone is dumb enough to hate someone for being gay, go ahead.It's not my problem, and it's not like i can change your mind.

Oh, you misunderstood me, don't hate them, or wish them evil or anything similar, I just don't want them near me, and near children, because they are giving bad example to them. I don't care what are they doing behind their flat doors, and as long as they don't try to kiss me, or anyone close to me, I also don't care.

...And you are right, nothing can change my mind regarding this.

Written by Deus Ex Machina on 04.09.2007 at 03:24
It might sound harsh but i don't care if gay people will be able to get married everywhere, if they'll be able to adopt or if they'll have the same rights as heterosexuals do.I only give my time to issues important to me, and this isn't even on my radar.I'd probably start caring if i had a daughter or son who's gay.If that happened, i can honestly say i'd be worried about how people would accept them but my child wouldn't have to fear rejection from me.I think that's the only way i'd even give a crap about this issue.

I am totally against gay marriages, what is purpose? To call each other husband, and husband?

And as much as I am against marriages, I am double of that against adopting, children are to young to decide do they want to be raised in such family, and beside that, I don't want to imagine how those kids will be raised and educated. I would never reject my kid though, never, even if he is gay.

Written by Deus Ex Machina on 04.09.2007 at 03:24
I just like the people that i like, now if they're gay or not.It's all fine with me.I'm one of the people that honestly don't care.

I respect your opinion, same as everyone's else, and I don't expect to be called dumbed, because I am not. I just think for myself, make my own decisions, and don't follow trends, there is no alternative.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
04.09.2007 - 03:24
Deus Ex Machina
LOL, i love how it looks like you quoted yourself XDD
Anyways, the discount thing is stupid.You're right.

But you also misunderstood me.
The only part that has to do with you is the very first one,regarding the weird discount thing.

The rest of the text is only my opinion.It 's not a response to your post, so i didn't misunderstand you and i of course don't think you hate anyone.

I should have separated the text more or something
04.09.2007 - 03:33
The Bard
Yeah, it looks rather stupid to quote myself, hopefully, I managed to change that, anyway, sorry for misunderstanding then, last thing I wanted is someone to feel attacked or something.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
04.09.2007 - 03:36
I'm ok with homosexuality, I actually have a gay friend. I'm also ok if they want to get married, to express their love or whatever just as heterosexual couples do; but I don't know if adopting kids would be a good idea. I believe that children need to be raised with both the father and mother figures, as you learn different things from each and get different perspectives.
*All Blood Runs The Same*
04.09.2007 - 04:53
Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
Well I think I expressed my main views in my Halford topic as I was flaming Nyxgrinder haha.

I think to be gay is an awful choice, but I cannot choose someone's destiny, the more gays there are, the more women there are for me lol! haha, but SERIOUSLY, they are not worth wasting energy over.

These 2 drunk men bought me two shots ov Jagermeister before at a bar, they were British tourists, I am not 100% sure they were gay but they were dresses like women and loved my Iron Maiden they buy me drinks, i dunno if they were gay, but if they were and they boguht me the drinks......yeah I let them but I don't think i did anything wrong.
04.09.2007 - 07:58
Account deleted
Gays are overstepping their boundaries. I don't care what you do behind closed doors, but don't bring this into society. I think it nothing more than a fetish for someone to be gay. Just like some people prefer bondage, some people like defecating and some people like sex with their own gender - Whatever floats your boat, I don't care. However this fetish is one of the more disgusting ones (IMO) because more people from this fetish are likely to be more destructive in the society than from any other. If we as a society see these things as being abnormal (I'm not saying to prosecute it), it leads people to act more discreetly and not all out in the eye of the public. If a person walks outside with nipple tassels and a gimp mask while wearing only a thong there would be an uproar in the community because "oh no! think about the children", if two gay guys (or chicks) walk down the street making out, grabbing each others' asses and acting lewd in any extreme way, the society won't say shit because lo and behold, everyone is trying to promote "gay rights". Personally I think both of those go under the same list of fetishes - behind closed doors!

Why I think that they are more destructive, is because since people are laying a red carpet out in front of them due to "discrimination", they are more likely to go and try to provoke the society to see how much farther they can go. The gay pride parades, are ridiculous, people prancing around in their underwear and little fairy wings with plastic sex toys being displayed everywhere?.do you want your children to see that? I don't think any normal parent would want to explain a vibrator or a strap on to a 3 year old child.

Geez, the ass licking (pun intended) that these people get for being gay is insane. There was a case of 3 lesbians attacking a news reporter for filming them during a gay pride month in the East Village, NYC. These 3 gals beat the guy pretty brutally and it was caught partially on tape - the guy had to go to a hospital. They only got 8 months in prison. Why? Cause by their word, without anyone witnessing this, no proof being brought, they claimed he made a lesbian joke at them?.AND there were then protests from other gay people in the community to let them go because they did nothing wrong "defending" themselves. Another case, (about 2 years ago) two gay guys climbed a tree here in Central Park, NYC. One was an old man the other is a 15 year old boy, and they began to perform sexual activity, everything from oral to actual sex in public?.mind you this was also right near a little kids catholic church, around the time they were being let off from school. The guys were detained and questioned, they said they wanted to get the point across about gay right to the catholic community, thus they were targeting that location.

Don't get me wrong though. I don't think that we should be out prosecuting these guys; everyone has a right to their own lifestyle?AS LONG AS it is not destructive to anyone else in the community. And if it has obscenity?like a gay life style, keep it behind closed doors. Yeah sure, have fetish clubs, stores, movies?but don't make it that easily available to the general public, yes, including kids. Have at least some control on it like you would on any other general porn
04.09.2007 - 08:14
I dont know but I dont think people who are gay choose to be gay. If a person who is straight chooses to be gay I think that is wrong.
04.09.2007 - 09:13
Account deleted
A couple months ago I found out my father was gay. I guess I had always known my entire life..but for it to be a definite fact was really shocking to me. My concern wasn't with what people thought or the fact that it wouldn't be accepted..I was just really concerned about my dad. I felt really bad for him that he had to go this long with a huge part of his life being this giant secret. I mean he was just so ashamed to tell anyone. My parents have been married for 30 years and you can imagine how hard this has been on both of them. I honestly have been really shy to bring up the whole thing with him. He knows that my sister and I know but he truly doesn't want to talk about it. I accept him and love him. My best friend is a lesbian and it is really no problem. I just feel so bad for him.

Anyways the reason why I am telling you all this is because I have been reading some of the posts so far on this discussion. Some people are mentioning that homosexuals have gone too far. I just kind of want people to see that it is almost like politics. The radicals always go too far and they represent the actual people the wrong way. I mean being gay for my father isn't some fantasy rainbow gay pride parade. for him it is this huge hardship. He can't be honest with who he really is, but most of all is that he can't accept himself. There are so many gay people that go through this. I just want people to see that there are more sides to it than what you see. I will always accept and have an unconditional love for my father. It's people that don't accept what he is that keeps him from being comfortable and honest with himself and society. Anyways I think that my parents raised me very well and that has led me to accept this in my life. I have always been accepting to people different than myself and that definitely includes gay people. I will like a person if I like them and that has nothing to do with what they do in a bed.
04.09.2007 - 09:37
Eternal Flames
This is subject that I've always been a bit iffy about. I'm not exactly for to the point that I would fight for homosexuals to have the same rights as everyone else, but then again I'm not blindly against it either. I suppose being a straight female myself it's really hard to know whether the feelings that homosexuals have are innate or whether it's something they just choose. I suppose with procreation, homosexuality just does not work but then again the feelings that they feel are something that the average straight person will never be able to comprehend.

Personally, I'm against gay marriages and gay couples having the right to adopt because I don't think a child should have to be put in such a situation where it's either got two fathers or two mothers. I think on the childs account, that's just cruel because it's hard for a child to survive and grow up emotionally and physically fit. Anyway, with homosexuality I try to be accepting, however with bisexuals, I find it a bit difficult to comprehend how one can be attracted to both sexes. As for the gay parades and stuff, I think they are quite ridiculous and unnecessary.

I suppose to sum it all up, I'm fairly ambivalent and indifferent to the subject. In some respects, homosexuality does bother me but on other occasions I accept their choices and respect them and then in other cases, I just really could not give a crap.
04.09.2007 - 10:38
Valentin B
Written by [user id=160] on 04.09.2007 at 04:53

the more gays there are, the more women there are for me!

lol!! now that's rational thinking!

i don't have a problem with someone being gay(i would only feel a little disgust if i saw 2 guys kissing, but 2 girls, nah :p), it would make me the biggest hypocrit ever as i am a huge rob halford fan.
04.09.2007 - 12:13
I'm perfectly 'for' homosexuality, and I frankly find any other view disgusting. I see no reason why, because of an innate biological orientation, certain people should have their rights (no matter how insignificant they may seem) withheld. True, it could be hard for a child growing up with same-sex parents, but the fact is that any decisions made as a result (ie. refusing gay adoption) are pretty much based only on conjecture.

Also, Aronax's point about falling natality rates/homosexuals' inability to procreate is stupid. What're you going to do? Kill the gays because they don't have children? There's an absolute FUCKLOAD of hetero people that don't have kids, too, but I fucking bet you don't blame them for falling birthrates NEARLY as much.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
04.09.2007 - 12:21
Written by [user id=23900] on 04.09.2007 at 07:58

Gays are overstepping their boundaries. I don't care what you do behind closed doors, but don't bring this into society. I think it nothing more than a fetish for someone to be gay. Just like some people prefer bondage, some people like defecating and some people like sex with their own gender - Whatever floats your boat, I don't care. However this fetish is one of the more disgusting ones (IMO) because more people from this fetish are likely to be more destructive in the society than from any other. If we as a society see these things as being abnormal (I'm not saying to prosecute it), it leads people to act more discreetly and not all out in the eye of the public. If a person walks outside with nipple tassels and a gimp mask while wearing only a thong there would be an uproar in the community because "oh no! think about the children", if two gay guys (or chicks) walk down the street making out, grabbing each others' asses and acting lewd in any extreme way, the society won't say shit because lo and behold, everyone is trying to promote "gay rights". Personally I think both of those go under the same list of fetishes - behind closed doors!

Your childish opinion reeks of ignorance. Show me ONE fucking credible scientific/sociological study that says that homosexuality is a "fetish". Your weak little analogy thing is invalid.

Why I think that they are more destructive, is because since people are laying a red carpet out in front of them due to "discrimination", they are more likely to go and try to provoke the society to see how much farther they can go. The gay pride parades, are ridiculous, people prancing around in their underwear and little fairy wings with plastic sex toys being displayed everywhere?.do you want your children to see that? I don't think any normal parent would want to explain a vibrator or a strap on to a 3 year old child.

Yeah, pretty sure that gay prides exist to show that homosexuals are (or at least should be) free from the restraints that have held them back for years. Fair point about sex toys and all that junk, but the idea of a gay pride parade at its core is perfectly valid.

Geez, the ass licking (pun intended) that these people get for being gay is insane. There was a case of 3 lesbians attacking a news reporter for filming them during a gay pride month in the East Village, NYC. These 3 gals beat the guy pretty brutally and it was caught partially on tape - the guy had to go to a hospital. They only got 8 months in prison. Why? Cause by their word, without anyone witnessing this, no proof being brought, they claimed he made a lesbian joke at them?.AND there were then protests from other gay people in the community to let them go because they did nothing wrong "defending" themselves. Another case, (about 2 years ago) two gay guys climbed a tree here in Central Park, NYC. One was an old man the other is a 15 year old boy, and they began to perform sexual activity, everything from oral to actual sex in public?.mind you this was also right near a little kids catholic church, around the time they were being let off from school. The guys were detained and questioned, they said they wanted to get the point across about gay right to the catholic community, thus they were targeting that location.

Though I agree that "positive discrimination" is bullshit, the stuff you listed is in no way limited to the gay community.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
04.09.2007 - 13:15
I used to think that homosexuality was something wrong and something unnatural. Then a a couple of months ago a friend of mine admited that he was bi. I was a little schocked, but then I realised "what the hell was I thinking?" I think he had a lot of gut to admit this to me, escpacially as the only person he admited to it before took distance from him and rejected him as a friend. He is still the same person and my friend, no matter what his sexual orientation is. Does it really matter if he likes guys just as much he likes girls? Personaly I don't think so as I see love is love, no matter if it is between man-woman, man-man or woman-woman.

@Ellie: I think you have some really good points there. My friend has struggled with these issues since he was 11, constantly questioning if there was something wrong with him or if he just is going trough a phase. I think it is important to see that there is more than then whats meets the eye, just as you said. For example, I think gay parades have got out of hand as it seems is more about to show of in kinky clothes, more then actually working for gay rights. Also, with these events, people get the wrong idea about bi - /homosexuality as it seperates "us" from "them". It only strenghten the steriotypical image of how gays are supposed to act and behave. Many people see homo -/ bisexuallity as only a trend or something you choose instead of seeing who they really are. People like you and me, just that they happen to love people of the same gender

@Aronax: I think every guy would feel uncombtable if a guy would pinch the ass, but don't you think women feel the same way when a complete stranger grab there ass? Also, not every gay person pinces asses either. Most gay/bi people accept that you're straight and would never hit on a straight person. Regarding the re-production point, I think it's kind of weak, as we have, just as Hyvaarin said, straight couples who can't have kids. Also, we have ALOT of couples who chooses to never have kids or are planing about these things to late, when the biological clock has stoped. Also, if we are regarding the earth in general, we are suffering from over-population, not under-population. Gay couples may actually be apart of the solution to stop that the earth population is growing all to fast. Btw, Lowlas has a very good point, the more gay-guys there are out there, the more girls there are for us straight people!
04.09.2007 - 14:32
Account deleted
Being attracted to the same gender is biologically wrong and no one can deny that. This is why I don't like homosexuality.

But don't misunderstand me... I have no problem with homosexuals. I wouldn't look down on someone, distance myself from them or discriminate against them in any other way just because they're gay.

Bisexuals are a whole different matter though...
04.09.2007 - 15:27
Written by [user id=2943] on 04.09.2007 at 14:32

Being attracted to the same gender is biologically wrong and no one can deny that.

"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
04.09.2007 - 15:37
Written by Hyvaarin on 04.09.2007 at 15:27

Written by [user id=2943] on 04.09.2007 at 14:32

Being attracted to the same gender is biologically wrong and no one can deny that.


i think Skeggjadr is right
04.09.2007 - 15:59
The Bard
Written by [user id=23900] on 04.09.2007 at 07:58
Gays are overstepping their boundaries. I don't care what you do behind closed doors, but don't bring this into society. I think it nothing more than a fetish for someone to be gay. Just like some people prefer bondage, some people like defecating and some people like sex with their own gender - Whatever floats your boat, I don't care. However this fetish is one of the more disgusting ones (IMO) because more people from this fetish are likely to be more destructive in the society than from any other. If we as a society see these things as being abnormal (I'm not saying to prosecute it), it leads people to act more discreetly and not all out in the eye of the public. If a person walks outside with nipple tassels and a gimp mask while wearing only a thong there would be an uproar in the community because "oh no! think about the children", if two gay guys (or chicks) walk down the street making out, grabbing each others' asses and acting lewd in any extreme way, the society won't say shit because lo and behold, everyone is trying to promote "gay rights". Personally I think both of those go under the same list of fetishes - behind closed doors!

I totally agree. First, because I still thinks that everything they do, they should do hidden from the eyes of children, youth and older people. They are bad example how people should behave. Again, I agree, all kind of parades, gay prides and other shits should not be forbidden, because they don't have absolutely any point! I would not give them any rights, and after seeing them marching half naked with their... better half I feel just disgust. This year I saw few gays from Israel and Belgium in my home town, they were wearing some kind of small shorts, and some of them colored their nipples, and one guy had big lolly hop, and the other was sucking his lolly hoop and then kiss him with tongues out of their mouths. DISGUSTING!


Fair point about sex toys and all that junk, but the idea of a gay pride parade at its core is perfectly valid.

What is valid there? Why do you think that it is valid, and still attack girl that only showed her opinion?

Is it, or is it not biologically wrong I don't give a fuck, but if they really like to screw one each other, they could do that without showing everyone that they are doing it.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
04.09.2007 - 16:06
Written by baldur on 04.09.2007 at 15:37

i think Skeggjadr is right


Written by APOHAKC on 04.09.2007 at 15:59

I totally agree. First, because I still thinks that everything they do, they should do hidden from the eyes of children, youth and older people. They are bad example how people should behave.

But you haven't really given a valid explanation of why homosexuality is bad behaviour. All you've said so far is stuff like "it's gross", which isn't an acceptable reason. Note that I'm not talking about sex in public and all that, just homosexuality in general.

Again, I agree, all kind of parades, gay prides and other shits should not be forbidden, because they don't have absolutely any point!

But there IS a point - to acknowledge the end of unfair stereotyping/discrimination. But then, given the attitudes of a disappointly large number of posters here, celebrations might be a bit premature...
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
04.09.2007 - 16:12
The Bard
I wouldn't call it discrimination friend. Is that means that when gay say he don't like heterosexuals it is ok, and when I say that I don't like gays, that is discrimination? Discrimination would be if I said that they don't deserve any rights, and that they deserve nothing but death, that would be discrimination. Gay Prides are idiotic manifestations of stench, perversion and sickness, and beside that, they are pointless, cause everyone normal after seeing them march would not give them any rights, cause they look like they jumped from some really bad sadomasochist porn, with dark leather, chains, tongues... Do you all want your children to watch them in public? I don't. Do you want your children to see their parade and to think it is normal??
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
04.09.2007 - 16:39
Valentin B
Written by Hyvaarin on 04.09.2007 at 15:27

Written by [user id=2943] on 04.09.2007 at 14:32

Being attracted to the same gender is biologically wrong and no one can deny that.


the line of thought is:
-we are all straight=> we can assure that we will have children and the species will go on
-we are all gay/lesbo=> we have no future and in 100 years time the human race is dead

of course it's not that radical, but the fact that if everyone were gay we'd be extinct makes it biologically wrong, as biologically right= we perpetuate our species and evolve
04.09.2007 - 17:26
The Bard
And about overpopulation white plague it is not really problem in Europe, because of immigration and such things, but some countries have problems with white plague, as mine, some part of the country are empty, and one 20.000 citizens village disappear per year. The last thing we need is bunch of homosexuals without children that will "help" that 20.00 citizens village become 30.000 citizens village next years. That is also my country is at war with Albanian terrorist in last 20 years, they saw that we are dying, so why would they live only in their country while they can live in ours, which is dying.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
04.09.2007 - 17:41
Mr. Noise
Written by Valentin B on 04.09.2007 at 16:39

the line of thought is:
-we are all straight=> we can assure that we will have children and the species will go on
-we are all gay/lesbo=> we have no future and in 100 years time the human race is dead

of courcse it's not that radical, but the fat that if everyone were gay we'd be extinct makes it biologically wrong, as biologically right= we perpetuate our species and evolve

With today's technology we could easily survive if everyone would be gay.

And to the one that say that homosexuality is 'natural', what sort of argument is that? Plastic is not a natural thing either, BAN FUCKING PLASTIC!!!!
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
04.09.2007 - 17:46
Written by APOHAKC on 04.09.2007 at 17:26

And about overpopulation white plague it is not really problem in Europe, because of immigration and such things, but some countries have problems with white plague, as mine, some part of the country are empty, and one 20.000 citizens village disappear per year. The last thing we need is bunch of homosexuals without children that will "help" that 20.00 citizens village become 30.000 citizens village next years. That is also my country is at war with Albanian terrorist in last 20 years, they saw that we are dying, so why would they live only in their country while they can live in ours, which is dying.

Don't blame homosexuals (who don't have a choice in the matter) - if you absolutely have to blame someone, blame all the straight people who choose not to procreate. Like yourself OMG .
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
04.09.2007 - 18:04
The Bard
Written by Hyvaarin on 04.09.2007 at 17:46

Written by APOHAKC on 04.09.2007 at 17:26

And about overpopulation white plague it is not really problem in Europe, because of immigration and such things, but some countries have problems with white plague, as mine, some part of the country are empty, and one 20.000 citizens village disappear per year. The last thing we need is bunch of homosexuals without children that will "help" that 20.00 citizens village become 30.000 citizens village next years. That is also my country is at war with Albanian terrorist in last 20 years, they saw that we are dying, so why would they live only in their country while they can live in ours, which is dying.

Don't blame homosexuals (who don't have a choice in the matter) - if you absolutely have to blame someone, blame all the straight people who choose not to procreate. Like yourself OMG .

Like myself, WHAT?

And I don't blame them for that, I just respond to comment that we have problems with overpopulation and that gays are actually saving are planet, what is ridiculous.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
04.09.2007 - 18:59
Valentin B
Written by Lucas on 04.09.2007 at 17:41

Written by Valentin B on 04.09.2007 at 16:39

the line of thought is:
-we are all straight=> we can assure that we will have children and the species will go on
-we are all gay/lesbo=> we have no future and in 100 years time the human race is dead

of courcse it's not that radical, but the fat that if everyone were gay we'd be extinct makes it biologically wrong, as biologically right= we perpetuate our species and evolve

With today's technology we could easily survive if everyone would be gay.

And to the one that say that homosexuality is 'natural', what sort of argument is that? Plastic is not a natural thing either, BAN FUCKING PLASTIC!!!!

hey i didn't say it's bad or something, but come on, biologically it's wrong. the basic instinct is that the male is attracted to the female and reverse, and they procreate and make offspring, if you're procreating the species by any other means, you're not doing it the natural way, hence it's unnatural(not necesarily a bad thing)
04.09.2007 - 19:01
aids is a disease that god send us to free us from gay people^^ no just a joke im not serious

its a thing of tolerance and acceptance you should tolerate gay people but you dont have to accept them
i hope you do understand what im trying to say
04.09.2007 - 19:01
Mr. Noise
@cursed, it wasn't really an attack on you.

I just can't understand the sudden 'unnatural is wrong' argument that is used ever so often, while about 50% is unnatural. Think about it.. what IS natural these days?


indeed, tolerance and acceptance are two different things. but still, we shouldn't pretend that the world has reached the state of 'tolerance', cause it hasn't.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama