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Over Population

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Posted by Soliloquy, 17.06.2006 - 19:39
is it a problem? or is it a good thing?

if its a problem, how do we fix it?

i personally think that at the rate the world population is going, we would cause our own judgement day before God planned to. i mean, look at countries like China, and India. sure, their economy is going high, but at the same time, the world pollution is going high. sure china put a limit on thier child birth, and they limited a couple to only have 1 child. if they exceed that limit, they would be paying tons of taxes. India on the other hand doesnt have that limit. its population is almost 1 billion(that is 1 sixth of the world population), and its still sky rocketing.

Kenya's population growth rate is at a 4.6(or was it a 4.8?) percent. what that means is that in the next 16 years, their population would double. and then it would take them 12 years to double that. and then 7 years to double that. Kenya's growth rate is by far, the fastest in the world. and has been the fastest in over the 100 years or so?

what does over population mean to the world? well, for one, the more people there are, the more land they take up. for example, 75% of the kenyan population is living on farmlands. if that wasnt bad enough, countries have to get rid of tons and tons of forests to make room for more people to live. since the government cant keep up with such a big population, people start to take matters in their own hand. they start cutting down woods for fire, or thier stove. and if they are hungry, they start hunting, which is bringing the animal population to a down low as well. and if you look at this in an economic point of veiw, if people start living on farmlands, than the country's government would have to increase their imports just to keep up with the population's demands. and what would happen if the government cant handel that demand? you can only imagine.

just imagine what the world would be like when its population doubles to 12 billion?. people would be fighting for the necsesities needed to live. stuff like water, food, shelter, clothing. and if everyone is cramped together, there would be a huge rise in the diseases(if you know your history, look what happend to athens when they build a wall around their city.). people would be living in their own filth.

and if that wasnt bad enough, if people contine to cut down the trees, then the greenhouse gases would contine to fuck our ozone layer, which would mean that the place would get hotter, and hotter still. is that bad? yes! for starters, the ice caps from the north pole, and south pole will melt. who cares? well, north pole, sure its no actual land, but it is just a huge chunk of floating ice that is around 3 miles deep. (wait..was it 3 or 2 miles deep?) and the ice on south pole is about 3 miles deep. you melt those, and you would get a major flood. the only living lands to survive that would be mountian peeks like mount everest, or those rocky pillars in south america. how can the world population live on those tiny islands? well, they cant. first reason being that it would be so close to the sun, that it would be series of heat strokes. on top of that, man cant survive with ocean water. but then again, our ocean water has been polluted. and we have killed about i think 75% of the fish that lived near coastal areas. so really, we cant live.

and if you think that that wont happen, or its impossible to happen....well they say(discovery channel. you gotta love it!) that the jungel as thick as the amazons has been loosing trees every day. people have been clearing about 1 to 1 and a half lenghts of football fields in trees alone. and with the african and indian population sky rocketing, their forests would be chopped down soon.

a cure? a solution? what, put a manditory ban on couples world wide? that wont work becuase a lot of third world countries need more than one child in the family to either work on the famrs, in facotires, or look after diseased family members. and on top of that, those families alose loose tons of kids becuase of diseases. on top of that, even if we were to put that limit on them, it wont work. reason ebing that people just dont listen.

sow hat is the cure to stop this from happening? shut down all the factories? people are money hungry. that wont happen. im sure someone like billgates can buy a country if he pleases. so that wont work

a war? creat a holocaust to sacrifice all the people in the world? humm...that would be WAY to ethical. and that would also cuase a huge riot, and racism would be on the rise becuase people would say 'who to kill?' anarchy would break down on the streets. no, anarchy is not a good thing becuase it would be that everyman is his own government. it just wont work...

so is over population a serious delema that people should worry about? is there soemthing that can be done to stop it? what should happen? your views and opinions
28.09.2007 - 19:10

my topic still exists. yeah, i never really imagined it to last this long...sweet! i rock!

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
08.10.2007 - 12:27
Eternal Flames
I don't know how it is in the rest of the world, but in Australia I don't think over population is too much of a problem at the moment. Here, the majority of the population are elderly people in their 50s and 60s. This large portion of older citizens is due to the "Baby Boomer" era, that is, the rapid rise in birth rates after WWII. There is the same situation in Canada, United Kingdom and the US. Now, with this idea in mind, considering that a great proportion of these countries' population are over the age of 50, within a few decades, the "Baby Boomer" generation will pass away which I presume will decrease the world population.

At the moment, the government here in Australia are encouraging women to have children as the amount of younger generation citizens here are quite low. They're offering mothers $4000+ I think for each child that is born. Now unfortunately, women here are having children simply to receive the baby bonus without thinking about the work involved and how they're going to take care of the child.

As for some people having 10+ children, I think that's just terrible. Most of these women that have so many kids find themselves sitting at home struggling to take care of their children and receiving family benefits from social security. And unfortunately, it's the hard-working tax payers that end up having to support these people. I do however think that if over population does become an increasing issue, the federal government will introduce laws pertaining the number of children each couple can have, such as China's One-Child Policy.

As for the resources in the world, I don't know enough about that to judge how that is currently affecting the population. If over population ever were to become a huge issue, I think it would be more due to the decrease of available resources or lack thereof. I can only speak for Australia here though, as I am unaware of the situation in the rest of the world.
28.12.2007 - 01:26
Valkoinen kuolem
i doubt over population is problem, cause we have countrys like Australia, Norway, Sweden, Canda, etc.... that have very low population, alot of area of those countrys is empty, but we haved maybe two three foru maybe more over populated country as china, india, japan., dunno which else but i think over population ain't problem at all
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
30.12.2007 - 00:44
Pole Kitten
Account deleted
Written by EddieGunner on 28.12.2007 at 01:26

i doubt over population is problem, cause we have countrys like Australia, Norway, Sweden, Canda, etc.... that have very low population, alot of area of those countrys is empty, but we haved maybe two three foru maybe more over populated country as china, india, japan., dunno which else but i think over population ain't problem at all

i think you'll find that most of those areas are very inhospitable places. i think the figure is something like 70% to 80% of the Earth is uninhabitable. it's all very well to say that people who live in overcrowded countries should be shipped off to places such as the middle of Australia but would you want to set up home in a desert?? or up the top of Mount Everest?? i'm sure there is still quite a lot of land around that is "suitable" although not perfect for habitation but it is decreasing rapidly and it isn't simply the land space the population needs.

Take the UK for instance. we still have large areas of land that aren't being lived on. Unfortunately EVERYONE who moves to the UK or even moves out of home as they grow up want to live in the urban centres (i.e. towns and cities) as they need jobs, housing and transport links. They don't want to be shoved up some mountain in Scotland! the government has to manage every person that comes into the country whether through birth or immigration and with around 200,000 new people in the UK each year i don't think it's surprising they find it a tad tricky to keep tabs of everyone especially as these new people often take a while to provide income to the country but still rely on it's support.

One big problem in the UK (i can't speak for other countries as I have little knowledge of their situations) is that we had a "baby boom" in the 50s and 60s and these people are now beginning to enter retirement and will no longer provide much income for the country to spend on their support. The fact that there are less people in the younger "working" generations mean that there will not be enough financial support to provide for the older generation. it's a massive subject and there are loads more topics but that's my view on one of them.

With regards to immigration i think the UK is seen as an easy target, it is a well known country, well located and seen as a "promised land" and palce of safety... with good reason as we all have it pretty damn sushty over here to be perfectly honest! with America, Aus, NZ and many other countries setting strict rules for migration ours are much less rigorous and will be targeted because of that reason as well. We are, however, and ISLAND, and as such really don't have much space to accomodate additional population on top of our own annual increase and i do believe that we need to toughen up our immigration laws, purely because we will run out of space! Our population density at the moment is around 300,000/km2 which is classed as high and the whole of Europe is suffering the same problem. I think we need to restrict immigration to those workers we actually NEED rather than simply whether they have a trade. You really only need so many plumbers in one village, if you get my point! how we deal with immigrants asking for assylum is another matter entirely and i'm not sure where i stand on that one for the same reasons as above and their situation.. tricky one that.
30.12.2007 - 04:03
Totemic Lust
Possible Solutions:
Mandatory sterilization of repeat violent offenders? Maybe, but that really wouldn't make a big difference overall.
Better distibution of birth control (AND coverage by Health Insurance Pigs), this would make an impact.
And the dark horse that may actually save our planet... Abortion!?

But don't worry, Jesus will return before we have to deal with all that nonsense...
31.12.2007 - 03:48
Valkoinen kuolem
@Pole Kitten
yeah u can move some ppl into deseret, see Las Vegas it was desert, see Dubai, i dind't even thougt on mont everest he hee

yeah i know everybody want's to live in urban centers but u can make a urban in deseret tooo
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
28.01.2008 - 15:17
Pole Kitten
Account deleted
that's ok until you get a drought! Western Australia is probably going to be the first mass evacuation due to drought once the aquifer dries up.
01.11.2008 - 02:12
Account deleted
The answer to over population is nuclear war.
08.11.2008 - 17:47
Totemic Lust
Written by [user id=35694] on 01.11.2008 at 02:12

The answer to over population is nuclear war.

I think that is the answer to ALL population.
09.11.2008 - 04:43
Account deleted
There need to be laws in places like India to counter over-population while there should be laws to promote population in countries whose populations are decreasing. The world should work to cut its overall population levels drastically over the course of a few hundred years to conserve natural resources or else our species survival may be compromised
15.11.2008 - 01:41
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by [user id=35694] on 01.11.2008 at 02:12

The answer to over population is nuclear war.

The answer to over population is genocide.

@Toast: I dunno...promoting population in countries whose populations are decreasing might not be a good idea...I mean, look at our country...there are 40 million people and our government supports population by letting just about anyone through at customs...but that is bringing in some of the worst people...
15.11.2008 - 02:17
Written by Introspekrieg on 08.11.2008 at 17:47

Written by [user id=35694] on 01.11.2008 at 02:12

The answer to over population is nuclear war.

I think that is the answer to ALL population.

thats the answer to all Problems

I've heard that the entire (human) population could just fit into the boundaries of the state of Texas. That was maybe a year or two ago though so its undoubtably changed.

Over population is defiantly a problem. It causes a lack of food and resources which pisses people of or makes them desperate. That makes war. War (a big one at least) will shrink the population significantly and help soften the blow on us innocent and undeserving Humans (boohoo). Nature always has a way to balance things out and when the human race is balanced we'll work our way back up to a problem and it will happen again.... unless we evolve into Crab People and begin terraforming other planets with our powerful pinchers... No?
16.11.2008 - 01:17
If the planets population keeps on growing at this rate, we are going to end up eating each other!:maniac:
26.11.2008 - 07:47
Account deleted
China has serious over-population problems, everyone knows it, and everyone knows it's a problem. Yet, when the Chinese government attempt to fix it... what happens? they are all of a sudden the cruelist people on the planet! sure, it may not have been the best solution, but at least they were trying to fix the problem.
27.11.2008 - 10:47
el parcero
How about cannibalism? specially in places where there's a lot of hunger...

here's how it is: eat your weak fellow-man, and not only will you be curing your hunger, but you'll also help to reduce over population, specially if you consider that the one you ate was just taking valuable space if everyone in the places with these issues did this it'd be the end of over population and world hunger!!!
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
09.04.2010 - 23:44
You guys should check out Egypt .. it might not have those scarey numbers such as china or india.. but believe me you cant possibly imagine the population DENSITY in cairo ... Egypt is 1,000,000 km square .. with 97% of it inhabitable deserts... egyptians live on only 3% of that.. (30,000 km square ...) so, there's 85 Million egyptians ... and they funny part is that 25 Million of'em live in cairo alone (that's the day-time population.. not the full-time residents count, coz all of the jobs are in cairo, so people travel from different regions everyday to cairo by day, and leave by night) ... so, you can imagine.. 25 million people living in ONE city.. that's about the size of any other capital, not exceptionally large or anything ... and oh... there's absolutely NO greens AT ALL in cairo, no national parks or anything.. only a few private sports clubs and private parks forming less than 1% of cairo's land plot ... hmm.. oh, and it's the third most polluted city in the world.. and the first place in floating particle matter (dust and other shit) ... mm.. worth mentioning is the strict religious traditions in here that prevents pre-maritial sex, that results in a mass sex-frustration, and makes Egypt (again, as always 8)) in first place in the international sexual harassment chart !

Welcome to Egypt !!

please google-map/earth Cairo right NOW ..

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
18.04.2010 - 04:20
IMO, the problem is not overpopulation itself, but distribution of it, there are plenty of areas throughout the world who are completely unpopulated, or populated like with very few people, as also areas with an enormous population density. Bad distribution leads to overpopulation in certain areas of a country or a continent.
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
18.04.2010 - 20:35
Written by Zuzuz0r on 18.04.2010 at 04:20

IMO, the problem is not overpopulation itself, but distribution of it, there are plenty of areas throughout the world who are completely unpopulated, or populated like with very few people, as also areas with an enormous population density. Bad distribution leads to overpopulation in certain areas of a country or a continent.

So do you say sacrifice pristine forests, agricultural land, natural sanctuaries etc. to move people there or try and force people to live in uninhabitable areas such as mountains and deserts?
The force will be with you, always.
18.04.2010 - 22:24
Written by Clintagräm on 18.04.2010 at 20:35

Written by Zuzuz0r on 18.04.2010 at 04:20

IMO, the problem is not overpopulation itself, but distribution of it, there are plenty of areas throughout the world who are completely unpopulated, or populated like with very few people, as also areas with an enormous population density. Bad distribution leads to overpopulation in certain areas of a country or a continent.

So do you say sacrifice pristine forests, agricultural land, natural sanctuaries etc. to move people there or try and force people to live in uninhabitable areas such as mountains and deserts?

No, but with decentralization and possibly promotion of culture(about giving birth and stuff) not exactly killing forests and all you say, overpopulation in certain countries or cities is also because of migration, so for example, in less developed cities in a certain country, people from those undeveloped cities could start developing better education, better chances of work and life without the need of moving to another city, maybe with some help of the government, but also people wanting their own city to develop and grow. And, I'm not talking about deportation. For example, here in Mexico, mostly everything is centralized in the 3 main cities(Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey), but mostly in Mexico City, which has a way superior population than the other 2 cities, there are areas in Mexico which are overpopulated as areas that have very few people, unequality is a big problem here in almost every aspect, be it economic, educational, population, wealth, etc... Although decentralization and unequality has decreased within time, it's still a problem. And well, yeah, I know this sounds utopic, but I don't think it's impossible, it's just my point of view of a solution to overpopulation, and I know unequality and bad distribution is not only a problem of Mexico, but lots of countries have this problem too(mostly the world in general), so well, just my point of view, I'd like to know your point of view about this situation .
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
18.04.2010 - 22:39
Written by Zuzuz0r on 18.04.2010 at 22:24


I understand what you are saying, but big cities are a product of state level societies. They have been around for thousands of years, ie: Memphis, Rome, Alexandria, Paris etc. If all cities begin to develop then regardless they will continue to expand into either uninhabitable or pristine, natural areas, which in my opinion is unacceptable. However, it is also unacceptable when there are such huge inequalities in big cities, like you have cited, but that is another product of state level societies. Obviously I wish there were fewer people with higher standards of living (climatized to their cultural standards) but is that really possible any longer? What could people or a government really do, what programs or laws could be passed to keep this from happening? I really would have no idea.
The force will be with you, always.
19.04.2010 - 00:56
Well, i'll have to disagree with the "bad distribution theory" .. it's illiteracy and poverty that is the problem,

FACT: most (if not ALL) countries with a population problem are developing countries or countries with a high rate of illiteracy ,,, china, india, africa, middle east, latin america .. while north america, europe, oceania have a declining opoulation, as they're more educated.

it's the irresponsible and unplanned behviour poverty (and religious) countries embrace that causes high poulation density... while anywhere in the "civilized world (i hate this world but unfortunately.. they are WAY more civilized )" no one haves a baby unless planned and convinced they "really need| it (nevermind the bastard babies.. usually its people who arent into abortions, .. which i'm totally cool with )

so, if we "distribute" all "populated area people" allover america and europe .. they'll populate it over there and cause the same problem in one more place .. a perfect example of that, the "muslimization" of europe ... if europeans dont start having kids, europe will be a majority of muslims within the next 30 years ... when you're 50 years old.. europe will be another afghanistan/iran/saudi arabia !!

so, as much as i want to immigrate to europe.. i think it's totally their right to be picky about who they let in and if they dont allow immigration at all.. i cant really blame them

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
19.04.2010 - 01:18
Written by Zombie on 19.04.2010 at 00:56

FACT: most (if not ALL) countries with a population problem are developing countries or countries with a high rate of illiteracy ,,, china, india, africa, middle east, latin america .. while north america, europe, oceania have a declining opoulation, as they're more educated.

Well, I included this when talking about the promotion of culture, but yeah, population problems are more common among developing countries, but the thing with places such as US, Canada, Europe, is that while the native(or fist settlers in the case of US and Canada) population is decreasing, the immigrant population is getting higher and higher within time.
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
19.04.2010 - 02:42
Written by Zombie on 19.04.2010 at 00:56

while anywhere in the "civilized one haves a baby unless planned and convinced they "really need| it

Just a heads up, in America, there are a lot of unplanned pregnancies. Most of the people I know, or that say my sister knows, have kids due to unplanned pregnancies. I wouldn't be so quick to make fast judgments for countries like U.S. and Europe without the proper sources.
The force will be with you, always.
20.04.2010 - 00:54
Written by Clintagräm on 19.04.2010 at 02:42

Written by Zombie on 19.04.2010 at 00:56

while anywhere in the "civilized one haves a baby unless planned and convinced they "really need| it

Just a heads up, in America, there are a lot of unplanned pregnancies. Most of the people I know, or that say my sister knows, have kids due to unplanned pregnancies. I wouldn't be so quick to make fast judgments for countries like U.S. and Europe without the proper sources.

Shut up dude i'm making your country look good hehehe ..

nah kidding .. i know there are alot of unplanned pregnancies and stuff.. but child services/ child care is way better in US and europe, so bastard babies grow up in n orphange or something, not grow up in the streets like in the third world (we dont even have child services ) .. and latest study has shown that there are MORE than 4 MILLION bastard children living in the STREETS of cairo with no adult supervision what-so-ever, just living completely independent on begging- robbery- and sympathy of passing-by people.

so, at least your bastards grow up to be productive members of the society (sometimes, or at least a percentage of those)... AND ... AND ... most "educated people" dont just keep on having kids non-stop. and when unplanned pregnancy happens then it's an "ACCIDENT" and a little bit irresponsibility....

While in latin, african, muslim countries bastard children grow up to be criminals .. and the percentage of "unplanned pregnancies" is WAY greater as the education level is much lower in the third world .. AND because even educated people still have 5 or 6 children as they believe that "birth control methods" are sinful as they're "preventing a life-gift from god" ... and i dont need to say what they think about abortions ...

so, the probleams is reaching epic proportions in the third world.. while in US and europe is is just a "problem" among other "problems"

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
20.04.2010 - 05:59
Written by Zombie on 20.04.2010 at 00:54

so, the probleams is reaching epic proportions in the third world.. while in US and europe is is just a "problem" among other "problems"

So then what solution is there?
The force will be with you, always.
20.04.2010 - 19:55
Written by Clintagräm on 20.04.2010 at 05:59

Written by Zombie on 20.04.2010 at 00:54

so, the probleams is reaching epic proportions in the third world.. while in US and europe is is just a "problem" among other "problems"

So then what solution is there?

more sex-education in schools and on TV, availability of contraceptives and preferrably they're free (put tax dollars into something really useful rather than the pockets of the corrupt officials), and most importantly; promote secular ideology, its ok if you're religious, just dont hangout by the abortion clinic telling all visitors they're going to hell

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
20.04.2010 - 20:30
Why there is not some rule (in Islam, for example) that says that if you get pregnant from someone you don't love you go to hell? It'd solve the problem if everyone's so religious...

Anywayz, the overpopulation problem is not actual in Latvia. We're more afraid the country will be empty after some years because everyone's migrating even though Latvia IS a developing country (so, ezz_zombie, I don't think you're right about developing countries - those are the already developed ones)...
20.04.2010 - 22:34
Well, when i meant "developing countries" i was trying to use a better word than "retardfuckistan" that i live in ... anyways, to answer your question; in christianity and islam, you go to hell if u have sex in the first place (either you love her or not ) .. unless you're married.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
20.04.2010 - 23:08
Written by Zombie on 20.04.2010 at 19:55

Written by Clintagräm on 20.04.2010 at 05:59

Written by Zombie on 20.04.2010 at 00:54

so, the probleams is reaching epic proportions in the third world.. while in US and europe is is just a "problem" among other "problems"

So then what solution is there?

more sex-education in schools and on TV, availability of contraceptives and preferrably they're free (put tax dollars into something really useful rather than the pockets of the corrupt officials)

I talked about this some posts ago, but well, still, I think over population is a hard to solve issue, we're billions of people all over the world, and not everyone can access to education and culture, so, what would end with this problem? I don't know, maybe another epidemic disease, another world war, massive natural disasters, massive homosexuality, whatever... And I'm not saying that I want those things to happen, but I think some of those events would reduce a certain number of people all over the world.
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
21.04.2010 - 14:58
Account deleted
Blame Agriculture. You look at population growth and correlate it with Agricultural advances and it's one and the same thing. In Europe and North America alot of the decline in populations is due to women enjoying the same working rights as men (if not more). It isn't economically viable to have lot's of children if you want a bigger house and nicer car. Elsewhere it seems that if the kids can be feed then they'll have them. In a way, Aid agencies are just digging a bigger and bigger problem for themselves. With food prices likely to shoot up in the coming decades due to much more people in China, India wanting more meat, wheat etc., those Aid agencies aren't going to be getting the Purchasing power through western countries to feed everyone. Then there's Zimbabwe and soon to be South Africa been taken out of production, Africa in particular will have problems. There's advances still going on, Rice production is likely to vastly increase due to bioengineering, meaning more Asians.

The great unspoken is the biggest Genocide in history going on right now, birth rates of boy/girls in China and India is hugely tilted to boys. More boys do get born naturally due to a higher mortality rate in infant boys, but in some regions its as high as 128 boys/100 girls. If this continues by 2050 theres going to be alot of lonely young men causing all sorts of trouble within the borders of two nuclear powers. This might be the only solution to over-population - nuclear war