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Over Population

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Posted by Soliloquy, 17.06.2006 - 19:39
is it a problem? or is it a good thing?

if its a problem, how do we fix it?

i personally think that at the rate the world population is going, we would cause our own judgement day before God planned to. i mean, look at countries like China, and India. sure, their economy is going high, but at the same time, the world pollution is going high. sure china put a limit on thier child birth, and they limited a couple to only have 1 child. if they exceed that limit, they would be paying tons of taxes. India on the other hand doesnt have that limit. its population is almost 1 billion(that is 1 sixth of the world population), and its still sky rocketing.

Kenya's population growth rate is at a 4.6(or was it a 4.8?) percent. what that means is that in the next 16 years, their population would double. and then it would take them 12 years to double that. and then 7 years to double that. Kenya's growth rate is by far, the fastest in the world. and has been the fastest in over the 100 years or so?

what does over population mean to the world? well, for one, the more people there are, the more land they take up. for example, 75% of the kenyan population is living on farmlands. if that wasnt bad enough, countries have to get rid of tons and tons of forests to make room for more people to live. since the government cant keep up with such a big population, people start to take matters in their own hand. they start cutting down woods for fire, or thier stove. and if they are hungry, they start hunting, which is bringing the animal population to a down low as well. and if you look at this in an economic point of veiw, if people start living on farmlands, than the country's government would have to increase their imports just to keep up with the population's demands. and what would happen if the government cant handel that demand? you can only imagine.

just imagine what the world would be like when its population doubles to 12 billion?. people would be fighting for the necsesities needed to live. stuff like water, food, shelter, clothing. and if everyone is cramped together, there would be a huge rise in the diseases(if you know your history, look what happend to athens when they build a wall around their city.). people would be living in their own filth.

and if that wasnt bad enough, if people contine to cut down the trees, then the greenhouse gases would contine to fuck our ozone layer, which would mean that the place would get hotter, and hotter still. is that bad? yes! for starters, the ice caps from the north pole, and south pole will melt. who cares? well, north pole, sure its no actual land, but it is just a huge chunk of floating ice that is around 3 miles deep. (wait..was it 3 or 2 miles deep?) and the ice on south pole is about 3 miles deep. you melt those, and you would get a major flood. the only living lands to survive that would be mountian peeks like mount everest, or those rocky pillars in south america. how can the world population live on those tiny islands? well, they cant. first reason being that it would be so close to the sun, that it would be series of heat strokes. on top of that, man cant survive with ocean water. but then again, our ocean water has been polluted. and we have killed about i think 75% of the fish that lived near coastal areas. so really, we cant live.

and if you think that that wont happen, or its impossible to happen....well they say(discovery channel. you gotta love it!) that the jungel as thick as the amazons has been loosing trees every day. people have been clearing about 1 to 1 and a half lenghts of football fields in trees alone. and with the african and indian population sky rocketing, their forests would be chopped down soon.

a cure? a solution? what, put a manditory ban on couples world wide? that wont work becuase a lot of third world countries need more than one child in the family to either work on the famrs, in facotires, or look after diseased family members. and on top of that, those families alose loose tons of kids becuase of diseases. on top of that, even if we were to put that limit on them, it wont work. reason ebing that people just dont listen.

sow hat is the cure to stop this from happening? shut down all the factories? people are money hungry. that wont happen. im sure someone like billgates can buy a country if he pleases. so that wont work

a war? creat a holocaust to sacrifice all the people in the world? humm...that would be WAY to ethical. and that would also cuase a huge riot, and racism would be on the rise becuase people would say 'who to kill?' anarchy would break down on the streets. no, anarchy is not a good thing becuase it would be that everyman is his own government. it just wont work...

so is over population a serious delema that people should worry about? is there soemthing that can be done to stop it? what should happen? your views and opinions
26.08.2011 - 21:48
Written by Ragana on 26.08.2011 at 21:34

Written by Twilight on 26.08.2011 at 21:25

Because no one wants to live on an overcrowded planet.

it's not an overcrowded planet, those are overcrowded regions. there are hardly 2 million people living in Latvia and we're nowhere close to run out of water or land.

I'm not saying we are living on one now. But if the growth of world population continues with this pace it will be quite dramatic in one hundred years or so.
And living on an overcrowded planet doesn't mean that there's literally no single space left. There should still be room for other things. Human beings desire more things than a roof over their heads, food, shops and a job... What about parks, nature, and other kinds of relaxation. Can you imagine we would transform the whole of Siberia into one huge metropolis? No, that just would never work. We should realize that we're not responsible for how the planet's doing, we're responsible of how we ourselves are doing. And I don't think we will last very long if we multiply and multiply and fill up every spot with some kind of human construction.
26.08.2011 - 21:54
Ok, Something I read on someone else's facebook (and posted in mine too)
The optimists say that soon will be eating s**t... and the pessimists say that there will be no s**t enough for everybody

Well, I am with the pessimist that think that there will not be enought s**t for everybody, because there is too much people over this planet, and people should stop having children, otherwise there will be no room/food/water for all ot them... that's what I think
Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand
26.08.2011 - 22:40
Written by Twilight on 26.08.2011 at 21:48

[..] And I don't think we will last very long if we multiply and multiply and fill up every spot with some kind of human construction.

well of course not, I'm not saying that we should move to Sahara just because it's empty or that polar bears in Arctic are desperate for some company, but we should stop migrating so much and/or at least give birth to a normal (depending on every country's needs) count of children. and it doesn't mean that people should move to Siberia and build skyscrapers, there are plenty of normal countries that simply are emptying.
26.08.2011 - 22:56
Written by Twilight on 26.08.2011 at 21:25

Nah, I still think the most simple solution to over population is birth control.

Only thing is, many people would probably feel offended by this idea. Especially religious people who feel that they should multiply as much as they can.

Sorry, I am breaking up your post a lot, haha.

Birth control would be the simplest solution, yes. With what I posted before I was aiming for a more 'natural' solution. Since people will be offended if they were told to regulate how much they reproduce. Religion definitely is a factor, but I believe that such a thing is 'bigger' than religious edict.

For one thing, reproduction is programmed into our genes (I don't have proof of this, just the conclusion I have after reading various articles over the years). The drive to have sex is controlled by the same part of the brain that tells us that we are hungry or thirsty. That 'almost' makes sex a 'need', rather than a 'want'.

But, the real point that I am trying to say is that reducing the right to reproduce would not be accepted by people readily, because it is just that, a human right. Then again, perhaps we can learn from China whom put a limit on the number of off spring that a family can bear, with prohibitions on the gender of the child even!

I remember when that story reached the United States it shocked and sickened very many people, but to the Chinese it was absolutely necessary since having any more people than what they already have would have been debilitating to the state.

In all, I do agree with you, Twilight. I am just saying that it would take a great deal of convincing for people to accept putting a limit on their right to reproduce.
"Pretty easy work, for a God." - Freya ~ Valkyrie Profile
27.08.2011 - 11:11
Written by Glaucus on 26.08.2011 at 17:41

We could not very well begin to simply kill each other off, there are a number of wars taking place around the world and the casualties there, though awful, are so miniscule when compared to the total human population that warring against one another would not put a dent in overpopulation. And, though I regret to mention it, the Holocaust took millions of lives, and World War II, millions more. Easily the most deadly war in human history, but what are a few million when compared to a billion?

So, you're saying we need a lot more wars with far greater casualties?

Finally, a man that speaks some sense! I'm so tired of all that hippie rabble preaching against nuclear warfare and what not.
27.08.2011 - 16:52
Can't see how 'birth control' could possibly work, it's not like we can just say "Oh sorry everyone we're full up, please stop what your doing" and expect universal compliance.
30.08.2011 - 17:04
Written by Slayer666 on 27.08.2011 at 11:11

Written by Glaucus on 26.08.2011 at 17:41

We could not very well begin to simply kill each other off, there are a number of wars taking place around the world and the casualties there, though awful, are so miniscule when compared to the total human population that warring against one another would not put a dent in overpopulation. And, though I regret to mention it, the Holocaust took millions of lives, and World War II, millions more. Easily the most deadly war in human history, but what are a few million when compared to a billion?

So, you're saying we need a lot more wars with far greater casualties?

Finally, a man that speaks some sense! I'm so tired of all that hippie rabble preaching against nuclear warfare and what not.

Haha, you're intense man.

'If' we wanted to stem over population, then yes, catastrophic wars 'would' be an answer.

But, I wouldn't agree with that, there should be a better answer than arbitrarily killing each other.
"Pretty easy work, for a God." - Freya ~ Valkyrie Profile
30.08.2011 - 20:27
Written by Glaucus on 30.08.2011 at 17:04

But, I wouldn't agree with that, there should be a better answer than arbitrarily killing each other.

Well, I am sorry to say that there is no better solution
Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand
31.08.2011 - 12:48
Written by R'Vannith on 27.08.2011 at 16:52

Can't see how 'birth control' could possibly work, it's not like we can just say "Oh sorry everyone we're full up, please stop what your doing" and expect universal compliance.

Well of course it won't always work, it's still just a law, and laws can be broken. But in China it seems to work out pretty well, even though it sometimes happens that a family gets more children than one. Either by accident or for some other reason. I don't really know what kind of consequences there are for families that get more than one kid. When it comes to China it wouldn't surprise me if it's quite nasty. But it can also be solved in other ways, adoption for example.
And with 'birth control' I don't mean that everyone should stop having children all of a sudden. With some common sense everyone can figure out that that just would never work. Not everyone shares this belief that humanity should stop reproducing at the alarming rate we're doing it now(, for Christ's sake).

Thing is that there really will not be another option once we get to the point were countries really can't support much more people, that can be figured out in many ways by politicians and with some nice use of maths. So yeah, in the end we won't really have a choice (apart from killing each other off, but I don't think that will get a lot of support). And I'm not a law-maker or politician, so I really don't know how this law and all of its details will be constructed.
31.08.2011 - 17:28
Written by Twilight on 31.08.2011 at 12:48

Written by R'Vannith on 27.08.2011 at 16:52

Can't see how 'birth control' could possibly work, it's not like we can just say "Oh sorry everyone we're full up, please stop what your doing" and expect universal compliance.

Well of course it won't always work, it's still just a law, and laws can be broken. But in China it seems to work out pretty well, even though it sometimes happens that a family gets more children than one. Either by accident or for some other reason. I don't really know what kind of consequences there are for families that get more than one kid. When it comes to China it wouldn't surprise me if it's quite nasty. But it can also be solved in other ways, adoption for example.
And with 'birth control' I don't mean that everyone should stop having children all of a sudden. With some common sense everyone can figure out that that just would never work. Not everyone shares this belief that humanity should stop reproducing at the alarming rate we're doing it now(, for Christ's sake).

Thing is that there really will not be another option once we get to the point were countries really can't support much more people, that can be figured out in many ways by politicians and with some nice use of maths. So yeah, in the end we won't really have a choice (apart from killing each other off, but I don't think that will get a lot of support). And I'm not a law-maker or politician, so I really don't know how this law and all of its details will be constructed.

I suppose it might be enforceable on the local level, and particularly useful in areas where population growth is increasing the most rapidly. But yeah, as you said, it's difficult to make in work entirely in any case, even for law-makers.
31.08.2011 - 19:42
Thought that this would be an interesting link >>>

Living in the United States, I checked that rank first, seeing it as 131 as according to the United Nations list... I suspected that the nations of Africa would have the biggest population growth, since those states are rife with civil conflict, and rape is widespread and weaponized.

Would it be interesting to consider if whether or not 'Westernizing' those nations would stem their population growth? Or is that veering off topic?
"Pretty easy work, for a God." - Freya ~ Valkyrie Profile
12.11.2011 - 06:30
A simple antedote... I was in college in the early eighties and my sociology teacher was telling us the world would be unable to feed itself in 50 yrs. Here I am 30 years later and there is NO real issue with world population. Science and technology, have eliminated the big leftist scare. The growth in farming and food production have solved many of these issue.
I swear by my life and love for it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor shall I ask another to live for me.

John Galt
17.11.2011 - 22:04
Lol, no real issue with world population. Maybe in the USA there isn't no.
I see Ayn Rand in your user icon, that explains a lot, really...
17.11.2011 - 22:57
Troy Killjoy
7 billion people. That is 7 billion fucking problems if you ask me. Of course we're overpopulated, but only regionally. Just compare Canada and Japan if you don't understand the problem.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
15.04.2012 - 23:35
We could always blow up the worlds least favorite country and even it out a little, though I won't name a country off since I'd rather avoid some horrible argument
16.04.2012 - 12:40
Account deleted
Egypt. 1 million square kilometers, 85 million people, a higher than average growth rate. 90% of the population lives on 5% of the the total area. The same 5% is also shared with agriculture. The deserts which constitute 95% of Egypt's area can be reclaimed for agriculture and habitation, at least a big chunk of it. For political reasons, that did not happen, but it could in the near future.

So, as I see it, overpoulation is a relative problem, organized emigration could solve it.
22.04.2012 - 11:34
People have built ourselves up un-naturaly with regards to population and food production, The birth rate has to be controlled, we'd have to all willingly undertake it as a responsibility for it to even make a difference. A lot of people are going to die in the relative future if we don't curb our population, among many other things.
25.04.2012 - 23:13
Overpopulation is a myth invented by the Illuminati to support the globalist agenda and motivate their eugenics program.

Granted, that's kind of overstating it, but it is partly true.
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26.04.2012 - 18:49
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by vezzy on 25.04.2012 at 23:13

Overpopulation is a myth invented by the Illuminati to support the globalist agenda and motivate their eugenics program.

Granted, that's kind of overstating it, but it is partly true.

Overpopulation is an invention? Since when? The population of the world is currently over 7 Billion now I think and the birth rate keeps climbing and climbing...I personally feel the overpopulation here in is a rich tapestry here...Canada is both full of wide open spaces and also at the same time dealing with the overpopulation from other countries...people are immigrating both legally and illegally into this country and residing in places such as here in downtown Toronto...

Believe me, overpopulation is NOT a myth and I really hope you were joking with that post...
26.04.2012 - 21:32
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 18:49
Believe me, overpopulation is NOT a myth and I really hope you were joking with that post...

The Illuminati reference should've given it away.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.04.2012 - 21:45
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.04.2012 at 21:32

Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 18:49
Believe me, overpopulation is NOT a myth and I really hope you were joking with that post...

The Illuminati reference should've given it away.

Fictitious groups creating the idea of overpopulation as a conspiracy so that they can mastermind some sort of genius scheme?
26.04.2012 - 21:49
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 21:45
Fictitious groups creating the idea of overpopulation as a conspiracy so that they can mastermind some sort of genius scheme?

Exactly. Science has already proven the Earth can't handle seven billion people for very long, and it's only logical to assume that without any Hitler-esque genocides, world wars, or extreme natural disasters, that the population will only continue to grow.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.04.2012 - 21:59
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.04.2012 at 21:49

Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 21:45
Fictitious groups creating the idea of overpopulation as a conspiracy so that they can mastermind some sort of genius scheme?

Exactly. Science has already proven the Earth can't handle seven billion people for very long, and it's only logical to assume that without any Hitler-esque genocides, world wars, or extreme natural disasters, that the population will only continue to grow.

Well...I kinda assumed that we are in the middle of a World War right now and don't even have to say that we are...I listen to the BBC all the time and listen to all of the shit that is happening in Syria, Afghanistan, etc...there is a lot of genocide still going on and also natural disasters...we don't need a Hitler at this point in time...there are plenty of Hitler-esque figure heads already out there maintaining things...the only problem is that they are not maintaining over population as well as the historical figureheads of past times did...
26.04.2012 - 22:04
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 21:59
...the only problem is that they are not maintaining over population as well as the historical figureheads of past times did...

That's what I mean. People are dying by the hundreds in these instances, not millions. We haven't had a serious pandemic since 1918. Even with the war on terror you're looking at maybe a million casualties - a number that includes members of military as well as civilians.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.04.2012 - 22:13
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.04.2012 at 22:04

Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 21:59
...the only problem is that they are not maintaining over population as well as the historical figureheads of past times did...

That's what I mean. People are dying by the hundreds in these instances, not millions. We haven't had a serious pandemic since 1918. Even with the war on terror you're looking at maybe a million casualties - a number that includes members of military as well as civilians.

Agreed...also, our technology and medicine keeps getting better and better...
26.04.2012 - 22:16
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 22:13
Agreed...also, our technology and medicine keeps getting better and better...

Exactly (again). We're doing everything we can to prolong life to the point people are just waiting around to fuckin' die. Next stop, immortality?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.04.2012 - 22:35
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.04.2012 at 22:16

Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 22:13
Agreed...also, our technology and medicine keeps getting better and better...

Exactly (again). We're doing everything we can to prolong life to the point people are just waiting around to fuckin' die. Next stop, immortality?

Maybe...have you ever seen that movie WallE...that robot thing that is on earth in the future and all of humanity is fat, happy and immortal living on spaceships above the planet and the planet is all fucked up? That could happen very well soon in the future...
26.04.2012 - 22:40
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 22:35
That could happen very well soon in the future...

I honestly wouldn't be surprised, although we'd have to go through a few more wars first. If we can't all get along down here, could you imagine trying to sort us all into spaceships and expect everyone to get along happily? Chances are the most heavily populated countries would pretty much wipe out all the lesser population regions and fight it out amongst each other to assume the role of "master race".

Well... actually the races might all stick together regardless of country, which would be terrible for the States. Blacks with blacks, Indians with Indians, etc.

Regardless of how it would work out, a ton of blood would need to be shed in order for there to be any chance of peaceful living in space after we mess up the planet bad enough.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.04.2012 - 22:41
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.04.2012 at 22:40

Written by [user id=2084] on 26.04.2012 at 22:35
That could happen very well soon in the future...

I honestly wouldn't be surprised, although we'd have to go through a few more wars first. If we can't all get along down here, could you imagine trying to sort us all into spaceships and expect everyone to get along happily? Chances are the most heavily populated countries would pretty much wipe out all the lesser population regions and fight it out amongst each other to assume the role of "master race".

Well... actually the races might all stick together regardless of country, which would be terrible for the States. Blacks with blacks, Indians with Indians, etc.

Regardless of how it would work out, a ton of blood would need to be shed in order for there to be any chance of peaceful living in space after we mess up the planet bad enough.

Well...that's why it was a Disney/Pixar movie...they always live happily ever after hahaha...
27.04.2012 - 22:05
Cyborg Raptor
Im glad people are talking about this, it is a HUGE issue and no one ever seems to bring it up in the political arena, except China.

Genocides, no that should never be an option.

I think the solution is worldwide birthlaws. it should be illegal to have more than one child per 2parents (a couple) and something like taxbreaks should be given to couples that decide to have Zero children. The problem is humanities innate urge to reproduce, both physically through sex and physiologically to nurture offspring. If birthbans occured people would get terribly upset and claim Human Right violations which is why no one really talks about it. So I find it very unlikely it will occur relatively soon. unfortunate...
pewpew.. gotcha