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Posted by Unknown user, 19.05.2006 - 13:08
Pretty much a legendary band amongst black metallers, due to 'Drawing Down The Moon' and 'The Oath of Black Blood' releases (but more so the former). Apparently though this band were quite hated, any insight into why would be interesting to hear.

Their early career consisted of quite nasty and raw (in a good way) sounding black metal before moving on to the midpaced, ambient fused brilliance of DDTM which truly is a groundbreaking album and a joy to listen to. After this they abandoned black metal in favour of some kind of electronic ambient hybrid which I'm not too familar with.

A very interesting band to say the least.
19.04.2009 - 01:39
Finland rules if that made it into the national charts. Ha!
23.04.2009 - 18:28
Engram owns all. Fact.
29.04.2009 - 13:33
Written by HarmonyCorruptio on 23.04.2009 at 18:28

Engram owns all. Fact.

That's quite an, uh, uh, interesting way of uh, putting it, man. I read some of the reviews at MA and it actually sounds like it's not such a failure after all. Of course, those guys are a bunch of fucking AMATEURS!!! But... I mean, there quite a few positive reviews.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
29.04.2009 - 13:56
Written by HarmonyCorruptio on 23.04.2009 at 18:28

Engram owns all. Fact.

Please don't state your personal opinion as if it were a fact. It only makes you sound like a blind fanboy.

By the way, lots of people think "Engram" is garbage.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
30.04.2009 - 17:33
Obviously Canadians are unable to detect when someone is over-the-top...

I firmly believe Engram is the greatest Beherit album of all time, it's the main contender for my Album of 2009, and it is one of the greatest Black Metal albums ever. It does not appeal to everyone, I agree, but I just love it so much.
30.04.2009 - 20:31

and it is one of the greatest Black Metal albums ever

Correct, this is one of those very few that can match Burzum's black metal albums.


lots of people think

This is the best argument ever.


Of course, those guys are a bunch of fucking AMATEURS!!!

04.11.2009 - 01:28
Does anyone knows about "werewolf, semen and blood" release? i have this cd but i can't find any information about it in the internet, like it atdoesn't exists. if any one knows anything (when it was released, if it's a demo, anything) pls answer to my post. but this makes me proud to have it because it looks that it's very rare.
This is my worship, this is my path...
04.11.2009 - 19:15
Mr FancyPants

The one with the B&W cover isn't rare or worth anything. Don't know about the other version.
"This rudderless world is not shaped my metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us"

Read Watchmen.