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Most popular publications

This is the list of Metal Storm most popular publications. The numbers on the right indicate the number of hits during the current month | total. The counter has been launched on Nov. 15 2007.

Reviews: June | Total Events: June | Total
Interviews: June | Total Articles: June | Total
Funny stuff: June | Total News: June | Total
Albums: June | Total Comics: June | Total
ALL: June | Total

Total in Funny stuff

Funny stuff 101 rules of Power metal 50 | 277981
Funny stuff 101 Rules of Thrash Metal 17 | 133446
Funny stuff 101 rules of Black metal 60 | 105606
Funny stuff 196 rules of Doom metal 43 | 97924
Funny stuff 101 rules of Prog metal 36 | 97679
Funny stuff 101 rules of Death metal 17 | 87760
Funny stuff The Epic Sequel to the 101 Rules of Power metal 17 | 73244
Funny stuff 101 Rules For Going To A Metal Concert 25 | 72734
Funny stuff 101 Rules of NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal) 24 | 70469
Funny stuff 101 rules of Nu metal 7 | 49740
Funny stuff 101 rules of Deathcore 14 | 47474
Funny stuff 101 Rules of Being a Metalstormer 37 | 42862
Funny stuff Stratovarius - Horny Visions 12 | 33389
Funny stuff The 69 rules of picking up chicks at metal concerts. 12 | 28039
Funny stuff Ed's Furry Fucking Guide to Metal 15 | 24042
Funny stuff Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Duck 12 | 22299
Funny stuff Dawn Of The Black Hearts 29 | 21360
Funny stuff Opeth - A Retarded Kid Running in a Forest 8 | 21325
Funny stuff 101 rules of Folk metal 3 | 21311
Funny stuff Children Of Bodom - Downfall 4 | 20217
Funny stuff Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn When We Are Gathered 8 | 17170
Funny stuff True Norwegian Metal Commercial 6 | 17168
Funny stuff Stratovarius - Popkiller 12 | 16520
Funny stuff Super Mario Castle Theme Death Metal! 8 | 16188
Funny stuff Metallica - Master Of Muppets 9 | 16123
Funny stuff Hammerfall - Legacy of Burger King 3 | 14968
Funny stuff Butchered at Birthday Party 5 | 14594
Funny stuff 101 Rules Of Industrial Metal 6 | 14466
Funny stuff Metallica - St. Anger 4 | 14377
Funny stuff Pestilence - Consuming Impulse 7 | 13855
Funny stuff Immortal - Satans Hockey Team Mysticism 3 | 13086
Funny stuff Dragonforce - Sonic Firestorm 7 | 12991
Funny stuff Rhapsodary - "Legendary" Tales 4 | 12904
Funny stuff Megadeth - The System Has Failed 6 | 12788
Funny stuff Children of Bodom - Something Wild On 2 | 12343
Funny stuff In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Rock - feat. Dave Mustaine 3 | 12230
Funny stuff Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast 4 | 12169
Funny stuff Finntroll - Nattfödd 9 | 11981
Funny stuff Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Gloriam WHAT?!?! 3 | 11980
Funny stuff Death Metal Rooster! 17 | 11739
Funny stuff Tokio Hotel - Humanoid 7 | 11325
Funny stuff Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water 1 | 10964
Funny stuff Helloween - If I Could Fly 4 | 10877
Funny stuff Vegan Black Metal Chef 6 | 10860
Funny stuff Megadeth - Pease Sells... But Who's Buying? 2 | 10739
Funny stuff My Dying Penis - As The Flower Withers 4 | 10709
Funny stuff ...And Justice to Alf 3 | 10671
Funny stuff Kentucky Fried Black Metal 8 | 10562
Funny stuff Judas Priest - Eddie Of Retribution 8 | 10527
Funny stuff Megadeth - Sofa, So Good... So What! 10 | 10350