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1998-2005  Nolan Lewis - guitars
› 2005-  -//- guitars, vocals
2006-  Rohit Chaturvedi - guitars
2019-  Vijit Singh - drums
2023-  Vasu Chandran - bass
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NA  David Stephen - keyboards
1998-2000  Ching Len - drums
1998-2005  Ganesh Krishnaswamy - bass, vocals
› 2013-2023  -//- bass
2000-2013  Ryan Colaco - drums
2001-2006  Akshay Patel - guitars
2005-2013  Jayawant Tewari - bass
2013-2018  Anthony Hoover - drums
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2024  Robin Utbult - bass
2022  Robin Utbult - bass

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I have to admit that my knowledge of Indian metal is extremely limited. Kryptos is one of the very few bands I have heard of from that part of the world and their latest release, Afterburner, should get them a more visible spot on the metal map.
Review by nikarg ››

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