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24-7 Spyz

6 fans
Also known as 24/7 Spyz

Country: USA
Links: Myspace

Formed in: 1986
Broke up: 1998-2003

1986-Alternative metal
1986-1998Funk rock
2003-Crossover thrash metal


1986-1998  Rick Skatore - bass
› 2003-  -//-
1986-1998  Jimi Hazel - guitar (1986-1998), vocals (1996-1998)
› 2003-  -//- guitar, vocals
2005-  Tobias Ralph - drums
View timeline ››
1986-1987  Kindu Phibes - drums
1986-1990  P. Fluid - vocals
› 1995  -//-
1988-1990  Anthony Johnson - drums
› 1995  -//-
1991-1994  Jeff Broadnax - vocals
1991-1994  Joel Maitoza - drums
› 1996  -//-
1997  Matt Martin - drums
1998  Tony Lewis - drums
› 2003-2004  -//-
2004-2005  Kenny James - drums
View timeline ››
2011-  Joel Maitoza - drums
2011-  Jeff Broadnax - vocals

Latest reviews

Although sadly now largely forgotten, the 24-7 Spyz were actually quite an important band back in the late 80s and early 90s alternative metal scene. Together with Bad Brains, Living Colour and Fishbone they pioneered mixing metal with jazz, R&B,...
Review by jupitreas ››


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