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Nocturnal Fear


2000-  Chris Slavehunter - guitars
2009-  Roy "Devastator" - vocals
2010-  Chris - guitars
2010-  SpecialForces Kommando" Warmonger - bass
2010-  "Witchhammer" - drums
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2000-2005  Taryn "Terrorizer" Carter - bass
2000-2005  Ron "Remorseless Wargrinder" Holt - vocals
2000-2010  "Aggressor" - drums
2005-2008  Necromodeus - bass, vocals
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When you're pushed... Killin's as easy as breathin'...

After a minute-long thunderstorm introduction, these US thrashers kick it into fifth gear with their nuclear-powered electric guitar assault and machine gun drums, backed by the grating...
Review by Troy Killjoy ››
"And now for something completely different", Moribund Cult Records must have thought. "No haunting, eerie or droning Black Metal this time, we need some straight-forward, fast, ripping THRASH Metal." Enter Nocturnal Fear. This American...
Review by Lucas ››

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