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Depression (And Other Related Mental Illnesses)

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Posted by Troy Killjoy, 14.12.2011 - 23:17
Due to the off-topic conversations in the love thread leading to talks of suicide, depression, angst, anxiety, and the likes...

This is your place to discuss your inner conflicts, share with others or simply give positive advice to people suffering. Reflect on past experiences, post your views on mental illnesses, share stories of family members who suffer from such illnesses - basically just keep it on topic.

13.08.2014 - 03:27
Giant robot
Written by Slayer666 on 13.08.2014 at 03:15
That's a lot of text that just went up in smoke.

But I don't really have any further questions, you've just pretty much confirmed there is no quick and easy solution other than getting sufficiently blasted. Guess I'll just have to stick with that for a few weeks until my financial crisis is resolved, one way or another. Then I'll probably work on something with more longevity, if I'm not too bored of it.

Yeah well, I went into details because many people would just take a sentence like "I had an anxiety problem because I was afraid of the future" as a joke. Of course everyone is afraid of what's coming for them. It's the context, physical health and mental state that make you vulnerable or not. And I had reasons to worry because I did end up jobless, homeless, riddled with debts and alone. I managed to get the degree with pretty high scores, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

Now. I really can't say I condone how you're planning on handling the situation for the next couple of weeks, if by blasted you meant getting coked-up and drunk. But I am in no position to tell you what to do, and I don't like doing that even if I were.
13.08.2014 - 03:59
Written by Ilham on 13.08.2014 at 03:27

Now. I really can't say I condone how you're planning on handling the situation for the next couple of weeks, if by blasted you meant getting coked-up and drunk. But I am in no position to tell you what to do, and I don't like doing that even if I were.

Eh, I've always found illicit drugs to be the best short-term solution for everything, whether it's opiates to chill out from particularly stressful situations or amphetamines to boost energy for all-nighters. I' guess I'll just have to mix and match the most appropriate combo for my current situation.

But thanks anyway for your replies, they're very much appreciated. It's nice to have someone to talk to.
13.08.2014 - 04:08
Giant robot
Written by Slayer666 on 13.08.2014 at 03:59
Eh, I've always found illicit drugs to be the best short-term solution for everything, whether it's opiates to chill out from particularly stressful situations or amphetamines to boost energy for all-nighters. I' guess I'll just have to mix and match the most appropriate combo for my current situation.

But thanks anyway for your replies, they're very much appreciated. It's nice to have someone to talk to.
Well, I really can't comment on the drug thing, I have never used any outside of "happy" circumstances.

As for the replies, there is absolutely nothing to thank me for. That whole period still feels like an out-of-body experience, and I am still dealing with some of the problems that emerged from it, so it isn't bad for me to talk about it either. I am available by PM any time, I volunteer as a last resort if you ever need one.
13.08.2014 - 04:42
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I think most of us have been there at some point, thing is to feel free to ask for help.
the coke and stuff is definitely the wrong answer, but hey i would have thought the same way at your age and sometimes experience and mistakes is what learns our lessons or answers our questions.
14.09.2014 - 01:49
Angry Soul
"Everything" is today a "illness". Even non-conformity is today regarded as a "mental illness" (ODD). This is the world people and their authorities are creating, where everything gets institutionalized and sublimated. Mankind is steadily heading towards the abyss...

The Loss of Sadness: How Psychiatry Transformed Normal Sorrow into Depressive Disorder
The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct
Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche
Rethinking Madness: Towards a Paradigm Shift in Our Understanding and Treatment of Psychosis
The Insanity of Normality: Toward Understanding Human Destructiveness
"The valor that struggles is better than the weakness that endures." - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

"Art is the Tree of Life. Science is the Tree of Death." - William Blake
15.09.2014 - 05:41
Yeah brother! Big Pharma wants to turn us all into god damn zombies with their imaginary "illnesses" like depression. Good think you're on to them though.
*insert something deep and profound*
15.09.2014 - 06:22
Troy Killjoy
For sure, people with this so-called "depression" need to just get over it.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
15.09.2014 - 09:03
Evil Butterfly
Written by deadone on 15.09.2014 at 06:58

- Stendhal Syndrome - "psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to an experience of great personal significance, particularly viewing art"

It is not invented, Stendhal Syndrome does exist. How can you prove that it is just invented ?
The Fangirl.
15.09.2014 - 09:35
Evil Butterfly
Written by deadone on 15.09.2014 at 09:30

So it's a "medical condition" to get overwhelmed by art?

People pump money into this kind of shit pointless research and not malaria? Surely that's a medical syndrome in itself!

It's not ridiculous at all
The Fangirl.
15.09.2014 - 15:27
Troy Killjoy
Written by deadone on 15.09.2014 at 06:58
The one I love most is "mild Aspergers" which everyone seems to have. I've heard so many parents use this for their spoiled little brats. I wonder if there is a syndrome for "shit parenting." Doesn't help you get professionals in other fields telling parents their awful kids have this (i.e. teachers with no psychiatric qualifications).

What bugs me is how parents will fight tooth and nail to get their "normal" kid downed on whatever PED they can get their hands on because Little Timmy with ADHD suddenly has an "advantage" now that he can finally focus. It's not entirely the fault of physicians or psychiatrists - at least not in Canada, I can't say for other countries - so much as it is competitive parenting. There have been lobbyist groups that actually try to get some doctors fired because they refused to diagnose their kid with some type of disorder, preventing them from being prescribed some kind of phenethylamine.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
16.09.2014 - 08:10
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I saw an add on tv the other day advertising the horrible drug from hell that i am still trying to get off, they were advertising it like it was asprin. These pharmaceutical drugs are getting out of hand. Have a look at all the people suffering through hell because of these prescribed drugs, they have had to make a fucking forum about it because no doctor or psychiatrist know how to get off the shit The tips i have got from this forum are the only things that have worked and helped, i hope to never see a doctor again
16.09.2014 - 15:13
Troy Killjoy
Prescription drugs don't work for everyone, but they do work for some. They didn't work for me but I recognized that and found alternative ways of coping.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
16.09.2014 - 21:37
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Written by Troy Killjoy on 16.09.2014 at 15:13

Prescription drugs don't work for everyone, but they do work for some. They didn't work for me but I recognized that and found alternative ways of coping.

but the doctors keep telling you to take them, and that they are good for you. And then when you go off them and get depressed again they say i'ts because you haven't had your pills. It all sounds believable when your in a bad place, they never tell you how hard they are to come off either, they don't even know. They shouldn't be prescribed for more than a year i don't reckon, or at all. Just read some of the story's on that forum.

I can't speak for other prescribed drugs for other conditions, but i would be very skeptical
17.09.2014 - 02:05
Troy Killjoy
Doctors aren't social workers. They don't go to school to learn to meet the client where they're at, they go to school to learn how to solve problems. Prescription drugs are proven to help solve problems, although the success rate obviously isn't 100%. You can be skeptical based on personal experience and a few stories, but that doesn't mean decades of research and hundreds of millions of dollars in tests and studies is worthless.

It isn't a doctor's job to tell you how to cope with your mental illness. It's their job to find a prescription that will work for you so you can work on coping for yourself. And that's where social workers come into play.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
17.09.2014 - 02:23
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But how can they put you on something they say is good for you when they don't even know how to get you off it. How can they say it is safe when its actually harder to quit than cigs
17.09.2014 - 02:25
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I think they were just thinking of the short term and money when doing the research
17.09.2014 - 03:10
Troy Killjoy
"Actually harder to quit than cigarettes" sounds like a generalization and not based on fact at all. And you're free to think whatever you want about pharmaceutical companies and doctors and everything that goes with that, but that doesn't mean you're right. I'm not saying I am either, because it's not a black-and-white issue. I'm just tired of hearing Prozac Nation arguments all the time. Would you rather we eliminate prescription drugs altogether?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
17.09.2014 - 03:32
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There should be drugs but the use should be very limited as I said, and yes it is harder to come off than cigs and alcohol for me, you can't just quit in my case it will take over a year to wean off, its hell and there is no support because it is not recognized.
17.09.2014 - 11:45
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Ah fuck doing posts on my phone is useless

anyway i don't want to argue about it but i just think you should know if your going to be a social worker troy. Its not just me and a few people, but figuring from things like people i know, that forum i mentioned, the fact that they had to write books about how to come off them (which still missed the mark) it's A LOT of people. These drugs that are handed out like candy and pushed on people for years are fucking with your central nervous system just about to the point it won't return to normal if you stop them. If you look on that forum at "symptoms and selfcare" you will find the withdrawal symptoms are much more severe than most withdrawals from quitting seriously fucks with your head and makes you very very ill. I a'm on Effexor xr, i had tried many times to try and come off them with the doctors advise, a month on 75mg then a month on 35mg (the lowest dose) then nothing. The lowest dose 35mg has about 80 beads in one capsule. I have had to (with help from that forum) make up my own capsules and remove one bead every month (or two months because sometimes it takes a month just to adjust), i am down to 13 now and every time i drop i go through a couple weeks of bad withdrawals...that's from dropping one bead! they are trying to drop about 80 a month! of cause i'm going to get sick and go back on them and be stuck on them for the rest of my life.
I just don't understand if there's all this millions of dollars of research and decades of study why have they not figured this shit out, especially when half the country's on them. Its totally fucked up

as for psychiatrists i have seen four, one psychologists and three alcohol counselors. The first psychiatrist was great, but it might have just been because he was the first to help me realize i'm not as fucked up as i think and things are all good, the others were shit. The alcohol councilors were absolute shit, the psychologist i saw was really quite good, i only stopped seeing her because i moved town.
19.09.2014 - 04:52
Troy Killjoy
I don't think at any point I made it obvious that I "don't know" about these issues. I've simply been offering counterpoints because most of what you've stated seems to be dripping with your own bias. You had bad experiences with psychiatrists, surely that means they're all bad. You've read some stories about people having withdrawal symptoms when quitting their prescription drugs, surely they're all bad. I know the challenges of quitting prescription drugs and how easy it can be for something to be prescribed when maybe it shouldn't be, but I don't think there are many legitimate sources you can provide that back up your argument that "prescription drugs are harder to quit than cigarettes", with the exception of that anecdotal evidence you alluded to. One forum and some self-help books doesn't exactly lend a lot of weight to your points either.

They haven't figured it out because it's not an exact science. This is a relatively new area of interest and it won't likely be perfected anytime soon, but the more money governments and pharmaceutical companies pump into research the more effective the industry can become. Simply put, mental illnesses like depression can't simply be cured by popping pills, but the process of overcoming your issues can be helped with proper medication.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
19.09.2014 - 05:48
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Yeah so i don't know where you got the idea that i thought psychiatrists are all bad, as i said i had a good one, one out of only four... though they often are the ones who casually approve these drugs for doctors, i would never vouch against them for the other stuff they do, though obviously i think a psychologist would be better.

I may not have done a questionnaire to every patient in the world to provide hard evidence, but i think from all the story's i have read that relate, from all the people i have talked to including all the doctors who don't get it because of the information i would have to assume they have been provided with, my own experience (comparing it to quitting alcohol while being an alcoholic, and cigarettes (some of the hardest drugs to quit) i have a really good reason to believe that these drugs do more damage than good in the end if taken too long in high doses. From someone who has been through this massive ordeal, a person who is going to have to go through at least another year of on and off sickness, i just thought it would be good for you to take it on board and not to be so relaxed about these drugs, seems you will be working with people on them and so forth
...i don't know, maybe ya just have to go through it to understand, it's like if you were suffering from trying to quit a meth addiction but the doctors, drug councilors and psychiatrists keep telling you just need to have some more, and then when you try to warn people they tell you to loosen up because it's making them, and other people feel good and ya got no proof.

Your right i don't have legitimate sources to back up my argument that ANTI DEPRESSANTS are harder to come off than ciggys, it wasn't really my argument, it was more that this prozac nation thing is a fair argument. It's funny because my great grandmother was prescribed cigarettes for depression when she was young.

i believe they should be used for a while to give relief and a breather while the situation gets sorted out, and should only be prescribed in conjugation with counseling.
20.09.2014 - 00:56
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=136611] on 19.09.2014 at 05:48
...i don't know, maybe ya just have to go through it to understand

Are you assuming I haven't experienced this?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
20.09.2014 - 08:28
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Written by Troy Killjoy on 20.09.2014 at 00:56

Written by [user id=136611] on 19.09.2014 at 05:48
...i don't know, maybe ya just have to go through it to understand

Are you assuming I haven't experienced this?

have you been on anti depressants for 10 + years? unless you started on them real young i guess i a'm assuming. Are you assuming that i was assuming that you hadn't experienced this?
20.09.2014 - 17:19
Troy Killjoy
All I will say is that for all the cases of prescription addicts you mention there are just as many people (if not a lot more) learning to cope with the assistance of their medication. Also addiction doesn't have a time frame, so I'm not sure why you're asking if I was on anti-depressants for more than 10 years.

"I believe they should be used for a while to give relief and a breather while the situation gets sorted out, and should only be prescribed in conjugation with counseling."

You can't put all the blame on doctors if they prescribe medication with that in mind and their client becomes addicted. People are given explanations about side effects and addiction before prescriptions are handed out. Doctors also can't simply mandate counseling for everyone who goes to see them for some kind of mental health issue.

People seem to forget that doctors are also human, just like you and me. Only they went to school for about 7-10 years, studied their ass off, outperformed hundreds (or in some cases thousands) of other students, and now they have 1 in 3 patients claiming some kind of disorder that requires prescription treatment: stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc. etc. etc. The books they study aren't written by counselors and social workers, they're written by (sometimes groups of) people with knowledge in the field of medicine - usually other doctors and scientists. The way some people make it out to be, you'd think the Legion of Doom (Illuminati?) were in charge of pharmaceutical companies corrupting doctors and fabricating evidence in order to enslave the human race.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
20.09.2014 - 23:36
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Written by Troy Killjoy on 20.09.2014 at 17:19

All I will say is that for all the cases of prescription addicts you mention there are just as many people (if not a lot more) learning to cope with the assistance of their medication. Also addiction doesn't have a time frame, so I'm not sure why you're asking if I was on anti-depressants for more than 10 years.
well it kind of does with anti depressants, the longer your on them the harder they are to come off. If you are on them for a couple of months and come off them you will have bad brain zaps for a couple of weeks then it's over, i had to do this while changing over drugs because of bad side effects.
I wouldn't call them prescription addicts either, they just took the drugs like they were instructed, and yes they learnt to cope with the help of the drugs, but then man! did they get a massive shock when they decided they were fit enough to cope without the drugs.

You can't put all the blame on doctors if they prescribe medication with that in mind and their client becomes addicted. People are given explanations about side effects and addiction before prescriptions are handed out. Doctors also can't simply mandate counseling for everyone who goes to see them for some kind of mental health issue.

They don't tell you about addiction, they actually scribbled out that word and called it a anti depressant withdrawal symptom, and if any of these are felt the doctor usually just says that you are getting depressed again. Doctors often over prescribe and never once have i been warned, or anybody seems to have been warned, about the dangers of coming of these drugs...most doctors aren't even aware.

People seem to forget that doctors are also human, just like you and me. Only they went to school for about 7-10 years, studied their ass off, outperformed hundreds (or in some cases thousands) of other students, and now they have 1 in 3 patients claiming some kind of disorder that requires prescription treatment: stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc. etc. etc. The books they study aren't written by counselors and social workers, they're written by (sometimes groups of) people with knowledge in the field of medicine - usually other doctors and scientists. The way some people make it out to be, you'd think the Legion of Doom (Illuminati?) were in charge of pharmaceutical companies corrupting doctors and fabricating evidence in order to enslave the human race.

I don't necessarily blame the doctors, but they need to be informed properly and maybe listen to the patients and not the drug companys a bit. I don't think the pharmaceutical companies are corrupting doctors and fabricating evidence to enslave the human race, but for money...I know they want to help people and have done so in many ways, but look how much people are on these drugs and how easy they are to get, no way in hell they want to cut down sales because they are starting to get backlash that hasn't been given time to be proven. Some of the doctors and psychiatrist get paid good money to wright good reports on these drugs, it says in a book so no i can't claim it for fact, but i doubt he would risk getting ass sued by big pharmaceutical companies, and the guy is a psychiatrist himself. Its not an anti deprssant hate book or anything either.

Just because they are all highly educated professionals doesn't mean they are innocent of greed and corruption
10.10.2014 - 05:19
I really like what guys discuss and raising the topic problem that is the relevance of the mental ills for the scientific definition. Maybe someday I will prepare and write my post fully all ideas and expression with opinions about the topic. But shortly, to speak now, I can say that "what you consider it as problem, it is problem. If you consider it not as problem and no bother of it, it is not a problem".

Scientific research and scientist observation doesn't mean it's 100% right as rule for everything. It's the research and observation. I have research deep about the such mental illness label branch (which some mentioned above), but above all, all is not 100% right as universal law.. It is not even an illness if that you consider it not as illness or you can cope with it, or you are fine with it. One other thing I been in America, I ve found that Leonardo Dicaprio has mental ill Cameron Diaz has ocd(as I remember), and a lots of other Hollywood star), same some kind of mental Robin Williams.. etc.. in usa there is nothing needed to worry or concerned about, I don't know for Canada but in USA it's not a big problem, just how they deal with it, meds or not, sleep or not..

I've seen some mental illness type is working out physique addiction.. That it is someone looks at the mirror and always see he's not muscle enough, so go to gym all time and after seeing the mirror again, then go to gym more, and more.. I even hope I have that king of complex.. I don think it is an mental ill scientific defines it as a type of mental disorder ( I forgot the correct name of it but you can google). It can be a kind of mental disorder but only on it is considered by scientific method.. The scientist needs to name for their research, they do their business, and the science itself doesn't give anything 100% relevant as universal law.. The thing I would point out from USA case because you need to see and observe and watch, the ppl in Europe can have mental ill and go depressed sad becuz they are considered of being in mental ill, but ppl having it in USA don't fucking care and enjoy life sex sport music awesomely.. The mental ill in vietnam just kill others, they choose not to sad, and considered as schizofrenia by doctors. Some mental in Canada or Nz can be depressed, choosing to love ppl... Blah..I just want to say, in the end it's your inner resource for coping with it and any problem. Or actually for everyone, it's just the mind and head decides things for what can become..

It is very complicated to express what I fully mean, but shortly I would say as above both about the scientific dentition for their work to define mental ill types and the actual fact of them and for ppl mind generally.
30.10.2014 - 21:48
I enjoyed reading through the posts here, it kind of helps me put my own thoughts into perspective. I've mostly been struggling with the thought "Am I depressed?"

I consider myself to be incredibly fortunate in life, and that has made it hard to, i guess, feel sorry for myself? It is hard to describe, but I mostly feel lonely and disconnected. I don't know whether I have some "chemical imbalance" or if I just don't have enough friends or something...

I mainly post here I guess to ask if people have felt the same "depression", that is without any substance abuse or traumatic life events, and if I should really talk to someone or roll with it...
31.10.2014 - 07:42
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Written by Potatocracy on 30.10.2014 at 21:48

I enjoyed reading through the posts here, it kind of helps me put my own thoughts into perspective. I've mostly been struggling with the thought "Am I depressed?"

I consider myself to be incredibly fortunate in life, and that has made it hard to, i guess, feel sorry for myself? It is hard to describe, but I mostly feel lonely and disconnected. I don't know whether I have some "chemical imbalance" or if I just don't have enough friends or something...

I mainly post here I guess to ask if people have felt the same "depression", that is without any substance abuse or traumatic life events, and if I should really talk to someone or roll with it...

of cause it's possible to become depressed without any real trauma or anything
19.12.2014 - 19:31
Evil Butterfly
Anybody experienced sudden rush of stress ?
The Fangirl.
20.12.2014 - 08:27
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Written by angel. on 19.12.2014 at 19:31

Anybody experienced sudden rush of stress ?

yeah i get it whenever i hear from my mother in law