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Evolution (and some Creationism, too)

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Posted by Götter, 08.04.2007 - 02:05
There doesn't seem to be a thread dedicated specifically to evolution, this wonderful way of explaining us and our surroundings. So I created one for intelligent discussion on evolution, creationism and their alleged clash in the USA. Also, you are allowed to freely bash creationism as long as you also include some intelligently designed sentences regarding evolution in your post. I mean, creationists' daily job is trampling on the theory of evolution without bothering to make sense - this way we can fight back and be better at the same time.

Okay, so what do we have? Evolution is at present (and, hopefully, in the future) THE way of seeing our world. It's the only one that has some scientific credibility tagged to it. These days, religions are rightfully required to adjust themselves to science, not the opposite; world-views that blatantly deny evolution, like intelligent design, are running out on their lease of life. I am not a qualified statistician or a seer, I cannot tell whether the entirety of religion is in its death throes, but creationism does seem to hint at something like that. Christianity had been slowly adapting itself to science when that heap of nonsense popped up in the twentieth century.

Now I am not trying to bash anyone just because they believe God created Heaven and Earth, but please look at the facts - the Theory of Evolution, despite its loose ends and controversies, is a working and proven theory. You should get used to it, or it's your loss. I know a lot of scientists are both religious and still they manage to accept evolution. In fact, despite what creationists would have us believe, there is no controversy in the scientific community regarding the evolution vs creation dispute. None at all - the scientists are unanimously in support of what Darwin started. What is happening in America is a bunch of overly religious people have found themselves in a situation where they can legally present their views as hard science and teach it in schools as such.

I guess me, being an European, shouldn't be overly concerned about all that - it'll never happen here. Yet if American children start getting such education, the entire world will be affected and our near future could get fucked up significantly. So I appeal to you all, especially Americans: fight against creationism (cretinism?) and for evolution. It's the only way.

Yes, I didn't actually post any scientific evidence for evolution, nor did I provide any links to sites containing that. What I also didn't do is refer to any specific creationist conspiracies and lies. The Internet is full of both of these things, look it up yourself. Start with Wikipedia, for instance. I do give a link to my current favorite song, "Creation Science 101" by Roy Zimmerman. Enjoy this, and common sense!


You don't disbelieve evolution, do you?

I actually do for some weird reason.

Total votes: 214
13.08.2010 - 13:57
Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 06:08

Evolution has never ever been proven, so by scientific procedure alone it cannot be a fact. Also, you choose to believe in a mathematical improbability to belief in a creator. Personally, i believe in neither. Evolutionism is simply a religion, no matter how you put it. And all religion is a man made creation to answer the question of why. There is not a single religion imo that makes sense, and that includes evloution.



Go buy yourself some books on evolution, watch documentaries on it, read science magazines and then come back here with a clear head, man.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
13.08.2010 - 15:54
Written by TheBigRossowski on 13.08.2010 at 13:57

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 06:08

Evolution has never ever been proven, so by scientific procedure alone it cannot be a fact. Also, you choose to believe in a mathematical improbability to belief in a creator. Personally, i believe in neither. Evolutionism is simply a religion, no matter how you put it. And all religion is a man made creation to answer the question of why. There is not a single religion imo that makes sense, and that includes evloution.



Go buy yourself some books on evolution, watch documentaries on it, read science magazines and then come back here with a clear head, man.

No. I mean the big bang. It hasn't been physically proven. Evolution is a known fact. My sentence just came out wrong.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
15.08.2010 - 23:18
Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 15:54

Written by TheBigRossowski on 13.08.2010 at 13:57

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 06:08

Evolution has never ever been proven, so by scientific procedure alone it cannot be a fact. Also, you choose to believe in a mathematical improbability to belief in a creator. Personally, i believe in neither. Evolutionism is simply a religion, no matter how you put it. And all religion is a man made creation to answer the question of why. There is not a single religion imo that makes sense, and that includes evloution.



Go buy yourself some books on evolution, watch documentaries on it, read science magazines and then come back here with a clear head, man.

No. I mean the big bang. It hasn't been physically proven. Evolution is a known fact. My sentence just came out wrong.

Haha, I realized that after I continued to read, lol. Well, in that case, just watch Lawrence Krauss' ''A Universe from Nothing''. Big Bang is almost as certain, Dude.

-Standard Candles measuring distance through the Universe
-Expansion of the universe, galaxies drifting apart

And continuing on evolution now...
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
16.08.2010 - 04:02
Written by TheBigRossowski on 15.08.2010 at 23:18

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 15:54

Written by TheBigRossowski on 13.08.2010 at 13:57

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 06:08

Evolution has never ever been proven, so by scientific procedure alone it cannot be a fact. Also, you choose to believe in a mathematical improbability to belief in a creator. Personally, i believe in neither. Evolutionism is simply a religion, no matter how you put it. And all religion is a man made creation to answer the question of why. There is not a single religion imo that makes sense, and that includes evloution.



Go buy yourself some books on evolution, watch documentaries on it, read science magazines and then come back here with a clear head, man.

No. I mean the big bang. It hasn't been physically proven. Evolution is a known fact. My sentence just came out wrong.

Haha, I realized that after I continued to read, lol. Well, in that case, just watch Lawrence Krauss' ''A Universe from Nothing''. Big Bang is almost as certain, Dude.

-Standard Candles measuring distance through the Universe
-Expansion of the universe, galaxies drifting apart

And continuing on evolution now...

Idk... to me both theories (creation and life from nothing) seem as empty as each other.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
16.08.2010 - 13:38
Written by whatsacow on 16.08.2010 at 04:02

Written by TheBigRossowski on 15.08.2010 at 23:18

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 15:54

Written by TheBigRossowski on 13.08.2010 at 13:57

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 06:08

Evolution has never ever been proven, so by scientific procedure alone it cannot be a fact. Also, you choose to believe in a mathematical improbability to belief in a creator. Personally, i believe in neither. Evolutionism is simply a religion, no matter how you put it. And all religion is a man made creation to answer the question of why. There is not a single religion imo that makes sense, and that includes evloution.



Go buy yourself some books on evolution, watch documentaries on it, read science magazines and then come back here with a clear head, man.

No. I mean the big bang. It hasn't been physically proven. Evolution is a known fact. My sentence just came out wrong.

Haha, I realized that after I continued to read, lol. Well, in that case, just watch Lawrence Krauss' ''A Universe from Nothing''. Big Bang is almost as certain, Dude.

-Standard Candles measuring distance through the Universe
-Expansion of the universe, galaxies drifting apart

And continuing on evolution now...

Idk... to me both theories (creation and life from nothing) seem as empty as each other.

Did you watch the video? ''Nothing isn't quite nothing any more''

Well, we'll probably never know, so it's best to just keep on searching and putting pieces of the puzzle together.

And evolution is also not an explanation of how life began, just how it evolved.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
17.08.2010 - 04:09
Written by TheBigRossowski on 16.08.2010 at 13:38

Written by whatsacow on 16.08.2010 at 04:02

Written by TheBigRossowski on 15.08.2010 at 23:18

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 15:54

Written by TheBigRossowski on 13.08.2010 at 13:57

Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 06:08

Evolution has never ever been proven, so by scientific procedure alone it cannot be a fact. Also, you choose to believe in a mathematical improbability to belief in a creator. Personally, i believe in neither. Evolutionism is simply a religion, no matter how you put it. And all religion is a man made creation to answer the question of why. There is not a single religion imo that makes sense, and that includes evloution.



Go buy yourself some books on evolution, watch documentaries on it, read science magazines and then come back here with a clear head, man.

No. I mean the big bang. It hasn't been physically proven. Evolution is a known fact. My sentence just came out wrong.

Haha, I realized that after I continued to read, lol. Well, in that case, just watch Lawrence Krauss' ''A Universe from Nothing''. Big Bang is almost as certain, Dude.

-Standard Candles measuring distance through the Universe
-Expansion of the universe, galaxies drifting apart

And continuing on evolution now...

Idk... to me both theories (creation and life from nothing) seem as empty as each other.

Did you watch the video? ''Nothing isn't quite nothing any more''

Well, we'll probably never know, so it's best to just keep on searching and putting pieces of the puzzle together.

And evolution is also not an explanation of how life began, just how it evolved.

As i stated before, i dont have a problem with evolution, i believe life has evolved and adapted, but i dont believe life just came out of nowhere, as the big bang states. My thing is that all life comes from other life, and it doesnt make sense that the begining we just came from nothing.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
18.08.2010 - 01:51
Written by akatana on 17.08.2010 at 09:46

Written by whatsacow on 17.08.2010 at 04:09

As i stated before, i dont have a problem with evolution, i believe life has evolved and adapted, but i dont believe life just came out of nowhere, as the big bang states. My thing is that all life comes from other life, and it doesnt make sense that the begining we just came from nothing.

The issue is not really the big bang. The big bang describes how matter was formed in the universe, or more exactly how the universe which we know today started. The difficulty in proving such a theory is that there is little evidence that scientists can use and mostly there are only mathematical models which confirm the few pieces of empirical evidence that we have (like the expanding universe). In such models there are also things that scientists cannot explain due to the lack of evidence but they are trying to find evidence. Dark matter is one problem with the big bang theory, the CERN collider was built in order to find exactly this dark matter. If it turns out that there is no dark matter then the theory needs to be revised, if dark matter is found, it is another piece of evidence supporting the big bang model. But most likely, we will never know for sure how the matter in the universe formed. There are also theories that state that the universe is eternal and it just shifts from energy to matter and back. Einstein famously proved that energy and mass are related ,through his E= mc^2, meaning that matter can turn into energy and back.

Now, while it is hard to find evidence for the origin of the universe it is much easier to find evidence for the origin of life on earth and for the evolution of life. It is important to see the difference in what the specific theories explain. Big bang explains the origin of the universe, abiogenesis explains the origin of life and evolution explains how complex life can evolve from simple life. The one starts where the other stops. While there is little evidence for the big bang, there is quite good evidence for abiogenesis and irrefutable evidence for evolution.

So the interesting question here is how life formed from non-life, which is what abiogenesis explains. Life did not form out of nothing, spontaneous generation has been disproven for centuries. Even the basic cell is too complex to have formed out of nothing by pure chance. So how did the first cell come into existence? In order to answer that we must first answer how the first self-replicating organic matter came into being. The first step is the formation of nucleotides which are the basic building blocks of DNA and RNA, the first self-replicating molecules. IT turns out that if you leave hydrogen cyanide and ammonia brew for some time in conditions similar to those on earth in the beginning, they produce adenine, which together with ribose and phosphates form one of the four nucleotides that make up DNA. These nucleotides then formed polynucleotides through natural processes. For nucleotides to join you need a catalyst and researchers have found that on the primordial earth there was exactly such a substance. Next, the polynucleotides formed RNA (ribo-nucleic-acid) are the first self-replicating molecules which can make copies of themselves. These RNA molecules combined with other substances that were present at that time such as lipids which are naturally bound to group together. Therefore RNA molecules that attracted these substance were protected in a mycell membrane. And this is the first self-replicating cell. Over a long period of time, RNA evolved to DNA. All these processes are entirely natural, the ingredients for life are basic chemistry, physics and time, a lot of time. That's it!

The research being conducted in this area is difficult because researchers have to emulate the conditions on earth billions of years ago and furthermore, the amount if information that is left is scarce. It is no surprise that progress is slow and the evidence for such a theory is not nearly as abundant as for evolution. Nevertheless, it has been shown that through entirely natural processes involving chemicals that could have formed on the primordial earth, life can come out of non-life. And this is where evolution starts.

I get that. Its just that if you look at the circumstances surrounding the big bang, and the odds of those circumstances, the odds against it are rather large, to put it bluntly. I'm not saying its impossible, i'm just saying that it is highly improbable, and to me, putting a strong belief in something that improbable is actually very unscientific. (Sorry about my grammar and word usage in this post, but its no even 9am, and i havent had a coffee. dont shoot me down on the basis of my language usage atm.)
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
18.08.2010 - 03:16
If life had taught me one thing then it would be that any mainstream information we know is a complete hoax .. fuck conspiracy theories, but this has been proven time and time with every day passing. I dont buy the Big Bang crap, i'm not into religions too .. the truth about life is yet a far unknown that we try to explain to ourselves once by religion and then by science.. yet, we should toss the arrogance aside, and admit that we're a part of a greater reality or wisdom that we'll never understand.

And, i agree with 'whats-a-cow' argument, the odds of the big band theory being true is as the odds of the existence of god ... yet some of us prefer religion, and some prefer science.. but both share a great amount of 'belief' that isn't based on fact, as seriously science is turning into a religion nowadays and scientific theories are its sacred bible. so, we dont need a new doctrine other than the already existing religious one.

please wake up people, and question things.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
18.08.2010 - 03:56
Account deleted
Written by whatsacow on 17.08.2010 at 04:09

As i stated before, i dont have a problem with evolution, i believe life has evolved and adapted, but i dont believe life just came out of nowhere, as the big bang states. My thing is that all life comes from other life, and it doesnt make sense that the begining we just came from nothing.

The big bang theory does not suggest that "nothing exploded and produced everything". As far as I know, it is not a theory that tries to explain the creation (the correct word would be "exnihilation") of the cosmos as a whole, only the current shape of our Universe.
18.08.2010 - 04:05
Account deleted
Written by Zombie on 18.08.2010 at 03:16

And, i agree with 'whats-a-cow' argument, the odds of the big band theory being true is as the odds of the existence of god

WHAT? I mean WHAAAAAAAAAT? How on Earth do you measure the likelyhood of God? I mean...what did I just read...the...I am did you get....ugh...WHAT?

Furthermore, you can't argue likelyhood when arguing for the existence or non-existence of God, you have to argue necessity.


... yet some of us prefer religion, and some prefer science

There is no such choice. Science is not an alternative to religion no more than philosophy is an alternative for poetry and vice versa.


.. but both share a great amount of 'belief' that isn't based on fact, as seriously science is turning into a religion nowadays and scientific theories are its sacred bible. so, we dont need a new doctrine other than the already existing religious one.

There's a big difference between scientific and religious beliefs. One is the belief in something that might some day be proven scientifically (life from no life) and the other is belief in something that science can't touch - a noncorporeal nonmateriel God.
Science IS NOT turning into a religion no more than creationism or ID are turning into science and no one should think that it is just because people like Dawkins choose to write books on topics they know absolutely nothing about and people like Behe and Dembski try to sell math/philosophy as science.
18.08.2010 - 04:15
Account deleted
I also wish to ask the moderators why such a poorly constructed topic was even allowed in the first place? The options don't even make any sense at all. They should be as follows:

Do you:

a) Reject the theory of biological evolution in its entirety
b) Reject the theory of biological evolution in parts (please specify)
c) Accept the theory of biological evolution in its entirety

Talking about "disbelieving" (is that even a verb?) evolution is like talking about disproving God. Nonsense.
18.08.2010 - 06:59
Written by [user id=105293] on 18.08.2010 at 04:05

Written by Zombie on 18.08.2010 at 03:16

And, i agree with 'whats-a-cow' argument, the odds of the big band theory being true is as the odds of the existence of god

WHAT? I mean WHAAAAAAAAAT? How on Earth do you measure the likelyhood of God? I mean...what did I just read...the...I am did you get....ugh...WHAT?

Furthermore, you can't argue likelyhood when arguing for the existence or non-existence of God, you have to argue necessity.


... yet some of us prefer religion, and some prefer science

There is no such choice. Science is not an alternative to religion no more than philosophy is an alternative for poetry and vice versa.


.. but both share a great amount of 'belief' that isn't based on fact, as seriously science is turning into a religion nowadays and scientific theories are its sacred bible. so, we dont need a new doctrine other than the already existing religious one.

There's a big difference between scientific and religious beliefs. One is the belief in something that might some day be proven scientifically (life from no life) and the other is belief in something that science can't touch - a noncorporeal nonmateriel God.
Science IS NOT turning into a religion no more than creationism or ID are turning into science and no one should think that it is just because people like Dawkins choose to write books on topics they know absolutely nothing about and people like Behe and Dembski try to sell math/philosophy as science.

Ok, I thought science was supposed to be an open minded topic. I mean if Galileo didn't have an open mind and just believed what every scientist, the earth would still be the centre of the universe.
Secondly, neither me or ezz said anything about there being a god, we just said that both theories are based on a large amount of belief in theories that haven't and aren't likely to be proven.
Thirdly, you and your 'gods' of science are not lawmakers. Their words are merely theories. What your saying is that these things WILL be proved, which is like me saying Finland will win the next olympics. You don't know it for a fact, so don't treat us like idiots because we disagree with you. I mean how do you know there was a massive explosion and we were just here? It seems quite illogical to me: "Poof. Ooh ooh ah ah. Honey, I'm home." How do you know that happened. How do you know we arent the bacteria growing off a gigantic apple? I mean that sounds every part as scientific as god or the big bang theory.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
18.08.2010 - 07:33
Account deleted
Written by whatsacow on 18.08.2010 at 06:59

Ok, I thought science was supposed to be an open minded topic. I mean if Galileo didn't have an open mind and just believed what every scientist, the earth would still be the centre of the universe.

Science can ask questions about the natural world, but that's where it ends. When you look at the natural world and draw any theological or anti-theological implications, you're not doing science anymore, you are doing philosophy. This is why a biology teacher can not talk about ID in the classroom. On the other hand, if a biology teacher says that Darwinian evolution saved mankind from superstition and disproved the creation myth, that's wrong too. God doesn't belong in biology class just like Vivaldi doesn't belong in math class.


Secondly, neither me or ezz said anything about there being a god, we just said that both theories are based on a large amount of belief in theories that haven't and aren't likely to be proven.

The difference is that scientific theories are falsifiable. A scientific theory can be proven right or proven wrong. You can't falsify God.


Thirdly, you and your 'gods' of science are not lawmakers. Their words are merely theories. What your saying is that these things WILL be proved, which is like me saying Finland will win the next olympics. You don't know it for a fact, so don't treat us like idiots because we disagree with you.

Just what do you mean by "gods" exactly? Do you mean people like Richard Dawkins? FYI: I don't like Richard Dawkins, because he's written a book on philosophy while being ignorant of philosophy. I certainly don't accept theories just because I like their philosophical implications, no one should, and I question everything to a reasonable extent. My point about belief in scientific theories is not that they will be proven to be true, but that they can be proven true or false. That is not the case with God. God is scientifically untouchable.


I mean how do you know there was a massive explosion and we were just here? It seems quite illogical to me: "Poof. Ooh ooh ah ah. Honey, I'm home." How do you know that happened. How do you know we arent the bacteria growing off a gigantic apple? I mean that sounds every part as scientific as god or the big bang theory.

When did I ever say I accept or support the Big Bang theory? Frankly, I haven't studied the matter quite as much as I would like to have. I do know that the theory can explain the current shape of the universe, not it's existence. It was not "nothing" that started rapidly expanding. But this doesn't mean that "I know" how it happened. But God certainly doesn't explain how, after all it is an answer to the question who? or what? not how?

As for the: "Poof. Ooh ooh. Ah ah. Honey, I'm home!", that's just ignorant. I might just as well sum up your explanation with: it was a magical man on the clouds, and I would be no more misinterpeting the intellectual philosophical construct of God than you are misintepreting the evolution of the universe and of life.

Bacteria growing on a gigantic apple is actually a lot more scientific than God, because apples and bacteria are physical and therefore can be observed and empirically tested, which God can not. Please understand this: science can't deal with the non-physical. This doesn't prove that the non-physical doesn't exist (despite most atheists being materialists), it just means you're not doing science when arguing for God's existence, you're doing philosophy. That is ok, it doesn't have to be any other way. People who demand scientific proof that a God exists or does not exist, don't understand science or God.
18.08.2010 - 07:55
Written by [user id=105293] on 18.08.2010 at 07:33

Written by whatsacow on 18.08.2010 at 06:59

Ok, I thought science was supposed to be an open minded topic. I mean if Galileo didn't have an open mind and just believed what every scientist, the earth would still be the centre of the universe.

Science can ask questions about the natural world, but that's where it ends. When you look at the natural world and draw any theological or anti-theological implications, you're not doing science anymore, you are doing philosophy. This is why a biology teacher can not talk about ID in the classroom. On the other hand, if a biology teacher says that Darwinian evolution saved mankind from superstition and disproved the creation myth, that's wrong too. God doesn't belong in biology class just like Vivaldi doesn't belong in math class.


Secondly, neither me or ezz said anything about there being a god, we just said that both theories are based on a large amount of belief in theories that haven't and aren't likely to be proven.

The difference is that scientific theories are falsifiable. A scientific theory can be proven right or proven wrong. You can't falsify God.


Thirdly, you and your 'gods' of science are not lawmakers. Their words are merely theories. What your saying is that these things WILL be proved, which is like me saying Finland will win the next olympics. You don't know it for a fact, so don't treat us like idiots because we disagree with you.

Just what do you mean by "gods" exactly? Do you mean people like Richard Dawkins? FYI: I don't like Richard Dawkins, because he's written a book on philosophy while being ignorant of philosophy. I certainly don't accept theories just because I like their philosophical implications, no one should, and I question everything to a reasonable extent. My point about belief in scientific theories is not that they will be proven to be true, but that they can be proven true or false. That is not the case with God. God is scientifically untouchable.


I mean how do you know there was a massive explosion and we were just here? It seems quite illogical to me: "Poof. Ooh ooh ah ah. Honey, I'm home." How do you know that happened. How do you know we arent the bacteria growing off a gigantic apple? I mean that sounds every part as scientific as god or the big bang theory.

When did I ever say I accept or support the Big Bang theory? Frankly, I haven't studied the matter quite as much as I would like to have. I do know that the theory can explain the current shape of the universe, not it's existence. It was not "nothing" that started rapidly expanding. But this doesn't mean that "I know" how it happened. But God certainly doesn't explain how, after all it is an answer to the question who? or what? not how?

As for the: "Poof. Ooh ooh. Ah ah. Honey, I'm home!", that's just ignorant. I might just as well sum up your explanation with: it was a magical man on the clouds, and I would be no more misinterpeting the intellectual philosophical construct of God than you are misintepreting the evolution of the universe and of life.

Bacteria growing on a gigantic apple is actually a lot more scientific than God, because apples and bacteria are physical and therefore can be observed and empirically tested, which God can not. Please understand this: science can't deal with the non-physical. This doesn't prove that the non-physical doesn't exist (despite most atheists being materialists), it just means you're not doing science when arguing for God's existence, you're doing philosophy. That is ok, it doesn't have to be any other way. People who demand scientific proof that a God exists or does not exist, don't understand science or God.

Fair enough. God is the magical man in the clouds. Its completely ridiculous. Both statements are true. By my arguaments, I was not trying to bag out anybodies beliefs, I was trying to state that you have to have a large amount of faith to believe in either. I'm not saying anybody, philosophers or scientis, are wrong, and I don't think anybody has the right to say: Your wrong. God isn't real. Everything you believe is stupid. Nobody has that right. i make open minded observations, and don't dictate to people what they should believe. I see faults in both ideaologies, and unsure of what to believe. However, if anybody believes in creator, or the absence thereof, that is their right, and nobody should dictate to anybody what to believe. There is nothing i hate more than pretensious gits who think they know everything, and thats what i thought you were. Sorry for the misunderstanding (and grammar. and repition)
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
18.08.2010 - 08:54
Valentin B
Written by Zombie on 18.08.2010 at 03:16

please wake up people, and question things.

i have to agree with taka here. i'm all for questioning and seeing through bullshit in whatever form it may arise, but the same scientific process that brought us computer screens and recorded music has continuously refined the theory of evolution up to the result we have today, which is a sound, working and proven theory/fact. there are still some loose ends but the general idea(that life morphs over time as a result of the weaker specimens of the species dying) is as true and simple as 2+2 = 4. it's so fucking simple, it's like some people (not you) don't WANT to understand it and prefer to stay in the darkness of literal 7-day creation or the belief in a 6000-year old earth just for comfort.

what kind of evidence do you have if you are so sure that evolution is wrong, aside from a hunch?

plus, if you noticed the table in this thread, the world-predominating view is that evolution is NOT the correct theory. "please wake up people, and question things" indeed
19.08.2010 - 00:47
Written by Valentin B on 18.08.2010 at 08:54

it's like some people (not you) don't WANT to understand it and prefer to stay in the darkness of literal 7-day creation or the belief in a 6000-year old earth just for comfort.

Not me either...
19.08.2010 - 01:35
Written by Valentin B on 18.08.2010 at 08:54

Written by Zombie on 18.08.2010 at 03:16

please wake up people, and question things.

i have to agree with taka here. i'm all for questioning and seeing through bullshit in whatever form it may arise, but the same scientific process that brought us computer screens and recorded music has continuously refined the theory of evolution up to the result we have today, which is a sound, working and proven theory/fact. there are still some loose ends but the general idea(that life morphs over time as a result of the weaker specimens of the species dying) is as true and simple as 2+2 = 4. it's so fucking simple, it's like some people (not you) don't WANT to understand it and prefer to stay in the darkness of literal 7-day creation or the belief in a 6000-year old earth just for comfort.

what kind of evidence do you have if you are so sure that evolution is wrong, aside from a hunch?

plus, if you noticed the table in this thread, the world-predominating view is that evolution is NOT the correct theory. "please wake up people, and question things" indeed

Goddamn. I never said anything about evolution! All I ever said was about the big bang. Evolution is real, even the most extreme of christians cannot deny this. I am simply talking about the process in which the earth seemingly came out of nothing.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
28.09.2010 - 07:04
Dark Cornatus
Written by whatsacow on 13.08.2010 at 07:48

Written by Zombie on 13.08.2010 at 06:33

Well, Evolution IS a fact, proven scientifically with hundreds of proofs... HOWEVER, nothing can disprove that the first life forms were 'created' and then evolved into the species we see today

Sorry... sentence is wrong. Evolution is correct, i was referring to the big bang THEORY.

Not if you want to think of it in that way. The burden of proof is on the people who make the claims. People don't need to disprove a claim that life must have originally been created, when there is no evidence for it at all. People accept these types of religious claims because they have no answer.

The Big Bang theory however, is TESTABLE, and has be shown to work through numerous studies involving physics and maths. Compare this to the Gravitational theory. We know it exists, yet we can;t prove it 100%. Or houw about Pluto's orbit? Since it's discovery, we know it orbits around the sun..... but how? It takes 245 years or so to complete the orbit. We know from this kind of testing.

On the other hand, a claim that life was created, does not show ANY form of testable evidence, and must come back to the original argument that if life was 'created' then what created the 'creator'.

As a side note to those who don't understand evolution. Evolution is a fact, we have demonstrated it's very existence with many insects and bacteria. The Evolution Theory explains how life is like a branching tree, with all life diverging from common ancestry. What people don't get usually, is that large scale evolution, such as with mammals, takes thousands to hundreds of years for notable differences in species (macroevolution).
28.09.2010 - 07:08
Dark Cornatus
Another thing. You either accept things like evolution, or you don't. There is no 'belief', as this involves some form of faith or trust. If you think of it in this respect, then you need to start using your brain or do more research.
28.09.2010 - 09:00

The Big Bang theory however, is TESTABLE, and has be shown to work through numerous studies involving physics and maths. Compare this to the Gravitational theory. We know it exists, yet we can;t prove it 100%. Or houw about Pluto's orbit? Since it's discovery, we know it orbits around the sun..... but how? It takes 245 years or so to complete the orbit. We know from this kind of testing.

Please point me to these studies. I am actually genuinely interested.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
01.10.2010 - 21:15
Written by whatsacow on 28.09.2010 at 09:00

The Big Bang theory however, is TESTABLE, and has be shown to work through numerous studies involving physics and maths. Compare this to the Gravitational theory. We know it exists, yet we can;t prove it 100%. Or houw about Pluto's orbit? Since it's discovery, we know it orbits around the sun..... but how? It takes 245 years or so to complete the orbit. We know from this kind of testing.

Please point me to these studies. I am actually genuinely interested.

I'm not sure if that's completely correct, but I think I get his point. Just go watch Lawrence Krauss' discussion at AAI 09' ''A Universe from Nothing'', then you'll have the latest and most accurate information about the big bang theory.

Few things you'll learn
-The Universe is expanding, galaxies are drifting apart from one another. That means, through measured time, they had to have been even closer together.
-Scientists can look about 13.72 billion years into the past... mind-raping.
-The Universe must have a flat shape.

And if you want to make cross checks on this information, just go to wikipedia or read some current books about the Universe. Stephen Hawking just released a new book as well, check that bad boy out!

Back to Evolution, sorry Dudes!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
18.11.2010 - 02:00
It is funny what is the perception of creationists and evolutionists.

Creationists, all being christians..... untrue, most creationists are Muslims, and Hindu's if we take the whole mass of creationists in the world there will be only a small percentage of christians in it.

Evolution as non compatible with religion.... as far as I know most people in the world are religious, and most people in the world believe in evolution. A lot of the leading paleontologists, physicists, geologists and biologists who have done research about the prehistoric past are christians of many denominations and jewish, and also I think the catholic church, has recently publicly advise the followers to regard creationism as a bunch of irrational ideas.
... there is no road to peace, peace is the road.... so.... peace :)
24.11.2010 - 18:33
Written by BasicMan on 18.11.2010 at 02:00

It is funny what is the perception of creationists and evolutionists.

Creationists, all being christians..... untrue, most creationists are Muslims, and Hindu's if we take the whole mass of creationists in the world there will be only a small percentage of christians in it.

Evolution as non compatible with religion.... as far as I know most people in the world are religious, and most people in the world believe in evolution. A lot of the leading paleontologists, physicists, geologists and biologists who have done research about the prehistoric past are christians of many denominations and jewish, and also I think the catholic church, has recently publicly advise the followers to regard creationism as a bunch of irrational ideas.

Is the religion of a creationist important?!
A Muslim, a Christian, a Jewish, a whatever who believes in Personal God are creationist. The religion isn't important, worshiping the same God is.

About creation and evolution paradox the answer could be stated in one sentence. Evolution is all about what goes from simplicity to complexity, whereas Personal God is (in the eyes of a creationist) the most complex being in the whole world in the first place and started to create things exclusively! So there is a paradox in it!
27.11.2010 - 18:21
Written by BasicMan on 18.11.2010 at 02:00

It is funny what is the perception of creationists and evolutionists.

1.)Creationists, all being christians..... untrue, most creationists are Muslims, and Hindu's if we take the whole mass of creationists in the world there will be only a small percentage of christians in it.

2.)Evolution as non compatible with religion.... as far as I know most people in the world are religious, and most people in the world believe in evolution. A lot of the leading paleontologists, physicists, geologists and biologists who have done research about the prehistoric past are christians of many denominations and jewish..
3.)...and also I think the catholic church, has recently publicly advise the followers to regard creationism as a bunch of irrational ideas.

I numbered your quotes, hope you're okay with that. Makes life easier for some people, lol.

1.) Well, I can't speak for the WHOLE world, but this chart works for the US. I'm afraid, Christians outnumber the Muslims and Hindus here. I wonder where you're getting this ''information'' from man?
2.) I can't find the chart, but the majority of the scientists who are agnostic or atheist in the United States is above 60%. Watch Jerry Coyne's talk on evolution if you can find it. That is shown in the end.
3.) The Catholic Church has officially recognized evolution. Many religious people have recognized evolution for themselves. Good for them.

If the REST think God waited 13.72 billion years to let evolution take place in our universe and:
a)then sent himself as his son to die for ''our'' sins and rise days later only to ascend to heaven asap anways. (Which sins? Surely not of Adam and Eve because modern religion doesn't believe that crap)
b)then sent an angel to a cave to visit a lonely merchant named Muhammad, who decided to fight wars in God's name

then...fuck, so be it. If they're happy and not hurting anyone, good for them. To those other fuckin' amateurs (extremists, fundamentalist creationists), they can fuck themselves. May Walter bite their ear off, call them anti-semites and punch them in the face.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
24.01.2011 - 08:13
^ It looks like that chart is surveying Americans of those religions, not people world wide. If this is a graph of just Americans then it's not representative of each religion as a whole, not in the slightest. Sorry.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
29.01.2011 - 11:51
Written by Susan on 24.01.2011 at 08:13

^ It looks like that chart is surveying Americans of those religions, not people world wide. If this is a graph of just Americans then it's not representative of each religion as a whole, not in the slightest. Sorry.


"1.) Well, I can't speak for the WHOLE world, but this chart works for the US. I'm afraid, Christians outnumber the Muslims and Hindus here."

There is another graph (Public Acceptance of Evolution out of 34 countries). The USA is 33rd on that list, followed by Turkey! Not surprising, but Iceland, Denmark and Sweden are the top three countries...

And as I stated, I don't care if people believe in God and evolution. At least, they should choose a more sophisticated religion such as Deism or something and not merely Christianity. Jesus and evolution are incompatible, not religion.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
29.01.2011 - 21:18
Written by TheBigRossowski on 29.01.2011 at 11:51

Jesus and evolution are incompatible, not religion.

Can you provide a quote by Christ where He was discussing creationism/evolution?
29.01.2011 - 22:31
Account deleted
Written by Ernis on 29.01.2011 at 21:18

Can you provide a quote by Christ where He was discussing creationism/evolution?

I'm pretty sure that what he meant was that if man evolved and was not created, then Adam didn't exist. If Adam didn't exist, then Adam did not sin. If Adam did not sin, then mankind did not fall from grace and Christ has no purpose, because there is nothing to redeem.
29.01.2011 - 22:41
Account deleted
Written by Hamird on 24.11.2010 at 18:33

About creation and evolution paradox the answer could be stated in one sentence. Evolution is all about what goes from simplicity to complexity, whereas Personal God is (in the eyes of a creationist) the most complex being in the whole world in the first place and started to create things exclusively! So there is a paradox in it!

That is incorrect. The God of the three major religions (Jews, Muslims, Christians) is a spiritual being, he/she/it is nonmaterial and therefore not complex in the slightest degree.
29.01.2011 - 23:01
Written by [user id=105293] on 29.01.2011 at 22:31

I'm pretty sure that what he meant was that if man evolved and was not created, then Adam didn't exist. If Adam didn't exist, then Adam did not sin. If Adam did not sin, then mankind did not fall from grace and Christ has no purpose, because there is nothing to redeem.

Of course there is quite a lot to be redeemed. Whether the man was Adam or Ted or Tom... Christ Himself hasn't mentioned any apple story as much as I remember. Every religion has it's own creation myths and all of them are similar and contain the idea of "fall of man" innit? The fact is that people do lousy things and act bad. Christ came to show what the "role model" is... Not to deal with some mess created by someone who ate the wrong apple (who says it was an apple anyway?) but in order to help people avoid the evil that so many so easily commit... Apple is a metaphor, a sample story...

Which is irrelevant to any evolution or creationism theory...