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Global Warming

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Posted by Konrad, 23.08.2006 - 20:52
Global waming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent years. Primary causes of global warming, are increased amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Both components are induced by humans and are released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels, clearing of land, etc.

Rising sea level and changes in precipitation have been directly affected by global warming. These changes MAY increase the frequency and intensity of various extreme weather events namely, floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, tornados, glacier retreat, species extinctions and an increase in disease vectors. Although the above listed events have been occuring, it is difficult to scientifically connect them with global warming. However, only a small minority of climate scientists discount the role that humanity's actions have played in recent warming.

This issue has been a growing political debate, as well as how to deal with the predicted consequences. Please assess these various scientific facts before posting your opinion on the matter:

Fact 1. 2005 was the warmest year since reliable instrumental mesurements became available in the late 1800's.

Fact 2. Increase in greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide are due to both natural or internal processes (solar activity, volcanic emissions) and external processes (humans).

Fact 3. Increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere directly leads to the melting of ice near the north and south poles. As the ice melts, land or open water take it's place.

Fact 4. Land and water are less reflective than ice, thus absorbing more solar radiation. This causes more warming in that specific area, which in turn causes more melting.

Fact 5. Higher temperatures, lessened snow cover, rising sea levels effect ecosystems, and forced various species out of their habitats. Other species however, may flourish. Lowering of ocean pH (which is a direct result of increased carbon dioxide) and changing water temperature will have a direct impact on coral reefs.

The possibility that the Earth's temperatures will continue to significantly increase has led people to take various actions in order to retard the process, which are:

1. Energy conservation
2. Alternative energy sources
3. Carbon capture and storage
4. Development of wind power, nuclear power, solar power, hybrid automobiles etc.

Here are some various models I found on wikipedia in direct corrolation to this topic:


Please mention your stance on the matter and consider the following questions:

Do you believe that global warming proposes a serious problem to us in our lifetime? Do you feel that this issue should be pushed, or are you sick of hearing about it? If you think this a serious issue, what can we do to help? Do you think anything can be done to completely stop global warming, or is it too late?
28.02.2009 - 18:40
Account deleted
Well Im a final year architectural student so my thoughts on energy efficiency should be all for designing more sustainable buildings, yet I dont really believe in global warming. Theres been numerous studies showing that it happens because of the SUN. The sun is getting hotter, icecaps on other planets have been shrinking as yeah.

If its true then its pretty hectic that we little humans are capable of destroying an entire planet...mostly the fucking Americans again, emitting way more CO2 than any other country on the planet, perhaps more than many European countries altogether. Something we learned about this year was how every country is sort of given a "CO2 allowance" of some sort, meaning they arent allowed to produce more than a certain amout of CO2, yet the Americans decide to bend (break!) the rules again a bit, go to some obscure country and tell them they will buy up their "allowance" in order to continue to produce more and more CO2!

that in itself is pissing me the fuck off....
04.03.2009 - 06:47
Val, before you speak of those "fucking Americans" yes we use a major source of the worlds resources and as a result polute subsatantially, you must ask yourself one question. does it benifit the world economy. does it empower other nations. Capitalism has benefited even socialist and communist nations such as china. Note that china and India were absolved from the last round of global emission requirements.

That said this whole co2 cap and trade system is so full of shit my eyes are brown. All it is, is control of industry for governments.

Remember Green is the new Red
I swear by my life and love for it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor shall I ask another to live for me.

John Galt
09.03.2009 - 23:35
Mormon Storm
The answer is human decency, care and respect for others and the environment not to mention equality, but politics isn't the primary discussion here although certain people do have their own agenda and are using Global Warming to pursue it. What Al Gore has in mind, or how much scientists are paid to release certain information is beside the point. The political system doesn't matter. Humans have been finding new and unique ways to promote their greedy agenda while not hesitating to fuck the planet up as much as possible for a long time. Let's keep it scientific.

There is an interesting on Global Dimming, and how we have dug ourselves so far into this mess of Global Warming that the Earth will actually receive less if we actually tried to combat Global Warming it would increase Global Dimming. This makes it a much more delicate situation. Does anyone have any opinions on Global Dimming and how it relates to Global Warming?
10.03.2009 - 00:01
While I agree on the fact that global warming exists and indeed could pose a problem in the future, what disturbs me is the fact that global warming has become somewhat of an overused term which is used by pretty much all governments worldwide to help them avoid dealing with all the other environmental problems which still are rampant across the world. In todays society, all environmental issues have become synonymous with global warming, and that's the only environmental problem given any attention whatsoever anymore. We still dump toxins all around us, third world countries still pollute their environment with DDT, the rainforests are still disappearing and so on, but none of this is ever given any attention anymore, since the concept of global warming steals it all away.

Yes, we have to do something about global warming, but we must not forget about the other stuff we have to do as well.

Another thing I really hate is that hypocrite Al Gore who first speaks about global warming, and then flies home by freaking private jets to his home in the US which uses up the energy of something like 17 normal American families yearly. He really shouldn't be the guy to talk to anyone else about what to do and what not to do about global warming....
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
11.03.2009 - 00:51
Lush McGee
We are the masters of our own demise. and we are FUCKED! I honestly don't think this earth will last 20 years longer.
Awesome sauce, chicken boss!
Laugh until it means something
25.06.2009 - 21:36
I must say this subject is hot!!!:) hihhihi.Well we are fucked by our own hands so enjoy the rest of the world, for you will be seeing the end soon.
Will the ones who live after our end
Worship the goddamn cross again?
20.11.2009 - 22:17
The Ancient One
Apparently some university's database was hacked and thousands of documents/emails leaked, pointing to a clear lack of understanding as to why the "warming" has ceased, as well as lauding the death of skeptics, and even flat out pointing to manipulation of data.

(link to page)


Hadley hacked: Roundup with updates and hundreds of comments
Hadley hacked: warmist conspiracy exposed? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

So the 1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory - a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science. I've been adding some of the most astonishing in updates below - emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. If it is as it now seems, never again will "peer review" be used to shout down sceptics.

This is clearly not the work of some hacker, but of an insider who's now blown the whistle.

Update: See and search the emails here.

pretty fucking pathetic, if true. not only are they using "peer review" to remove skeptics from their ranks, they've been raking in $$$$.... (another spread show Phil Jones receiving in excess of $20m USD in grants over the last 19 years)

i thought science was about and testing ideas, not manipulation of data and annihilation of anyone whose theories run counter.

i said it many many many moons ago when i first psoted here and say it again now...

Global Warming is religion for atheists.

ps. Any else catch Al Gore on Conan this week? where he claimed the Earth's interior is "extremely hot, several million degress"...

uh, most scientists have it in the 5-7,000C (9,000F) range... only "several million degrees" off. i am not sure how people can take this guy seriously?
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
20.11.2009 - 22:27
Mr. Noise
For some reason i never believed in this whole 'Global Warming' thing. i, contrary to popular belief, also dont really believe us humans, as a species, really have that much effect on the earth.

and even if we do. even if we are really demolishing the earth, there is one question: does it really matter?
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
21.11.2009 - 00:06
Written by Lucas on 20.11.2009 at 22:27

For some reason i never believed in this whole 'Global Warming' thing. i, contrary to popular belief, also dont really believe us humans, as a species, really have that much effect on the earth.

and even if we do. even if we are really demolishing the earth, there is one question: does it really matter?

We demolish the earth.. Well I don't say it's wrong, but we don't waste it in most cases.. We just use them for our own lives.. For example we cut trees and destroy jungles, and we make wooden stuff for our lives, and use them for industrial uses.. So in a view of a man you wouldn't say it's wrong.. But if you want to care about other animals yes we may ruin their lives sometimes..
Same for Global Warming. Some people say that we're destroying Ozone layer with our industrial shit. But do they (those who say this) accept to live like a primitive and don't use the technology in their lives? I don't think so. So we are effecting it, but somehow we have to.
Talking about caring about it, it doesn't really matter for us, but if you want to think about next generations for example you grandchildren, yes it will effect on their lives.. Maybe in their time, they can protect themselves from rays but anyway it's harder to live in that situation..
By the way, it doesn't matter if you want to care or not. Politicians must do, and I think they're not doing..
21.11.2009 - 00:11
Mr. Noise
Well, other scientists say the warming of the earth and the cooling off it happens in a natural 'ebb and flow' way.

I don't really have the required knowledge or sources to really argue this subject, so I am not going to bother. Whether or not we should would be kinda off-topic.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
21.11.2009 - 01:41
Fils du Lys
Written by Lucas on 20.11.2009 at 22:27

For some reason i never believed in this whole 'Global Warming' thing. i, contrary to popular belief, also dont really believe us humans, as a species, really have that much effect on the earth.

and even if we do. even if we are really demolishing the earth, there is one question: does it really matter?

"Destroying the Earth" is a stupid idea developed by mass media. We destroy ecosystems, we alter chemical composition of water, air and earth, we extinct species, but as long as we don't get into a nuclear world war, there's no way we'll "destroy the Earth" or even life. The planet is not in danger: WE, humans, are. If we continue on that way, we'll disappear, because we depend on the ecosystems we are destroying. Global warmings and coolings are natural, and I'm not sure we are responsible for the one that's presently going on, but I know mammoths didn't make it through the last warming, cause they were too adapted to a cold environment. We humans are more adaptive, of course, and we might survive extreme climatic changes. And if we don't, well it may be for the best...
Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
21.11.2009 - 02:06
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
The human race isn't going to be around forever no matter what you think. As if you think that we don't have a major impact on the global cooling and global warming of this planet! Why are there holes in the ozone layer? We produce chemicals that are liquefied into the ground. These chemicals stop the natural bacterial process of percolating the soil. This results in hydrogen and oxygen components in the air to pick up this access chemical by-product and transmit it through the air. This hot air rises into our atmosphere and thus burns holes in the ozone layer. Need I say more? I honestly give the human race another 40-80 years and then a smarter and more eco-friendly species will take control because the human race is a disease-ridden ignorance incompetent one. You can be in denial and make a bunch of stupid retorts as much as you want, but it is the truth.
22.11.2009 - 18:01
Fils du Lys
Written by [user id=2084] on 21.11.2009 at 02:06

The human race isn't going to be around forever no matter what you think. As if you think that we don't have a major impact on the global cooling and global warming of this planet! Why are there holes in the ozone layer? We produce chemicals that are liquefied into the ground. These chemicals stop the natural bacterial process of percolating the soil. This results in hydrogen and oxygen components in the air to pick up this access chemical by-product and transmit it through the air. This hot air rises into our atmosphere and thus burns holes in the ozone layer. Need I say more? I honestly give the human race another 40-80 years and then a smarter and more eco-friendly species will take control because the human race is a disease-ridden ignorance incompetent one. You can be in denial and make a bunch of stupid retorts as much as you want, but it is the truth.

I'm not sure who's that "you" the message is adressed to, but anyway I agree entirely with you. But the Earth will outlive us, no matter how huge the holes we burn in the ozone layer. This protective gas barrier wasn't there forever, it made itself. When the planet will be rid of humankind, those holes will repair, just like forest will grow to cover the cities and species will evolve to form new species to replace the ones we destroyed. Even if it takes 1 million years, so what? The Earth is much older than that. I'm not afraid of what will become of Earth, but I don't want humankind to disappear: I want humankind to use its intelligence for change. I doubt we will, but as a species, we have to try, that's pure instinct. If we disappear, well, that means natural selection did its job.
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23.11.2009 - 03:08
The Ancient One
In the immortal words of George Carlin, "the planet is fine. the people are fucked."
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
23.11.2009 - 05:49
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Yeah my post wasn't directed at anyone in particular...hopefully no offense taken...I feel global warming is November 22nd and it's still warm and sunny here...and yeah, people are fucked and natural selection will totally do its job...
23.11.2009 - 19:46
Fils du Lys
Written by [user id=2084] on 23.11.2009 at 05:49

Yeah my post wasn't directed at anyone in particular...hopefully no offense taken...I feel global warming is November 22nd and it's still warm and sunny here...and yeah, people are fucked and natural selection will totally do its job...

Yeah, I'm in Tremblant (2 hours north of Montreal) and usually at this time of the year there's snow and it's fucking cold, but now it's sunny, there's not a single snowflake and it's 10 °C outside... Not so unpleasant, to be honest, but definitely weird.
Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
19.12.2009 - 11:35
The Ancient One
Arizona had it's mildest summer since 1913. zomg global warming.

when Mount Pinatubo detonated around 1990 it pumped more CO2 into the atmosphere than man has in our entire existence. Save the planet. kill volcanoes.

there really isn't proof global warming even exists thanks to doctored data... 1998 was hot. so were several years in the 1st half the 20th Century. if we are warming up, seems odd that the 2 of the 3 hottest years on record were 60+ years ago. And that temps have not continued to rise as these eggheads and their computer models with doctored data predicted.

there really isn't proof that even if the globe is warming, it's not part of some natural cycle (see: recurring ice ages advancing and receding for hundreds of thousands of years, all without me driving my V4 truck) ...

there really isn't proof that even if the globe is warming, it's not part of some natural Solar cycle... the Sun is not static. it also is changing over time. some day, hopefully not "the day after tomorrow" it's going to grow and swell in size until either is swallows the planet whole or just expands to the point where it scorches our surface to nothingness, like Mercury now. this might explain shrinking polar caps on Mars, etc... certainly better than the fact i run my A/C during the summer. somehow i doubt setting my ac to a measly 84F is causing the Martian ice caps to retreat.

there really isn't a set conclusion. at all.

sure, douchebags like that english professor prick sought to annihilate anyone whose research data (gasp, maybe even real data) ran counter to his own. that does not mean the debate is over. it never started. they sought to quash is before it occurred. they accuse skeptics of taking money from Big Oil, when douchebags like that english professor receive more than $15,000,000 in grant monies to continue their (faulty) studies. surely they have no financial motiviation.

much like the oft-villified Catholics sought to annihilate those scientists whose evidence showed the Earth was not the center the Universe.

sure, doucenozzles like Algore wish to profiteer off this with some massive "Carbon Credit" ponzi scheme designed to get him rich (but in a nice and wholesome way, as opposed to those oil companies who merely provide your car with the means to go or your hourse with the means to heat/cool itself) ... which will enable the rich to continue to live like fucking royalty in private jets and gas guzzlers while we the piss-ons must toil away and cinch our belt straps ever tighter.

much like the corrupt Popes handed out "Indulgences" which enabled the rich (for a fee) to get away with whatever sin they wanted, without endangering their soul, while the poor piss-ons toiled away with the fear if no salvation should they fuck up.

it's not based on undisputed, proven science.

it's based on a THEORY.

in short, it's based on FAITH.

it's a religion.

and just like Christianity, it has a good old FIRE and FUCKING BRIMSTONE ending for us all if we don't change our evil ways.

it's a fraud.

and as predominantly western teenagers/twentysomethings visiting this site, it is you who will live your lives in abject poverty (as opposed to our current standard of living) should the world adopt the measures to counter this bogus nonsense.

you feel that confident in doctored data?
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
19.12.2009 - 12:13
Heaven Knight
Well the biggest advantage of this is, that noone can predict if climate would go wrong in next years, you can say "see? we have warned you"...and if wouldnt, then you can still claim "see? we have stopped it at time, praise us!"...GW is a wonderful bet - you cannot loose...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

19.12.2009 - 12:23
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
And even if the there is such a thing as global warming... so fucking what?
Even if it is because of mankind it is proof there are way too many people on Earth. So the melting of polar ice (only land ice btw) which raises the level of the sea and thus killing people is only a good thing. Decimate the earth's population by half and the earth will cool down again.
People keep on whing about global warming but are only too happy for India that even poor people can buy cars there now (thanks to some locally made very cheap car, wow good for emissions), and then those same people also go on that everyone should live to be as old as possible and that we have to o something against famine in the world. Mmmm, so save people, therefore population increases, number of cars increase, and the temperature rises even more. My God are those idiots deaf, dumb & blind? Yes, they are.

I say: Save The Planet, Kill Half The Population.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

19.12.2009 - 12:42
Heaven Knight
in one sentence - you are stupid, we are not, live with it (i mean taka's message to BitterCOld)
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

19.12.2009 - 13:08
Heaven Knight
Well...this IPCC is propaganda too...because they are giving no room for the second side, they simply say and it is so from now on...and dont tell me, there arent serious scientists who are denying GW, they are...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

19.12.2009 - 14:06
Heaven Knight
Excuse me, but what is "small number" according to you?

btw - 4 years old, but kinda interesting article -
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

19.12.2009 - 16:37
Heaven Knight
Lol...Vaclav Klaus just claimed in his speech for FOX TV, that Global Warming is new kind of religion (are you a prophet, BitterCOld? )

"It is a kind of new ideology, or new religion. Religion of climate changes or religion of global warming. It is a religion which said, people are responsible for currently quite small temperature raise. And they should be punished for it."

"Politicians, media and trade simply understood, that this is very good topic to base on. It is an excellent idea how to escape from reality. We are not talking about crisis now, but we are talking about world in 2050, 2080, 2200. The voters can never bash them for making a bad decision."

"We would be victims of an irrational ideology. They will dictate us how to live, what to do, how to behave, what to eat, what can my children have. It is something, what we, who have lived in communist era most of our lives, feel very strong. We are very sensitive about this. I have lived in communism, where politicans told us, what to do."

"The real problems arent arguments, the real problem is to motivate people to listen to contras. This is the missing chain in current debate."

i am happy and proud, that there is at least one person in the world with at least some power to be listened, who dare to say this loudly in public
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

19.12.2009 - 18:44
The Ancient One
Taka, you can opt to believe it. i can opt to disbelieve it.

if you choose to take on faith a "consensus" based upon the findings of a group of people that opted to discredit anyone whose research runs counter to their own, well, that's your call.

have fun with your new religion.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
19.12.2009 - 18:52
Heaven Knight
I quess i would be accused from "spreading right-wing propaganda" again but here is what i have found new

it is translation from czech to english trough Google Translate, so it may be little confusing, but i guess you would get the main message...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

20.12.2009 - 00:41
The Shape
In my honest opinion i think "Global Warming" is joke.. just a way for all those politicians and scientist to cash in on. Now i think the arrogance of my is astounding that they think they are having an effect on the planets atmosphere and environment. The earth is a powerful thing and at any moment could destroy everything and kill us all..

Anyway that's just my Two Cents and honest opinion.
29.12.2009 - 06:34

30000 scientist's who deny man made global warming. Seems like a significant number to me.

Also its very interesting that the "warmers" choose the date of about 1850 as a reference date. the end of the last mini ice age. Why not choose say 1500 or 1000.

A side note. this even challenges my own stat i admit. The term "scientist" is irrelevant. What are you a scientist in? If you are not a weatherologist, or meteorologist etc, who the hell cares what you think. A molecular scientist has no more knowledge about climate than the average person.

Accepting ALL that the "Warmers" say is true. SO WHAT. Humans are a species and are entitled to live. Frankly when the globe is warmer the species benefits!
I swear by my life and love for it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor shall I ask another to live for me.

John Galt
29.12.2009 - 10:27
Heaven Knight
Written by Anthem on 29.12.2009 at 06:34

Also its very interesting that the "warmers" choose the date of about 1850 as a reference date. the end of the last mini ice age. Why not choose say 1500 or 1000.

although i am not with them at all, i have to say this is logical, because this should be the date, since when we have some relevant meteorological data from all around the world...i know for example in Prague the temperature is daily measured since 1770 or so and it is one of the oldest traditions in the world...

on the other hand, exactly this is tricky...we know the history of 160 years and we want to make decisions from it? i can give an example from mathematics - i can claim something, but then i have to prove it for every case, so it is certainly not enough to show "it is true for x=1, x=2, x=3, therefore it is true for any x" is the climate - our Earth is 4,6 billion years old, we can tell about 160 years (this is 0.000035 per mile)...i am missing something
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

30.12.2009 - 11:45
hi-fi / lo-life
The planet is trying to get rid of us. I say we fight back.
30.12.2009 - 12:24
Heaven Knight
What exactly do you suggest?
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
