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Posted by Darth Satanious, 17.05.2006 - 06:10

How many of you enjoy these movies as much as I do? I have to say that I am a fan of these movies to such extent as to have action figures hanging in my bedroom's walls, buying the first three movies in original DVDs (the next three are coming soon), having the "Clone Wars" episodes in VHS, memorizing lines of the movies and owning some comic books from the new episodes.

I went to watch the second movie, which is the fifth, in the theaters with my sister's ex husband and that is when I got hooked by the series. Before that, I never had a curiosity for the movies and now that I look back I don't know why I didn't get into them earlier.

Then the episode three, Revenge of the Sith came in. I have been waiting ages for this movie and, when the chance came, I went to see it at the theaters in that same day it released at 12:00 AM (in spite that I had a test for my University at 7:00 AM that same day). It was such a grim experience to watch that movie along with so many fans of the series. They were all dressed as Darth Vader or as Jedi Knights and when things that had an impact to the fans, as the first breath of Darth Vader, we would be screaming until death of the emotion. Damn, they should present all the movies at the theaters again!

Some people think that the newest movies, the episodes for the first to the third movie, are a disgrace for the older movie but I have to disagree. In my opinion these movies are as good as the old ones and they still maintain that old Star Wars feeling in them. We all love Jar Jar Binks, don't we?

Join me all of you my apprentices and padawans!

Anyway, that is just me and a few million others that love all the movies. Just tell us what you think about the movies.

All hail George Lucas! :[
27.12.2007 - 19:54
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Written by Valentin B on 27.12.2007 at 14:46

Written by [user id=1445] on 27.12.2007 at 05:19

Written by Valentin B on 26.12.2007 at 19:15

can't understand why Mace Windu took only so few jedi to arrest Sidious in episode III. if i were him, facing the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, i'd fucking bring up the big guns, all the Jedi Masters, Knights, even some older padawans, possibly Anakin too, not 2 loons who got killed instantly and another one who lasted about 3 seconds on screen.

Good point, I never thought about that. Surely they would know how dangerous a Sith Lord is..?

yeah but Darth Satanious answered it correctly. i think though that it's a bit awkward that 3 jedi masters got killed so easily by Sidious, then Windu defeated him(this is explained though in the episode III novel which i own, because Windu has that special fighting style, Vaapad, taken from that creature on one of the moons of Sarapin). this would probably make Windu the most powerful Jedi of the old republic(and correct me if i'm wrong, but also the most powerful jedi ever, because as we see in episodes 4-6, Luke isn't that proficient with the saber, and of course Vader grew old, so his lightsaber fighting technique is diminished, not to mention the emperor's presumed proficiency). of course, we can talk about the Exile, Kreia, etc. of the KOTOR series but they are varied in strength relative to the player, whereas Windu isn't.

and i agree that Grievous was not portrayed that good in the movie, now that i see his other appearances. He should have at least gotten to kill a Jedi or something, not just being an old coughing geezer with two bird legs and 4 lightsabers which was no match for Obi-Wan(again i can't understand that if he wasn't a Sith, that he didn't think at all of battle honor and such, so on Utapau he could have just ordered the droid army that surrounded Obi to attack him, and he wouldn't have stood a chance).

Windu was really powerful, how much is hard to say because there really isn't a way of measurement for knowledge of the Force or for skills with the lightsaber. Only duels more or less determine who is more powerful than who but then some duels have certain circumstances or factors that make the outcome of the battle not entirely reliable to determine who is more powerful. For example, it has been argued that Kenobi got rid of Grievous pretty easily because Grievous had been weaken already by Windu when he crushed his chest with the Force during the escape from Coruscant with the chancellor. Also because Grievous was overconfident that he would kill Kenobi since he had no lightsaber. Then we would have to wonder what could have happened if Grievous was in all his potential in the fight. Kenobi would definitely win because he appears in A New Hope but perhaps Grievous could have given a better fight. Anyways, George wanted it to be this way so any of our speculations won't matter at all.

Also, it is assured that Anakin lost the duel against Kenobi only because he was not focused, giving into his feeling of hatred and thus taking away his concentration. So we would have to ask ourselves if Kenobi is stronger than Anakin or if Anakin didn't give his best fight. Kenobi recognized himself that Anakin had better skills in the lightsaber than him.

There is resentment and a craving for revenge from Grievous towards the Jedi since the Jedi were the ones to leave his home planet of Kalee in destruction after the Republic sided with the Huk, direct enemies of the Kaleesh. That is one of the reasons of why Grievous has a collection of lightsabers from the Jedi he kills. If Grievous ordered that, it is very likely that Kenobi would have not survived, unless he got to hold them off until the Clone Troopers' arrive. But then maybe Grievous confidence betrayed him again and he felt that he was enough to kill Kenobi. But, we all know that Kenobi needs to appear in A New Hope.
29.12.2007 - 16:25
Valentin B
btw @ Darth Satanious, i noticed the symbolism in the names of the Sith Lords(i'm assuming you played KOTOR 2 here):
Darth Vader- Vader=Father in polish, also vater in german means father
Darth Traya= short for "Betrayer" for she betrayed the exile
Darth Sion= Scion(heir) this i got from wikipedia, he's the apprentice of Traya, so her heir

but what are Nihilus, Tyrannus(i understand it means from Tyrant, but i don't know why he is named like this), Sidious, Maul(probably because of his kicking style, he likes to 'maul' the opponents), Plagueis(from Plague, but i don't know what for), Malak, Bane, etc?
02.01.2008 - 11:01
Valentin B
Written by Darth Satanious on 26.12.2007 at 18:58

Yeah, I saw the second one also at theater and the same day that it was screened for the first time and you can imagine how it was like within the theater when Yoda prepares to take his lightsaber to duel with Dooku. Those were screams all over the place, that vibe felt during the first screenings of the Star Wars movies is incredible. Hayden Christensen sure did the trick at acting in the prequels and I dare to say that no acting done in the first three movies matches the drama achieved in the new ones.

lol, i can imagine! i went to the first screening day for Revenge of the Sith, but the movie itself was so sad, no screaming, or applause at the end or such, only during the Yoda-Sidious duel there were some "Woah!!" shouts and stuff. but when in the cave with Anakin and Obi-Wan out cold, Dooku prepared to strike them, we see a little shadow and some coughing coming frome the entrance. "Who the fuck is it??" and then we see: it's fucking Yoda!
14.03.2008 - 23:10
Valentin B
17.03.2008 - 22:20
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Nope, I still haven't played any KOTOR game. Maybe I will some day.

Really? I did guess that that shadow was Yoda because when Yoda was among the Clone Soldiers he put that face of disapproval, or concern with what was happening with Obi, Anakin and the Count. I knew that he would go there to do something. Now, I didn't predict at all that he would fight against Dooku. xD That got me off-balance. Who would have guessed that that puppet of the old movies could come up with such moves?
When you want to look for Star Wars information, besides Wikipedia, you may want to try the Star Wars Wikia:

The information there can be more specific and broad than in Wikipedia.
19.03.2008 - 13:31
Dark Phoenix
Written by Valentin B on 29.12.2007 at 16:25

Sidious, Maul

As far as I know the name of Darth Sidious and the whole misticysm around it was made intentionally. Even his real name is unknown. If I try to valute it, the latin word ''sidus'' means constellation. If you look at it that Sidious's plan was to rule the galaxy or galaxies and they are made of stars just as much as planets he would have under his domination, it could be the origin of his name as the person who wanted to dominate the stars/galaxies/universe.

Considering Maul, I never really got it, because maul in german means snout, and well, Maul isn't exactly a cuddly fury animal
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
19.03.2008 - 13:38
Valentin B
Written by AnGina-- on 19.03.2008 at 13:31

Written by Valentin B on 29.12.2007 at 16:25

Sidious, Maul

As far as I know the name of Darth Sidious and the whole misticysm around it was made intentionally. Even his real name is unknown. If I try to valute it, the latin word ''sidus'' means constellation. If you look at it that Sidious's plan was to rule the galaxy or galaxies and they are made of stars just as much as planets he would have under his domination, it could be the origin of his name as the person who wanted to dominate the stars/galaxies/universe.

Considering Maul, I never really got it, because maul in german means snout, and well, Maul isn't exactly a cuddly fury animal

lol, Maul has a much more obvious meaning, as 'to maul' means to hit, and as you can see, he's particularly good at mauling jedi
19.03.2008 - 16:20
Dark Phoenix
I am aware of the meaning of the word maul, but when I first heard about the name ''Darth Maul'' I first thought of snout
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
19.03.2008 - 18:03
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by Valentin B on 29.12.2007 at 16:25

btw @ Darth Satanious, i noticed the symbolism in the names of the Sith Lords(i'm assuming you played KOTOR 2 here):
Darth Vader- Vader=Father in polish, also vater in german means father
Darth Traya= short for "Betrayer" for she betrayed the exile
Darth Sion= Scion(heir) this i got from wikipedia, he's the apprentice of Traya, so her heir

but what are Nihilus, Tyrannus(i understand it means from Tyrant, but i don't know why he is named like this), Sidious, Maul(probably because of his kicking style, he likes to 'maul' the opponents), Plagueis(from Plague, but i don't know what for), Malak, Bane, etc?

Darth Nihilus is the Lord of Hunger. The name comes from the fact that he lived without a body, and consumed worlds, and was basically 'nothing'.

Darth Bane, who was born by the name Dessel, was abused as a child and his father, Hurst, always said that Dessel was his bane. Later, when Dessel joined the Sith army and then went to train as a Force user, he took the name Bane as his own.
(space for rent)
19.03.2008 - 19:31
Valentin B
Written by AnGina-- on 19.03.2008 at 16:20

I am aware of the meaning of the word maul, but when I first heard about the name ''Darth Maul'' I first thought of snout

lol, that is a very weird thinking style you have, connecting a sith lord with a furry animal

Written by Dane Train on 19.03.2008 at 18:03

Darth Nihilus is the Lord of Hunger. The name comes from the fact that he lived without a body, and consumed worlds, and was basically 'nothing'.

Darth Bane, who was born by the name Dessel, was abused as a child and his father, Hurst, always said that Dessel was his bane. Later, when Dessel joined the Sith army and then went to train as a Force user, he took the name Bane as his own.

what? where did you learn that thing about darth nihilus? and if he is 'nothing' shouldn't he be immortal or something? or at least like Sion who has to die 50 times or something before he's gone for good lol that's the most annoying part of KOTOR 2
19.03.2008 - 19:58
Valentin B
on a side note, who the fuck would have thought that the comical relationship between C-3PO and R2-D2(i think this was the first thing that Lucas thought of when he created episode 4) would have sparked such an overhwelming amount of lore and back-story?
20.03.2008 - 04:22
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by Valentin B on 19.03.2008 at 19:31

what? where did you learn that thing about darth nihilus? and if he is 'nothing' shouldn't he be immortal or something? or at least like Sion who has to die 50 times or something before he's gone for good lol that's the most annoying part of KOTOR 2

Sion could not be beaten by physical means. When the Exile fought Darth Sion, she had to attack his mind and will power, not his physical being.

With Nihilus, some of his nature is revealed to Darth Krayt in addition to that given by Kreia and Visas. His name comes from the word "nothing". I would recomend also reading Unseen, Unheard. It is the story of how Visas became the apprentice to Darth Nihilus.
(space for rent)
21.03.2008 - 21:31
Account deleted
Written by Valentin B on 19.03.2008 at 19:58

on a side note, who the fuck would have thought that the comical relationship between C-3PO and R2-D2(i think this was the first thing that Lucas thought of when he created episode 4) would have sparked such an overhwelming amount of lore and back-story?

Lucas' original plan was to relate the entire saga through the eyes of the droids.
23.03.2008 - 23:21
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by [user id=22888] on 21.03.2008 at 21:31

Lucas' original plan was to relate the entire saga through the eyes of the droids.

I always thought it was one of the more brilliant aspects to his films. Here we have this massive pinnacle to a war that has raged for over ten millennium, and it is being told through the perspective of two rather seemingly unimportant droid.
(space for rent)
27.03.2008 - 20:31
Has anyone ever seen the spin-off "made for tv" movies? I believe there's three of them.
The force will be with you, always.
05.04.2008 - 07:55
Account deleted
Written by Clintagräm on 27.03.2008 at 20:31

Has anyone ever seen the spin-off "made for tv" movies? I believe there's three of them.

You mean the ones that came shortly after ROTJ and focused on the Ewoks and their adventures on Endor?

Only worth it if you're under 10 years of age. I was 11 when I saw one of them, and I still want my two hours back.


A little girl is stranded on Endor with her white, middle-class American family (the hyperdrive is broken, kind of like the Millennium Falcon in Ep V). Then her whole family gets blown away (kind of like Greedo in Ep IV). Then the Ewoks adopt her into the tribe (the same Ewoks from Ep VI). I don't remember anything after that.

Most memorable scene:

Her whole family gets blown away.

Most memorable line:

"My family... they're all dead."

Overall impression:

Orphan Annie meets the Care Bears

05.04.2008 - 16:37
Heaven Knight

i am now reading "Star Wars: New Jedi Order - Vector Prime" by R.A.Salvatore and damn, what is it? Chewie dead??!! I haven´t finished reading yet, so i can´t tell if he won´t be "resurrected" or something in the end, but damn it was terrific moment to read it

My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

05.04.2008 - 16:57
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by [user id=22888] on 05.04.2008 at 07:55

Written by Clintagräm on 27.03.2008 at 20:31

Has anyone ever seen the spin-off "made for tv" movies? I believe there's three of them.

You mean the ones that came shortly after ROTJ and focused on the Ewoks and their adventures on Endor?

Only worth it if you're under 10 years of age. I was 11 when I saw one of them, and I still want my two hours back.


A little girl is stranded on Endor with her white, middle-class American family (the hyperdrive is broken, kind of like the Millennium Falcon in Ep V). Then her whole family gets blown away (kind of like Greedo in Ep IV). Then the Ewoks adopt her into the tribe (the same Ewoks from Ep VI). I don't remember anything after that.

Most memorable scene:

Her whole family gets blown away.

Most memorable line:

"My family... they're all dead."

Overall impression:

Orphan Annie meets the Care Bears

Correction, that is the Forset Moon of Endor.

But yeah, that one sucked, and so did the sequal to it.

My favorite part in the first one (where the whole family is alive, but the parents are captured by some big monster) is the Rebel flight suite the boy is wearing. Where the heck did he get that from? Hey kid, we're the Rebels and we just happen to have an extra suit for you to wear when your traveling with your dumbass family. Don't worry about us, we might not have enough ships to take on the Empire, but we have a surplus of flight suites.

Also, the name of the Ewok is Wicket W. Warrick.

But yeah, those movies sucked. But not as much as the Star Wars Holiday Special.
(space for rent)
06.11.2008 - 14:53
Got To Thats one addictive website if you love Star Wars
07.11.2008 - 07:47
Urban Monster
George Lucas is a fucking mastermind, i've been a fan of the Star Wars movies since i was a kid, calling light sabres light savers. But now i know.
I don't know which of the six movies was my favorite, if i had to pick one. From the older ones i might prefer The Empire Strikes Back and the newer ones ehh, pretty much all the same.
The Ewoks own.
General Grievous is a disgrace, he has four sabres and he can't win a fight, sad.
Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
09.11.2008 - 20:00
Written by Visioneerie on 07.11.2008 at 07:47

General Grievous is a disgrace, he has four sabres and he can't win a fight, sad.

Hey, hold your horses buddy. Grevious was a complete monster before he got fucked up by Mace Windu. In The Clone Wars cartoon series that was made a few years ago (the one with 5 minute episodes) he was a jedi killing machine
09.11.2008 - 22:29
Valentin B
Written by Visioneerie on 07.11.2008 at 07:47

George Lucas is a fucking mastermind, i've been a fan of the Star Wars movies since i was a kid, calling light sabres light savers. But now i know.
I don't know which of the six movies was my favorite, if i had to pick one. From the older ones i might prefer The Empire Strikes Back and the newer ones ehh, pretty much all the same.
The Ewoks own.
General Grievous is a disgrace, he has four sabres and he can't win a fight, sad.

remember that Grievous was simply a cyborg. he isn't able to use the force, so killing 4 jedi knights and stealing their sabers would be quite a fucking accomplishment, considering that the jedi's were trained to sense every next move he'd be doing. also, windu(if i read correctly he did the thing that made him cough worse than Ville Vallo) and obi-wan triumphing over him is a point made by Lucas: the Force is inside everything, so you cannot beat it with material objects.
10.11.2008 - 02:43
Written by Valentin B on 09.11.2008 at 22:29

Written by Visioneerie on 07.11.2008 at 07:47

George Lucas is a fucking mastermind, i've been a fan of the Star Wars movies since i was a kid, calling light sabres light savers. But now i know.
I don't know which of the six movies was my favorite, if i had to pick one. From the older ones i might prefer The Empire Strikes Back and the newer ones ehh, pretty much all the same.
The Ewoks own.
General Grievous is a disgrace, he has four sabres and he can't win a fight, sad.

remember that Grievous was simply a cyborg. he isn't able to use the force, so killing 4 jedi knights and stealing their sabers would be quite a fucking accomplishment, considering that the jedi's were trained to sense every next move he'd be doing. also, windu(if i read correctly he did the thing that made him cough worse than Ville Vallo) and obi-wan triumphing over him is a point made by Lucas: the Force is inside everything, so you cannot beat it with material objects.

Grievous had all the markings of a great villain: a memorable and unique aesthetic (an asthmatic cyborg with 4 arms: GENIUS), highly dangerous in a fight, and clearly symbolic of the author's (the more general application of the word) view of evil.
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
18.11.2008 - 18:38
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Now I do hope you all have heard about Star Wars: The Old Republic. This is what I have been waiting for for years. A Star Wars MMO, with an original story, set in the Old Republic. BioWare has never let me down with their games (Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect) and they are now putting their genius of story and game play towards an MMO.
(space for rent)
18.11.2008 - 22:28
Written by Dane Train on 18.11.2008 at 18:38

Now I do hope you all have heard about Star Wars: The Old Republic. This is what I have been waiting for for years. A Star Wars MMO, with an original story, set in the Old Republic. BioWare has never let me down with their games (Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect) and they are now putting their genius of story and game play towards an MMO.

fuck that game. They totally alienated the fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) series. I was waiting so long to hear of a sequel and they turn it in to some shitty MMORPG.
18.11.2008 - 22:35
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by -DC-002- on 18.11.2008 at 22:28

fuck that game. They totally alienated the fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) series. I was waiting so long to hear of a sequel and they turn it in to some shitty MMORPG.

Oh, no no, there will also be a KOTOR III as well.
(space for rent)
22.11.2008 - 00:48
Written by Dane Train on 18.11.2008 at 22:35

Written by -DC-002- on 18.11.2008 at 22:28

fuck that game. They totally alienated the fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) series. I was waiting so long to hear of a sequel and they turn it in to some shitty MMORPG.

Oh, no no, there will also be a KOTOR III as well.

wheres did you hear that?
24.11.2008 - 16:01
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by -DC-002- on 22.11.2008 at 00:48

wheres did you hear that?

A month or two ago it was leaked from BioWare that a site for Kotor III was already bought, and someone else confirmed that KOTOR III will not be an MMO. The only other confirmation is that BioWare and Lucas Arts are working on two games; one is TOR and the other in unknown to the public yet.

EDIT: I stand corrected.
(space for rent)
26.11.2008 - 06:37
I just found slippers in my room with Darth Vader's head on each foot. I'm never taking these off.
12.12.2008 - 19:03
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by -DC-002- on 26.11.2008 at 06:37

I just found slippers in my room with Darth Vader's head on each foot. I'm never taking these off.

Oh man! Get a picture of those puppies and post them here for us to see.

In other news, I just finished playing The Force Unleashed. It was fun, but nothing amazing. Anyone else play it?
(space for rent)