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Posted by Darth Satanious, 17.05.2006 - 06:10

How many of you enjoy these movies as much as I do? I have to say that I am a fan of these movies to such extent as to have action figures hanging in my bedroom's walls, buying the first three movies in original DVDs (the next three are coming soon), having the "Clone Wars" episodes in VHS, memorizing lines of the movies and owning some comic books from the new episodes.

I went to watch the second movie, which is the fifth, in the theaters with my sister's ex husband and that is when I got hooked by the series. Before that, I never had a curiosity for the movies and now that I look back I don't know why I didn't get into them earlier.

Then the episode three, Revenge of the Sith came in. I have been waiting ages for this movie and, when the chance came, I went to see it at the theaters in that same day it released at 12:00 AM (in spite that I had a test for my University at 7:00 AM that same day). It was such a grim experience to watch that movie along with so many fans of the series. They were all dressed as Darth Vader or as Jedi Knights and when things that had an impact to the fans, as the first breath of Darth Vader, we would be screaming until death of the emotion. Damn, they should present all the movies at the theaters again!

Some people think that the newest movies, the episodes for the first to the third movie, are a disgrace for the older movie but I have to disagree. In my opinion these movies are as good as the old ones and they still maintain that old Star Wars feeling in them. We all love Jar Jar Binks, don't we?

Join me all of you my apprentices and padawans!

Anyway, that is just me and a few million others that love all the movies. Just tell us what you think about the movies.

All hail George Lucas! :[
07.04.2010 - 00:44
Valentin B
Call me an ignorant fanboy, but only now i realize how tightly inter-connected the two movie trilogies are. if you really look for the interwoven plot, it's all there. as far as i can tell, it ALL makes sense and any loose ends that remain are basically unimportant.

the bad thing is, Lucas failed to make episode 1 as eye-opening and instantly likable as the 4th one. to give an example, when i watched the first episode and saw the scene when Luke was at Obi-Wan's house and he shows him his lightsaber and talks about his dad, my 12 year old face could have only been described as "HOLY SHIT THAT'S SO FUCKING AWESOME!!".

this, and NOT because of any other reason, is why i wouldn't show the movies in the order of episodes 1 to 6 to a kid who hasn't seen any of them. probably if they played some SW game and are already familiar with lightsabers and force usage and shit, it would work, but for anyone who hasn't had anything to do with SW in the past, 4-6 and then 1-3 is the way to go.
07.04.2010 - 00:55
The Ancient One
For both the fan boys and the haters of the "prequel" three movies, RedLetterMedia did a fantastic deconstruction of Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

they are LONG... 9 segments of 10min or so each, but are hilarious.

fucking cartoon network had the 1st of the "Attack of the Clones" critiques removed. fuck them.

here is 9 of 9 from the "Attack" review that is a great closing argument that shreds Lucas and the movie by comparing it against it's counterpart in the "original" trilogy, "Empire."

absolute destruction

starting point of The Phantom Menace

worth watching if you like the movies, definitely worth watching if you liked the "first three" but didn't like the prequels.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
07.04.2010 - 01:59
Heaven Knight
I think essential for understanding the "prequel" movies is to read "Labyrinth of Evil" novel by James takes place right before Episode III and it explains all background of Sidious' plans and actions...i read it before watching Revenge Of The Sith and all what happened on screen, as well as plots of previous two movies, were giving perfect sense according to my knowledge from the book...without it it would be just 3 strange fragments...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

07.04.2010 - 07:29
The Ancient One
Seeing as how the entire star wars thing was created from Lucas movies, i don't think the extra-curricular bits (books, graphic novels, video games, non-Lucas written stuff) should be factored in. the movies should stand on their own merits. the prequel three don't. watch the youtube clips and dude cuts hthem to shreds.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
07.04.2010 - 15:44
Heaven Knight
Well the thing is, that the "original three" films are just a part of the whole story..."new trilogy" doesnt "ruin the story", since they simply are part of the story...there wont be any übercool Darth Vader without annoying 9 years old Anakin and even more annoying teenage Anakin...and this whole story is being completed with this "extra-curricular bits", which are also quite important - you can live without, but learning why exactly Trade Federation begin with Naboo blockade or how Han Solo won Millenium Falcon in sabbac game improving your (or at least my) relation to the SW saga...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

14.04.2010 - 18:50
Valentin B
Written by Ellrohir on 07.04.2010 at 15:44

you can live without, but learning why exactly Trade Federation begin with Naboo blockade or how Han Solo won Millenium Falcon in sabbac game improving your (or at least my) relation to the SW saga...

i'm curious, why did they attack Naboo?
21.04.2010 - 18:54
The Ancient One
I think you missed the point... the review of the prior three does more than show gaping holes in the plot, but showcases the bigger problems in regards to (lack of) character development as well as the complete and total failure of Lucas to understand what made the original three movies so compelling.

not sure which is worse, what was done to this franchise with the prequels or what was done to Indiana Jones with that horrible fourth movie.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
22.04.2010 - 07:32
While i'd like to like the new star wars films, i just can't. the plot is decent enough, but the characters just aren't lovable enough. the acting is crap, but i spose it was crap in the originals too. i think the main problem i have with the new ones is the writing! It is written so atrociously. there is next to no witty interactions, no charm whatsoever, and everything is about technology.
Which is shame, beacause revenge of the sith really showed promise. (the other two have no hope though)
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
22.04.2010 - 22:49
Written by BitterCOld on 21.04.2010 at 18:54

not sure which is worse, what was done to this franchise with the prequels or what was done to Indiana Jones with that horrible fourth movie.

I think the Star Wars prequels are worse. Star Wars sucked during three entire 150-minute+ movies and still had everyone look forward, anxiously, hopefully and for years, to the next suckage fest, while Indiana Jones has the decency to reach abysmal depths only once.
27.04.2010 - 05:09
Written by Deadsoulman on 22.04.2010 at 22:49

Written by BitterCOld on 21.04.2010 at 18:54

not sure which is worse, what was done to this franchise with the prequels or what was done to Indiana Jones with that horrible fourth movie.

I think the Star Wars prequels are worse. Star Wars sucked during three entire 150-minute+ movies and still had everyone look forward, anxiously, hopefully and for years, to the next suckage fest, while Indiana Jones has the decency to reach abysmal depths only once.

Yeah, but freaking aliens george! freaking aliens. I even forgave the whole shia la bouff thing, but freaking aliens! grrrr.
But yeah, out of all the star wars movie, the clone wars was by the fworst, although number 3 hurt the most, coz it actually had promise.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
07.06.2010 - 00:17
Valentin B
Okay so i watched episodes 1-6 once again in that order, and i have a few commentaries as to the differences between the 2 trilogies and why people hate the prequels(at times completely unfounded):

-the main problem is, the first trilogy contains instantly like/hate characters created on a bunch of very typical romantic good vs. evil story slates: the innocent young farmboy who dreams of greatness, the old wise man, a pirate duo, a stuck-up princess, the all-powerful evil wizard. you instantly know who are the bad guys and who are the good guys.

this is especially visible in episode I, where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are just too distanced from the audience and serious most of the times, except for a few funny scenes like when the droids try to arrest them. in episodes II and III there's more action with the "dynamic duo" of Anakin and Obi-Wan.

-next problem is, (and this especially applies to the people who saw the first trilogy in the theaters and who, with the arrival of the prequels all of a sudden see themselves as the only people fit to judge the whole SW universe) people forgot why SW was so big in the first place. it was because it had cool effects, toys inspired by the movies, lightsabers, blaster pistols, space battles, relatable characters and a cool villain. now i got the last two parts out of the way, i admit the prequels aren't up to par with the originals in that respect.

BUT i have to ask people to think: SW was very popular with the kids back in the day. weren't the prequels popular with the kids too? of course. i remember there was quite a lot of hype with episode I and ESPECIALLY episode II. hell back in 7th grade everyone was raving about how cool Yoda battled Dooku and what an epic movie it was throughout, and then of course came episode III which was a far more serious movie where everyone knew the outcome. many older people who discovered the SW movies before there were even talks of an episode I bash the prequels simply because they are too old to enjoy movies like this anymore.

let's face it: the original trilogy was cheesy as hell. remember the cantina with the ridiculous alien costumes, "who's scruffy looking??" or the little gargoyle thing from Jabba's palace(just to name a few)? Jar-Jar Binks, while i admit, being annoyingly present throughout the first movie, is just the logical step forward from all that. only kids can actually look past all this ridiculousness and still be blown away by a film. i wonder what many of the prequel bashers would have thought of the original SW had they been 30 years old in 1977 and not 1999.

-some very bad acting in episode II on behalf of Hayden Christensen, the love story felt genuinely forced and way too serious and up-tight for its own good.

-also episode I, apart from kid-Anakin and a little basic instruction in the Force, doesn't feel too much like a "first step" in the saga like episode IV. but that might also be because there wasn't a clear direction to look forward to in the start of the movie: in episode IV it was pretty clear and simple, there's a rebellion against the evil galactic empire ruled by tyranny with Vader as one of its foremost overlords. in episode I there's a blockade by the trade federation but we have no idea why, only that two weird-looking aliens make this deal with a shady character in a black cape which involves an invasion of Naboo. the hooded cape man also sends his apprentice, a horned red dude to help them. to the end of the movie it's not clear why the blockade was instituted because of the very tangled political plot.

-some of the nods to the first trilogy are unnecessary and feel quite forced, like Chewie being mentioned in episode III.
07.06.2010 - 02:27
The Ancient One
Written by Deadsoulman on 22.04.2010 at 22:49

Written by BitterCOld on 21.04.2010 at 18:54

not sure which is worse, what was done to this franchise with the prequels or what was done to Indiana Jones with that horrible fourth movie.

I think the Star Wars prequels are worse. Star Wars sucked during three entire 150-minute+ movies and still had everyone look forward, anxiously, hopefully and for years, to the next suckage fest, while Indiana Jones has the decency to reach abysmal depths only once.

incidentally Indy IV is responsible for some new vocab.

the phrase "jumped the shark" is now being replaced with "nuked the refrigerator".
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
17.07.2010 - 02:22
Account deleted
I just want to tell the OP, that hailing Lucas is hailing the man who ruined SW but was never responsible for the greatness of ANH and TESB (ROTJ is funking garbage).

Hail Kasdan, Kershner and Kurtz!
13.08.2010 - 12:46
Heaven Knight
Some trivia

My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

24.08.2010 - 00:01
The Ancient One
Written by Deadsoulman on 22.04.2010 at 22:49

Written by BitterCOld on 21.04.2010 at 18:54

not sure which is worse, what was done to this franchise with the prequels or what was done to Indiana Jones with that horrible fourth movie.

I think the Star Wars prequels are worse. Star Wars sucked during three entire 150-minute+ movies and still had everyone look forward, anxiously, hopefully and for years, to the next suckage fest, while Indiana Jones has the decency to reach abysmal depths only once.

might want to rethink that last statement.

oh fuck no.

get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
21.09.2010 - 11:46
Written by [user id=105293] on 17.07.2010 at 02:22

I just want to tell the OP, that hailing Lucas is hailing the man who ruined SW but was never responsible for the greatness of ANH and TESB (ROTJ is funking garbage).

Hail Kasdan, Kershner and Kurtz!

Again I will tell you on this board that he was actually responsible for all the Star Wars flicks due to the fact that they are all based on his characters. He did write A New Hope.
21.09.2010 - 11:57
Account deleted
Written by gravity5x on 21.09.2010 at 11:46

Again I will tell you on this board that he was actually responsible for all the Star Wars flicks due to the fact that they are all based on his characters. He did write A New Hope.

Rubbish. Lucas had nothing to do with Yoda in TESB. He's own Yoda is the opposite of what Yoda was in TESB:
21.09.2010 - 12:07
Written by [user id=105293] on 21.09.2010 at 11:57

Written by gravity5x on 21.09.2010 at 11:46

Again I will tell you on this board that he was actually responsible for all the Star Wars flicks due to the fact that they are all based on his characters. He did write A New Hope.

Rubbish. Lucas had nothing to do with Yoda in TESB. He's own Yoda is the opposite of what Yoda was in TESB:

Re read my post I stated that all the characters are based on his
21.09.2010 - 12:14
Account deleted
Written by gravity5x on 21.09.2010 at 12:07

Re read my post I stated that all the characters are based on his

Except Lucas' Yoda is a useless moron. He does not get any credit for Yoda of TESB. If anything, the creators of the real Yoda had a handicap because of Lucas.
21.09.2010 - 12:18
Listen I am done talking you obviously think you know more than me so lets leave it a that and call it a day.
31.10.2012 - 05:15
Disney buys Lucasfilm.

Huh. Well that just happened.

I mean, I'm not a huge Star Wars fan (I like the movies), but this kind of blows my mind. Where on earth did this come from? I would have assumed that Lucasfilm would always be on their own, centuries after Lucas dies. This . . . . I couldn't have predicted this. Emotions are all over the place on the internet. What are your thoughts?
01.11.2012 - 05:44
Raging Dreamer
Written by bj_waters on 31.10.2012 at 05:15

Disney buys Lucasfilm.

Huh. Well that just happened.

I mean, I'm not a huge Star Wars fan (I like the movies), but this kind of blows my mind. Where on earth did this come from? I would have assumed that Lucasfilm would always be on their own, centuries after Lucas dies. This . . . . I couldn't have predicted this. Emotions are all over the place on the internet. What are your thoughts?

Well I believe this had been in the works for some time, as Lucas didn't want to do any more Star Wars films, despite the enormous demand for movies based on post-episode-VI events. However, they are going to have to get all new actors to fill in the roles, since the original actors are either getting too old or have no interest in reprising their roles.

Carrie Fisher for one has no interest in doing any more Princess Leia. She went on to write and do other things with her life on a more private setting and that's the way she likes it. Only recently did I see a small blurb about her wondering if she could ever put on that metal bikini she wore in ROTJ again.

I think it will be a bit of a shock for long-time fans to see totally new characters take up those roles. I've read some of the post-episode-VI books and they were fantastic, particularly the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn, though I heard there was another series even more riveting.
01.11.2012 - 08:08
Word is, Disney is doing their own story for Episode 7, so it won't be based on the Expanded Universe stuff. Not sure how well that will go down with the fans.
01.11.2012 - 08:25
Raging Dreamer
Written by bj_waters on 01.11.2012 at 08:08

Word is, Disney is doing their own story for Episode 7, so it won't be based on the Expanded Universe stuff. Not sure how well that will go down with the fans.

Well if that's so, you can kiss the franchise goodbye most likely.
01.11.2012 - 19:50
Valentin B
I think something like this was inevitable. The guys at Disney say they might end up releasing a new SW movie every 2-3 years indefinitely. That means that by 2030 the Disney movies will outnumber the current ones. After almost having a seizure when reading the news, I realized that this isn't actually that bad after all.

I don't really expect whatever Disney comes up with to compare with episodes 3-6 in terms of quality, but let's not forget that Disney came up with A TON of good movies in the past years, like Avengers, Ratatouille, Pirates of the Caribbean 1&2, Narnia, etc. I think people still equate Disney with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and that's where part of the problem lies, Disney is a lot more than that... if anything, Mickey and Donald are starting to become things of the past, sad but true.

And about the new cash cows, so what if Disney came up with garbage like the Disney Channel, Hanna Montana and the Jonas Brothers, it's not as if Lucasfilm didn't create the only really good prequel episode (I'm talking about episode III obviously) without having spewed out some nasty shit. Ewoks, anyone?
01.12.2014 - 03:59
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Allow me necrobump this motherfucker

Episode VII teaser trailer is already OUT

And we already have the George Lucas Special Edition trailer lol

The teaser trailer Lego version

01.12.2014 - 08:40
M C Vice
Apparently people o the internet aren't happy about a black guy being in Star Wars. Apparently it's supposed to be whites only.
"Another day, another Doug."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
01.12.2014 - 09:54
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Boyega seemed to have addressed the comments directly:

I for one haven't stumbled across any racist comments but I guess it is just me not getting into the hot places.

Some say he is an actual Stormtrooper but he may very well be a character disguised as one in order to pass incognito for whatever reason, like Luke and Han in A New Hope.

Written by [user id=142921] on 01.12.2014 at 07:19

The Old Republic CGI trailers.


I remember some of those CGs from the first trailer, really mindblowing and awesome.
02.12.2014 - 08:48
M C Vice
Written by Darth Satanious on 01.12.2014 at 09:54

Boyega seemed to have addressed the comments directly:

I for one haven't stumbled across any racist comments but I guess it is just me not getting into the hot places.

One of those things is where I saw the apparent complaints. Maybe Disney made the comments themselves to drum up publicity?
"Another day, another Doug."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
02.12.2014 - 11:14
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Written by M C Vice on 02.12.2014 at 08:48

Written by Darth Satanious on 01.12.2014 at 09:54

Boyega seemed to have addressed the comments directly:

I for one haven't stumbled across any racist comments but I guess it is just me not getting into the hot places.

Maybe Disney made the comments themselves to drum up publicity?

MCVice I got you a new sig
