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Posted by Cynic Metalhead, 11.03.2020 - 22:17
For those who haven't come to know what is Coronavirus(COVID-19) - it's a contagious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome. The cause of the coronavirus outbreak first emerged in Wuhan, China.

So far Coronavirus has infected more than 115,800 people killing over 4,200 worldwide. It resulted in World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring the coronavirus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). And today, the WHO declared the outbreak to be a pandemic.

Initially, we have been indulged SARS(Severe acute respiratory syndrome) outbreaks like in 2002-2003 in Northern China that resulted in 8000+ cases mainly in China and Hong Kong. Similarly, MERS Coronavirus outbreak originated in Saudi Arabia in 2015 spouted devastated casualties routed to South Korea have not been entirely eliminated, but it has never been a pandemic.

What we though witnessed to the WORST CASE of pandemic was in 1918-1919 Spanish Flu that infected 500 million people around the world. Another in 2009 H1N1(Swine Flu) affected approx. 575,000 deaths that were later termed as "mild" pandemic. There is smatter of such cases that occurred in different timelines.

My question is,

Do you think Coronavirus to be a really a pandemic? Or Is it just another case stacked to likes of H1N1, Ebola, Bird flu etc?

25.02.2022 - 19:26
i c deaf people
Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 08:51

You miss the point if you shoot the messenger, he is just delivering the message of Antoine Béchamp, Rudolf Steiner, Andrew Kaufman, etc.

Nope. You're the only messenger here, and whenever you've been proven wrong, you've just dropped the name of some random guy who's even more wrong. I'm afraid you haven't quite grasped the basic principles of a debate. When you claim nonsense, it does no good at all to quote charlatans, whackos and notorious liars in order to back up your claims. You achieve exactly the opposite.

What Béchamp, Steiner and Kaufman have put forward in this regard is completely irrelevant, and I will tell you why.

Béchamp died more than 100 years ago and his work is based on the state of research from more than 150 years ago. It's interesting to know that Béchamp himself had partially refuted his microzymian theory during his lifetime. Anyone in 2022 who has not yet understood that Béchamp's theories about molecular granulation are not compatible with modern science is living in a fantasy world.

The self-proclaimed clairvoyant and esoteric Rudolf Steiner deceased almost 100 years ago. His "scientific" legacy is nothing but pseudoscience riddled with ethnogeny, racism and pseudohistory. Somewhere in this grey area between philosophy, herbalism, spiritualism and occultism some random truths may accidentally be hidden, but no one in his right mind would ever call Steiner a serious scientist.

I suspect Dr. Kaufman - aka the psychiatrist who calmly denies reality - is the leader of this dream team of spin doctors and professional disinformers? Because he is the only one still alive and he should therefore know better. But he doesn't. Instead, he happily grins into his webcam while he denies the mere existence of potentially fatal viruses such as HIV and SARS-CoV.

So who's next? Dr. Dolittle?

Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 08:51
Béchamp and the military having hundreds of the well subjected to the sick, up close and personal, had the sick cough, sneeze and even spit into the well's mouths, had the mucus of the sick swabbed into the nasal passages of the well, and even injected the mucus and blood of the sick into the well, and out of those hundreds, ZERO fell ill.

Dude, that's not even your own text. You simply pulled everything word by word from and
That's a new low. Needless to say, this never happened. These are nothing but wild fantasies of a very confused person.

Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 08:51
You get me wrong if you think you should argue with me, or defame me with false quotes, this is not about me, it is about the truth that people don't have to get sick, they can be healthy with right choices in lifestyle and diet and that there is no need for government to destroy peoples lives and do unlawful actions against citizens. What do you benefit from calling everything a conspiracy theory? Do you get paid every time you do it?

Please show me when and where I misquoted you. Please do.

It's not my intention to defame you, I'm just sick and tired of your constant "CovAIDS-19 is a hoax" rants.
Almost everything you have claimed so far is pure nonsense, and the more you look for alleged evidence, the more nonsensical it gets. Maybe you haven't noticed, but almost 6 million people have already died from this "hoax". You are not a scientist and all your references either died 100 years ago or are not scientists either. Yet you've been spreading your absurdities here for months to discourage people from getting vaccinated. Your behavior is simply antisocial and potentially harmful. I don't buy that you are acting in good faith, because your abstruse claims and half-truths are no help for anybody. No one has ever asked you to propagate your bizarre views here and absolutely no one needs this bullshit.

Seriously now, what is your benefit of acting like a conspiracy theorist?
Because that is exactly what you are doing and I just don't get it.

By the way, this is primarily a webzine for music. You can express your opinions on other topics here just like any other user, but then you shouldn't be surprised that you run into headwind when the truth of your claims is steadily decreasing.
signatures = SPAM
25.02.2022 - 20:09
Written by Starvynth on 25.02.2022 at 19:26

Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 08:51

You miss the point if you shoot the messenger, he is just delivering the message of Antoine Béchamp, Rudolf Steiner, Andrew Kaufman, etc.

Nope. You're the only messenger here, and whenever you've been proven wrong, you've just dropped the name of some random guy who's even more wrong. I'm afraid you haven't quite grasped the basic principles of a debate. When you claim nonsense, it does no good at all to quote charlatans, whackos and notorious liars in order to back up your claims. You achieve exactly the opposite.

What Béchamp, Steiner and Kaufman have put forward in this regard is completely irrelevant, and I will tell you why.

Béchamp died more than 100 years ago and his work is based on the state of research from more than 150 years ago. It's interesting to know that Béchamp himself had partially refuted his microzymian theory during his lifetime. Anyone in 2022 who has not yet understood that Béchamp's theories about molecular granulation are not compatible with modern science is living in a fantasy world.

The self-proclaimed clairvoyant and esoteric Rudolf Steiner deceased almost 100 years ago. His "scientific" legacy is nothing but pseudoscience riddled with ethnogeny, racism and pseudohistory. Somewhere in this grey area between philosophy, herbalism, spiritualism and occultism some random truths may accidentally be hidden, but no one in his right mind would ever call Steiner a serious scientist.

I suspect Dr. Kaufman - aka the psychiatrist who calmly denies reality - is the leader of this dream team of spin doctors and professional disinformers? Because he is the only one still alive and he should therefore know better. But he doesn't. Instead, he happily grins into his webcam while he denies the mere existence of potentially fatal viruses such as HIV and SARS-CoV.

So who's next? Dr. Dolittle?

Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 08:51
Béchamp and the military having hundreds of the well subjected to the sick, up close and personal, had the sick cough, sneeze and even spit into the well's mouths, had the mucus of the sick swabbed into the nasal passages of the well, and even injected the mucus and blood of the sick into the well, and out of those hundreds, ZERO fell ill.

Dude, that's not even your own text. You simply pulled everything word by word from and
That's a new low. Needless to say, this never happened. These are nothing but wild fantasies of a very confused person.

Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 08:51
You get me wrong if you think you should argue with me, or defame me with false quotes, this is not about me, it is about the truth that people don't have to get sick, they can be healthy with right choices in lifestyle and diet and that there is no need for government to destroy peoples lives and do unlawful actions against citizens. What do you benefit from calling everything a conspiracy theory? Do you get paid every time you do it?

Please show me when and where I misquoted you. Please do.

It's not my intention to defame you, I'm just sick and tired of your constant "CovAIDS-19 is a hoax" rants.
Almost everything you have claimed so far is pure nonsense, and the more you look for alleged evidence, the more nonsensical it gets. Maybe you haven't noticed, but almost 6 million people have already died from this "hoax". You are not a scientist and all your references either died 100 years ago or are not scientists either. Yet you've been spreading your absurdities here for months to discourage people from getting vaccinated. Your behavior is simply antisocial and potentially harmful. I don't buy that you are acting in good faith, because your abstruse claims and half-truths are no help for anybody. No one has ever asked you to propagate your bizarre views here and absolutely no one needs this bullshit.

Seriously now, what is your benefit of acting like a conspiracy theorist?
Because that is exactly what you are doing and I just don't get it.

By the way, this is primarily a webzine for music. You can express your opinions on other topics here just like any other user, but then you shouldn't be surprised that you run into headwind when the truth of your claims is steadily decreasing.

True, I should absoluteluly focus more on the music part of the forum. Like I wrote earlier I'm not here to argue about anything, so I don't understand why you are trying to argue about information that is as valid, or even more than the age old virus contagion theory, and why the need to try make me look bad for having a different opinion, when yours is just an opinion too. I think the forum should be social place, so why the need to mock others and call names like conspiracy theorist? Why post those paraphrased "quotes" where you changed what I had written? If you are right on a topic you don't need this kind of tactics, it's just enough to tell the truth. Hence I'm not interested in these kind "conversations" anymore. The only reason I have written here is to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle and that they should be aware of the mRNA injection damage and deaths, so basically just having an informed choice. But people like you will probably try to argue with that too.

I don't know anyone myself who had any of these lung problems, they're non-existent in my life-experience, nobody has them where I live and most problems I've witnessed is just mucus elimination and pneumonia for people, there is no pandemic where I live, not any more than in any other year. I won't be posting here again (hopefully), but as last words I will write here is to take care of yourself and don't trust the authorities/media, you guys!
My vision is augmented
08.03.2022 - 00:33
i c deaf people
Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 20:09
True, I should absoluteluly focus more on the music part of the forum. Like I wrote earlier I'm not here to argue about anything, so I don't understand why you are trying to argue about information that is as valid, or even more than the age old virus contagion theory, and why the need to try make me look bad for having a different opinion, when yours is just an opinion too. I think the forum should be social place, so why the need to mock others and call names like conspiracy theorist? Why post those paraphrased "quotes" where you changed what I had written? If you are right on a topic you don't need this kind of tactics, it's just enough to tell the truth. Hence I'm not interested in these kind "conversations" anymore. The only reason I have written here is to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle and that they should be aware of the mRNA injection damage and deaths, so basically just having an informed choice. But people like you will probably try to argue with that too.

I won't be posting here again (hopefully), but as last words I will write here is to take care of yourself and don't trust the authorities/media, you guys!

You're absolutely right that my opinion doesn't matter any more than your opinion, but the problem is that this isn't about opinions at all. It's about facts. Scientifically proven facts. Facts that are the basis of the daily work of hundreds of thousands of physicians, scientists and researchers worldwide. The contagiousness of the Covid virus is not my personal opinion, but an incontrovertible fact.

The germ denial theory you love so much, on the other hand, has been empirically disproven in numerous experiments already 100 years ago, it is still confuted and it will always be confuted. Again, this is not my personal opinion, but a fact that I could not deny even if I wanted to.
Since your complete argumentation is based on exactly this demonstrably wrong theory, also your conclusions just do not make sense. Even worse, you tried to support your claims by referring to supposed experts, even though you know very well that all of those are either long dead or pathetic crackpots.
Or do you really expect anyone to take you seriously when you refer to people like Bolsonaro, Tom Barnett, Rudolf Steiner, Jon Schaffer, Andrew Kaufman and Conspiracy Music Guru?

If you feel personally offended by me just because I'm quoting you, then you need to stop spouting so much nonsense. And if it bothers you that I ridicule your sources, then you need to find new "experts" who do not believe that the earth is flat, that raw chicken is healthy and that the HIV virus never existed. It's as simple as that.

So you feel mocked because I called you a conspiracy theorist?
This may come as a surprise for you, but a conspiracy theorist is someone who believes in conspiracy theories. If I remember right, you believe that the 2020 election was rigged, that the capitol breach was staged by communists, that covid is a hoax, that viral diseases are not contagious, that Midazolam is part of a secret government-mandated euthanasia program, and that man-made global warming is a total hoax. Maybe you didn't know, but these are all conspiracy theories, no matter how deep down the rabbit hole you go.

Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 22.01.2022 at 09:45

"What Really Makes You Ill?" by Dawn Lester and David Parker, for instance, addresses both the germ theory fraud and how viruses work.

Why am I not surprised that this book has been featured on conspiracy podcasts such as Brendan D. Murphy's "Truthiverse"? It's because the authors have absolutely no background in medical science or biochemistry. Outside of their surreal fantasy world, they are working in the fields of accountancy and electrical engineering, but that doesn't stop them from claiming that the human immune system simply doesn't exist. Moreover, they also say that all medicines, in any dose, are poisons, as are all vaccines. According to their research, or whatever you may call the pipe dreams that have led to their vast collection of insanities, diseases are not transmissible between people and vaccination causes cancer. Needless to say that they also believe in the good old chemtrails conspiracy. Of course they do.

Come on, you can't be serious! You're obviously able to read and write and you can operate a computer, how come you're still so susceptible to all this bullshit? I just can't wrap my head around it...

I honestly don't care much about your opinion anymore. But what I do care about is that you try to sell your opinion as truth by referring to sources that are demonstrably spreading falsehoods and utter nonsense. Because this is not harmless nonsense you are preaching, it's the brazen denial of health science facts. And it bothers me that you take every opportunity to convince others of your opinion, not only here in this thread, but also through your signature, in the shoutbox, in random album threads, and even in your own profile.

I mean, do you seriously believe that you can erase the outcome of 100 years of medical research just by passing off made-up stories by confused nutcases and anonymous internet nobodies as your own thoughts?
Have you forgotten the unsettling images from Ecuador where the coffins of the Covid victims were piled in the streets? And don't you remember the reports of multi-level mass graves from Brazil and Iran?
Are you so indifferent to the fates of all the millions who died that you can't think of anything better than to temporarily rename your moniker to "Flu World Order"?
Do you really believe that vaccinations are pointless and that you can easily fight Covid with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle?
Then what would you say to a woman who has lost her husband and children to Covid? An apple a day keeps Covid away?

Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 25.02.2022 at 20:09
I don't know anyone myself who had any of these lung problems, they're non-existent in my life-experience, nobody has them where I live and most problems I've witnessed is just mucus elimination and pneumonia for people, there is no pandemic where I live, not any more than in any other year.

So basically you're saying that you're uninformed and haven't heard much about the pandemic. What's stopping you from reading up on it? And what motivates you to keep spreading nonsense about it, even though you are not in the know?
signatures = SPAM
08.03.2022 - 15:02
Cynic Metalhead
Paisa Vich Nasha
Dude, you two pull off in PMs.
08.03.2022 - 15:08
Meat and Potatos
No, no. Keep posting here
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
08.03.2022 - 17:37
no one
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 08.03.2022 at 15:02

Dude, you two pull off in PMs.

Why the hell would they do that
Unable to connect to the database
14.03.2022 - 03:55
Written by no one on 26.01.2022 at 21:56

Written by Bad English on 26.01.2022 at 19:29

Neil Young wants to quit Spotify over Joe Rogan's vaccine misinformation

Interesting will he succeed , bad fake blabber is bad for business, IMO Spotify can loose small thing here, but that should be music streaming platform not some political debbat place.

Good on him

What is the difference between the man who fools you from the pulpit, and the other man who fools you from the platform?
Both of them seek to obtain power over you - To rule your mind, control your property interests or labor power.
14.03.2022 - 04:07
no one
Written by Drippy.Hippie on 14.03.2022 at 03:55

Written by no one on 26.01.2022 at 21:56

Written by Bad English on 26.01.2022 at 19:29

Neil Young wants to quit Spotify over Joe Rogan's vaccine misinformation

Interesting will he succeed , bad fake blabber is bad for business, IMO Spotify can loose small thing here, but that should be music streaming platform not some political debbat place.

Good on him


Good on you
Unable to connect to the database
22.09.2022 - 00:31
So the Bahamian Government came out with some breaking news today. They are expecting to lift the mask mandates as of October 1st... with the exception of healthcare facilities and schools (masking children makes my entire blood boil). Leave the kids the fuck alone!!

So I was basically correct the entire time, since 20-fucking-20, and I've got a list of mask-loving shitheads to come down on harshly (including the weak-minded types who were pro-mask even before the beginning of 2021, I don't give a horse's ass if you sympathize with me NOW, I needed you THEN. You're fucking late to the party, don't come with that bandwagon shit. If you weren't wise enough to see beyond the hive mind from the start, then eat shit). How easily manipulated another person is, particularly through fear, is not my business. Goddamn, the mentality is like Colonization 2.0

Nearly all of the world ditched that charade months ago...

The mandate has always been lifted for ME as far as I am concerned (in other words, illegal or not.....this isn't like some magic wand you can wave to make me behave a certain way).

I'm not going to jump for joy, because the vibe would be far too akin to "Mommy let me go play outside after being punished for so long. Yay!". The state are not the end all be all, especially the shitbags of my nation...

I still do not forgive the state...
What is the difference between the man who fools you from the pulpit, and the other man who fools you from the platform?
Both of them seek to obtain power over you - To rule your mind, control your property interests or labor power.
22.09.2022 - 03:05
no one
Written by Drippy.Hippie on 22.09.2022 at 00:31

So the Bahamian Government came out with some breaking news today. They are expecting to lift the mask mandates as of October 1st... with the exception of healthcare facilities and schools (masking children makes my entire blood boil). Leave the kids the fuck alone!!

So I was basically correct the entire time, since 20-fucking-20, and I've got a list of mask-loving shitheads to come down on harshly (including the weak-minded types who were pro-mask even before the beginning of 2021, I don't give a horse's ass if you sympathize with me NOW, I needed you THEN. You're fucking late to the party, don't come with that bandwagon shit. If you weren't wise enough to see beyond the hive mind from the start, then eat shit). How easily manipulated another person is, particularly through fear, is not my business. Goddamn, the mentality is like Colonization 2.0

Nearly all of the world ditched that charade months ago...

The mandate has always been lifted for ME as far as I am concerned (in other words, illegal or not.....this isn't like some magic wand you can wave to make me behave a certain way).

I'm not going to jump for joy, because the vibe would be far too akin to "Mommy let me go play outside after being punished for so long. Yay!". The state are not the end all be all, especially the shitbags of my nation...

I still do not forgive the state...

Same in my country, they can lift the mask rule now because people wore masks long enough to stop the longevity of the disease.
Unable to connect to the database
24.09.2022 - 15:56
Meat and Potatos
Written by Metal Rasputin on 24.09.2022 at 15:35

Written by Karlabos on 24.09.2022 at 15:20

It's sorta the same that happened with corona virus on a far smaller time scale. The problem may be serious and existent, but treating it as means of generating profit will always attract doubt from the masses. Media and corporations deal with it in a way that is hard to take seriously every piece of info that's scattered there, and thus people start not taking it as seriously as they should.

Goes little off-topic but I think people's concerns with the handling of corona were mostly legit, since at the end of the day the virus itself clearly wasn't another spanish flu or black plague as was hyped, not even close, so shutting down the economy was a highly questionable solution and partly to blame for the economic crisis were facing now. Most people still don't even understand the function of that vaccine, which was not to prevent anyone from catching the virus or spreading it, but to fight all the nasty side-effects since the virus could damage your lungs, heart etc. so many of the policies regarding it were basically just complete bullshit and probably implemented just to make it seem like everything's under control and no reason to panic.

Exactly, and that's because the governments together with the media acted politically instead of actually trying to figure out the proper solution of handling the situation. Gosh, in my country which currently has an idiotic bernie-trump-like polarization, people even got to the point of polarizing the proper solution. The left would believe in vaccine without questioning and the right would believe in preventive treatment without questioning and those who dared to oppose either opinion were considered villains. You'd think people would support both ways of research: improving both vaccines and alternative treatments working together to attain the goal like a reasonable person, but no...

And the media and government endossed such behavior of the population.

Also speaking of bulshit measures, some cities here would have as policy reducing the working hours of public transport. As a result more people gathered in public transport during the functioning hours, which ended in even more aglomeration. The reason for that? No one knows, just so the government can say they were doing something, apparently. Geez, people are stupid.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
24.09.2022 - 19:30
no one
Written by Karlabos on 24.09.2022 at 15:56

No one knows

Please don't make false claims
Unable to connect to the database
24.09.2022 - 22:09
Meat and Potatos
Written by no one on 24.09.2022 at 19:30

Written by Karlabos on 24.09.2022 at 15:56

No one knows

Please don't make false claims

Funny thing is I anticipated this joke when writing the post. I even thought about rephrasing it, but then I was like "nah, nobody is gonna think of pointing that out"
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
25.09.2022 - 00:41
no one
Written by Karlabos on 24.09.2022 at 22:09

...but then I was like "nah, no one is gonna think of pointing that out"
Unable to connect to the database
06.11.2022 - 01:22
"Finland's Covid death toll could be exaggerated by 40%, THL says"

This is not surprising when deaths are reported "with" rather than "by". Maybe other countries will come out too now?
My vision is augmented
06.11.2022 - 01:55
no one
Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 06.11.2022 at 01:22

"Finland's Covid death toll could be exaggerated by 40%, THL says"

This is not surprising when deaths are reported "with" rather than "by". Maybe other countries will come out too now?

Omg it was all a haox!!!!!!
Unable to connect to the database
19.12.2022 - 22:30
no one
Finally got it and it knocked me out, people in my village said it was just like a cold but i got a flue slash stomach bug, I was pretty fucked for a minute their. I'm fully vaccinated too.
Unable to connect to the database
19.12.2022 - 23:23
Meat and Potatos
I never got it.

And I go out a lot, lol
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
20.12.2022 - 00:47
no one
Written by Karlabos on 19.12.2022 at 23:23

I never got it.

And I go out a lot, lol

If you get it now though you get the miss all Christmas gatherings and events bundle for the same price
Unable to connect to the database
20.12.2022 - 09:02
Written by Karlabos on 19.12.2022 at 23:23

I never got it.

How do you know?
20.12.2022 - 09:18
Nocturnal Bro
My lab partner just had a 40 °C fever for the last week and a half.
20.12.2022 - 14:37
Meat and Potatos
Written by Redel on 20.12.2022 at 09:02

Written by Karlabos on 19.12.2022 at 23:23

I never got it.

How do you know?

Well, I never felt the symptons.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
20.12.2022 - 16:07
Written by Karlabos on 20.12.2022 at 14:37

Well, I never felt the symptons.

Well, you still could have caught the virus, right?
20.12.2022 - 16:31
Meat and Potatos
Written by Redel on 20.12.2022 at 16:07

Written by Karlabos on 20.12.2022 at 14:37

Well, I never felt the symptons.

Well, you still could have caught the virus, right?

I don't know, could I? People are saying this disease is very strong and make you very sick and borderline death and all... And I never caught even a mild flu. Also if I had I'd have passed it to the people I interact with daily, no? But that also never happened... It's highly improbable that I've contracted it
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
20.12.2022 - 16:41
Written by Karlabos on 20.12.2022 at 16:31

Written by Redel on 20.12.2022 at 16:07

Written by Karlabos on 20.12.2022 at 14:37

Well, I never felt the symptons.

Well, you still could have caught the virus, right?

I don't know, could I? People are saying this disease is very strong and make you very sick and borderline death and all... And I never caught even a mild flu. Also if I had I'd have passed it to the people I interact with daily, no? But that also never happened... It's highly improbable that I've contracted it

There is evidence for a strong relevance of asymptomatic COVID. And not everyboby who caught the virus necessarily passes it onto others they interact with, more so if they are asymptomatic. I would rather say that it is highly probable that you have caught COVID if you were going out a lot over the past three years.
20.12.2022 - 18:06
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by F3ynman on 20.12.2022 at 09:18

My lab partner just had a 40 °C fever for the last week and a half.

I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.12.2022 - 19:26
Nocturnal Bro
Written by Bad English on 20.12.2022 at 18:06

Written by F3ynman on 20.12.2022 at 09:18

My lab partner just had a 40 °C fever for the last week and a half.


I'm not sure. But I think so.
Another colleague of mine was vaccinated but ended up in the hospital because of covid. He's better now but can't exercise too much without being out of breath immediately.
20.12.2022 - 23:57
Meat and Potatos
Written by Redel on 20.12.2022 at 16:41

Written by Karlabos on 20.12.2022 at 16:31

Written by Redel on 20.12.2022 at 16:07

Written by Karlabos on 20.12.2022 at 14:37

Well, I never felt the symptons.

Well, you still could have caught the virus, right?

I don't know, could I? People are saying this disease is very strong and make you very sick and borderline death and all... And I never caught even a mild flu. Also if I had I'd have passed it to the people I interact with daily, no? But that also never happened... It's highly improbable that I've contracted it

There is evidence for a strong relevance of asymptomatic COVID. And not everyboby who caught the virus necessarily passes it onto others they interact with, more so if they are asymptomatic. I would rather say that it is highly probable that you have caught COVID if you were going out a lot over the past three years.

So you are saying not only I don't get the virus but also don't spread?


"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
21.12.2022 - 07:01
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by F3ynman on 20.12.2022 at 19:26

Written by Bad English on 20.12.2022 at 18:06

Written by F3ynman on 20.12.2022 at 09:18

My lab partner just had a 40 °C fever for the last week and a half.


I'm not sure. But I think so.
Another colleague of mine was vaccinated but ended up in the hospital because of covid. He's better now but can't exercise too much without being out of breath immediately.

That's odd maybe refill needs be done.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
21.12.2022 - 07:40
no one
Whole family has it now, Christmas officially cancelled. Kinda gutted I can't go away but oh well
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