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Animal abuse/neglect

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Posted by AnGina--, 27.08.2011 - 21:54
I wanted to put this topic in the ''Serious discussion'' forum, but as I am good and follow the rules I created it here and I really hope and wish you would cooperate with me on this particular topic, as I would also like to ask a few questions and gather some answers.

The reason why I decided to start this debate is that lately in our country there has been a lot going on in the fields of animal abuse, torture and neglect and on the other hand, as I am just finishing my 6 years lasting education to become a doctor of veterinary medicine and for my last exam I am dealing with tones of laws and regulations that concirn the veterinary sector in general, including the law about animal rights and their protection.

Just a few examples, a month ago a dog was found dead in the vineyard, with severe hemorraghes due to head trauma caused by several strokes with the blunt part of an axe. When the police took the this event into investigation, they discovered that the person who did this, took the neighbour's dog, because he was annoyed with his barking, to the vineyard and killed him. Picture1

A few days ago the first imprisonment was said in our country due to animal cruelty. The case is about a year old, a dog was found with no water, no food, severely anemic because of the flea and tick manifestation and blind. He was then euthanised, because he was barely alive, his blood counts were so low that even a transfusion would not save him, his eyes were damaged beyond repair, all because his owner just left him there. He only got a month in prison, but at least finally our judicial system took the matter of animal abuse more seriously. For the record, the guy showed no remorse in the court, he stated that he doesn't feel any guilt over what he did.
These are some pictures of this dog: Picture1 Picture2

A few months ago a guy was also sentenced, because he chained a dog to his care and drove around, untill dog died of trauma and shock. He was sentenced only to a fee of 400?. His ''excuse'' was that the dog seemed dangerous to him and thought he would hurt his daughter (with no signs of barking, agressiveness or anything else in that direction however).

There are many many cases still going on, daily. A decade ago a bunch of teenagers tortured and killed over 30 cats by nailing them on the walls and putting test tubes up their rectum and filling those test tubes with firecrackers, so the cats exploded. Because they were minors, they didn't get sentenced at all.

So my questions to you are:
- How is it with animal abuse in your country? Is it widespread, does these kind of actions get medically exposed, how do people react on such news; are they stoic or judgemental of those acts?
- Do you have any associations in your country that fight for animal rights, against animal torture; are they effecient?
- Do you think dealing with animal abuse is even crucial; do you see animals as living beings with the right to live a good life or are you careless about them? Have any pets?
- Do you know anything about the laws in your country, what do they state about animal abuse, what is considered abuse and neglect and what is acceptable? What are the sentences?

Note: as we are already discussion the animal breeding for human consumption in the other thread, that particular part of animal abuse is left out, because it is legal and generally accepted. Here I would like your opinions about animal abuse of pets, of any kind, even fish if you know any.
30.10.2011 - 16:31
Dark Phoenix
Written by X-Ray Rod on 30.10.2011 at 15:15

That's my main point, I really don't give a damn about the words they use. That part it's not really that important to me. But if they are gonna kill lobsters anyway... They might as well do it "the better way".

Well, I do, because I oftenly see the misuse of this word - and as I said, in the text you linked, not in your words.

Written by AnGina-- on 30.10.2011 at 12:30

Just in the case there is a misunderstanding: We're on the same page on this issue as well. Because I really don't think the taste would change at all so I'm also calling bullshit on that too.

I got you there, I'm just not sure if I understand the whole thing with the lobster/taste/stuff in water..... But that's really not the issue here.

I usually see the word "Humane" as kind of tricky, you know?

I know, that's why I mentioned it. Because as I said, the used is oftenly misused or even abused. But it has become very popular, especially dealing with animal killing. But I'm still pro euthanasia, as I said, if justified. Here's a story I've seen as a vet: female dog, 11 years old, comes to the hospital, because she was catatonic, barely had any pulse (way below normal value), barely had any blood pressure, she was pale, barely breathing, hypothermic, bleeding from her eyes. The dog wasn't registered, never vaccinated, never treated and had a massive 10×10×5 cm tumor on her head. Now the size of that tumour tells you immediately this hasn't grown overnight and it was well seen, so the owners could not state they didn't notice it. The dog died on the table, before we were able to euthanise her. And IMHO, it is far worse to leave your animal sick, without treatment, in severe pain to die than to euthanise an animal. My case here being, I think it is humane - done out of compassion and wanting to save an animal for spending days, weeks or even months in pain - to euthanise an animal in such condition. To not do so, it's juist selfish, evil and if I had the authorities, I would sentence the owners.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.