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Most popular publications

This is the list of Metal Storm most popular publications. The numbers on the right indicate the number of hits during the current month | total. The counter has been launched on Nov. 15 2007.

Reviews: May | Total Events: May | Total
Interviews: May | Total Articles: May | Total
Funny stuff: May | Total News: May | Total
Albums: May | Total Comics: May | Total
ALL: May | Total

This month in Comics

Comics Epic 21 | 5629
Comics Special Christmas 16 | 7265
Comics New Metal 14 | 10636
Comics Hit It While It's Hot 14 | 7674
Comics Bad Religion 11 | 5753
Comics March of the UnDead 11 | 7756
Comics Acid Bloody Gore 10 | 6882
Comics That's all, folks 10 | 302
Comics Love Bloody Gore 9 | 6184
Comics Incipit Jesus 9 | 8103
Comics Shallow Water Crowd Surfing 9 | 7332
Comics When God Logs Off 9 | 7676
Comics Beautiful Science 9 | 5165
Comics Classic Stunts 9 | 3851
Comics The Corporate Machine 9 | 6216
Comics Something to Cry About 8 | 11139
Comics Polo! 8 | 5457
Comics Shot in the Dark 7 | 7422
Comics Fallout Only! 7 | 4917
Comics Apocalypse Later (Thrash Now!) 7 | 8604
Comics Suicide is Simple! 7 | 7941
Comics Cred to the World 7 | 8185
Comics Crash Course In Plastic Surgery 7 | 4833
Comics Gorecafé 7 | 6085
Comics 12-gauge Education System 6 | 4504
Comics Greasenf?hrer 6 | 3826
Comics The pilot 6 | 10170
Comics Holy Crap 6 | 8019
Comics Porn Piece or the Scars of Hot Licks 6 | 9972
Comics Bible Beater: Moshing Wounds pt. 2 6 | 8820
Comics Kristus, ein Windir 6 | 9453
Comics Lost and Found Horizon 6 | 7278
Comics ANNOUNCEMENT 6 | 3763
Comics Swing Thor, Swing! 6 | 4795
Comics Air Farce 6 | 4933
Comics Divine Intervention 6 | 4966
Comics Gore-to-Gore Sale 6 | 7026
Comics PSA: Free Porn Inside! 6 | 6604
Comics Pi?ata! 5 | 4394
Comics The Merry Reaper 5 | 4634
Comics The Obligatory Matrix Reference 5 | 4397
Comics Little Brother 5 | 5766
Comics At a Loss For Words 5 | 8935
Comics Still too Young to Fall in Love 5 | 8610
Comics Johnny Got His Stabbing Weapon 5 | 5437
Comics Jungle Love 5 | 5281
Comics Dune, Bloody Gore 5 | 4964
Comics For Those Who Fell 5 | 8248
Comics Perversions Galore 5 | 4397
Comics The Good, the Bad and the Charlie 5 | 5472