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King Scarecrow - Album collection

Led Zeppelin

1969 - Led Zeppelin7
1969 - Led Zeppelin II6
1970 - Led Zeppelin III7
1971 - Led Zeppelin IV7
1973 - Houses Of The Holy5
1975 - Physical Graffiti6
1976 - Presence5
1982 - Coda3

The Who

1965 - My Generation6
1966 - A Quick One6
1967 - The Who Sell Out6
1969 - Tommy7
1971 - Who's Next6
1973 - Quadrophenia6
1975 - The Who By Numbers6
1978 - Who Are You3
1981 - Face Dances4
1982 - It's Hard2


Top styles

Rock 39%
Hard rock 39%
Heavy 21%


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TuTku 24
gliex2 24
Umideath 22
Powerslavex 22
stickman 22
Fade To Black 20
legion1349 19
O Sinistron 19
Minkaro 17
JCJen7 16


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