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emperorik - Album collection


1983 - Kill 'Em All9
1984 - Jump In The Fire [EP]9
1984 - Ride The Lightning10
1984 - Creeping Death [EP]9
1986 - Master Of Puppets10
1987 - The $5.98 EP - Garage Days Re-Revisited [EP]9
1988 - ...And Justice For All10
1988 - Harvester Of Sorrow [EP]9
1990 - The Good, The Bad And The Live9
1991 - Metallica8
1992 - Live At Wembley Stadium [EP]8
1996 - Load7
1996 - Hero Of The Day [EP]6
1997 - Re-Load7
1999 - S&M [Live]8
2003 - St. Anger7
2004 - The Unnamed Feeling [EP]7
2004 - Some Kind Of Monster [EP]7
2008 - Death Magnetic9


Top styles

Heavy 53%
Thrash 47%


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InfiniteDreams 39
EmperorIX 38
redTobi666 36
Stotty 36
trumpetsfromhell 36
planetmars85 36
Derwood 35
HoleInTheSky1985 35
Ariesfire 34
Thrasher Hungary 32


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