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1998-  Alex Seiberl - keyboards
1998-  Sandro D'Incau - guitars
2001-  Andrea Dätwyler - vocals
2001-  Ronnie Wolf - drums
2001-  Emilio MG Barrantes - bass
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1998-2001  Beat Brack - bass
1998-2001  Ermes Di Prisco - drums
2001-2008  Andrè "Andy" Leuenberger - guitars
2008-2009  Marc Torretti - guitars
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2001  Marc Torretti - vocals
› 2004  -//-
2006  Michael "Miro" Rodenberg - choirs vocals
2006  Dieter Meier - narration
2006  John Payne - vocals
› 2009  -//-
2006  Oliver Hartmann - vocals
2006-2009  Amanda Somerville-Scharf - backing vocals
2009  Sascha Paeth - additional vocals

Latest reviews

Good yet not too inventive

Is funny that a band from Switzerland uses a Spanish word as a band name, although quite understandable for all, Lunatica is the female form of Lunatic, also Lunatica is a Gothic Metal band and Fables & Dreams is their...
Review by Undercraft ››

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